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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 8 8 Browse Search
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Aegine'ta a modeller (fictor) mentioned by Pliny. (H. N. 35.11. s. 40.) Scholars are now pretty well agreed, that Winckelmann was mistaken in supposing that the word Aeginetae in the passage of Pliny denoted merely the country of some artist, whose real name, for some reason or other, was not given. His brother Pasias, a painter of some distinction, was a pupil of Erigonus, who had been colour-grinder to the artist Nealces. We learn from Plutarch (Plut. Arat. 13), that Nealces was a friend of Aratus of Sicyon, who was elected praetor of the Achaean league B. C. 243. We shall not be far wrong therefore in assuming, that Aegineta and his brother flourished about Ol. CXL. B. C. 220. (K. O. Müller, Arch. der Kunst. p. 151.) [C.P.M
Agis Iv. the elder son of Eudamidas II., was the 24th king of the Eurypontid line. He succeeded his father in B. C. 244, and reigned four years. In B. C. 243, after the liberation of Corinth by Aratus, the general of the Achaean league, Agis led an army against him, but was defeated. (Paus. 2.8.4.) The interest of his reign, however, is derived from events of a different kind. Through the influx of wealth and luxury, with their concomitant vices, the Spartans had greatly degenerated from the ancient simplicity and severity of manners. Not above 700 families of the genuine Spartan stock remained, and in consequence of the innovation introduced by Epitadeus, who procured a repeal of the law which secured to every Spartan head of a family an equal portion of land, the landed property had passed into the hands of a few individuals, of whom a great number were females, so that not above 100 Spartan families possessed estates, while the poor were burdened with debt. Agis, who from his earl
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Funda'nia Gens plebeian, first came into notice in the middle of the third century B. C. ; but though one of its members obtained the consulship (B. C. 243), the Fundanii never attained much importance in the state. FUNDULUS is the only cognomen that occurs in this gens. [W.B.D] It is uncertain to whom the two following coins of this gens, both of which bear the name C. Fundanius, are to be referred. The first has on the obverse the head of Jupiter, and on the reverse Victory placing a crown upon a trophy, with a captive kneeling by the side: the second has on the obverse the head of Pallas, and on the reverse Jupiter in a quadriga, the horses of which are driven by a person sitting upon one of them; the Q at the too indicates that the coin was a Quinarius.
ulus, C. F. Q. N. was one of the plebeian aediles in B. C. 246. He united with his colleague, Ti. Sempronius Gracchus, in the impeachment of Claudia, one of the daughters of App. Claudius Caecus. [CLAUDIA, NO. 1.] After encountering a strenuous opposition from the numerous members and connections of the Claudian gens, the aediles at length imposed a heavy fine on Claudia; and they employed the money in building on the Aventine hill a temple to Liberty. (Liv. 24.16.) Fundanius was consul in B. C. 243, and was sent into Sicily to oppose Hamilcar Barcas, who then occupied the town of Eryx. The Carthaginian commander sent to the Roman camp to demand a truce for the interment of the slain. Fundanius replied that Hamilcar should rather propose a truce for the living, and rejected his demand. But afterwards, when Fundanius made a similar proposal, Hamilcar at once granted it, observing that he warred not with the dead. (Gel. 10.6; Diod. Fragm. Vatican. p. 53.) Tlie scholiast on Cicero's spee
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Gallus, Sulpi'cius 1. C. Sulpicius Ser. N. Gallus, C. F., was consul in B. C. 243 with C. Fundanius Fundulus. (Fasti; Diod. Fragm. Vat. p. 60, ed. Dindorf.)
stablished the Roman supremacy in Sicily, and may be said to have had a decisive influence on the fate of the war. (Plb. 1.39, 40; Flor. 2.2.27; Eutrop. 2.24; Oros. 4.9; Frontin. Strateg. 2.5.4; Cic. de Rep. 1.1; Liv. Epit. 19; Plin. Nat. 7.43. s. 45; Dionys. A. R. 2.66.) In B. C. 249, Metellus was magister equitum to the dictator A. Atilius Calatinus, and in B. C. 247 consul a second time with N. Fabius Buteo, but nothing of importance took place during this year. Four years afterwards (B. C. 243) he was elected pontifex maximus, and held this dignity for twenty-two years. He must, therefore, have died shortly before the commencement of the second Punic war, B. C. 221. An act of Metellus during his highpriesthood is recorded by the historians. In B. C. 241 he rescued the Palladium when the temple of Vesta was on fire, but lost his sight in consequence: he was, therefore, rewarded by the people with a statue on the Capitol, and the permission, previously granted to no one, of riding
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Persaeus or Persaeus Cittieus (search)
and to have guided the monarch in his choice of literary associates, as we learn from a sneer of Bion's, recorded by Laertius. At last, unhappily for himself, he was appointed to a chief command in Corinth, and hence he is classed by Aelian (Ael. VH 3.17), among those philosophers who have taken an active part in public affairs. According to Athenaeus (iv. p. 162c), who has no high opinion of his morality, his dissipation led to the loss of Corinth, which was taken by Aratus the Sicyonian, B. C. 243. Pausanias (2.8, 7.8) states that he was then slain. Plutarch doubtfully represents him as escaping to Cenchreae. But this may have been to put into his mouth when alive, what Athenaeus says of him when dead, that he who had been taught by Zeno to consider philosophers as the only men fit to be generals, had been forced to alter his opinion, being corrected by a Sicyonian youth. Works We find a list of his writings in Laertius, in which we are startled to find *Que/sths. Athenaeus (4.14
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Ptolemaeus Euergetes (search)
l in the East, his fleets reduced the maritime provinces of Asia, including Cilicia, Pamphylia, and Ionia, as far as the Hellespont, together with Lysimachia and other important places on the coast of Thrace which continued for a long period subject to the Egyptian rule. (Monutm. Adulitan. apud Clinlzo. F. H. vol. iii. p. 382; Hieronymv. ad Daniel. 11.7; Justin, 27.1; Appian. Syr. 65; Plb. 5.58.) Concerning the events which followed the return of Euergetes to his own dominions (probably in B. C. 243) we are almost wholly in the dark; but it appears that the greater part of the eastern provinces speedily fell again into the hands of Seleucus, while Ptolemy retained possession of the maritime regions and a great part of Syria itself. He soon obtained a valuable ally in the person of Antiochus Hierax, the younger brother of Seleucus, whom he uniformly supported in his wars against his elder brother, and by this diversion effectually prevented Seleucus from prosecuting active hostilities