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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 13 13 Browse Search
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Appian, Syrian Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XI (search)
ife. He had two wives, Laodice and Berenice, the former a love-match, the latter a daughter pledged to him by Ptolemy Philadelphus. Laodice assassinated him and afterward Berenice and her child. Ptolemy, the son of Philadelphus, avenged these crimes by killing Laodice. He invaded Syria and advanced as far as Babylon. The Parthians now began their revolt, taking advantage of the confusion in the house of the Seleucidæ. Y.R. 588 Seleucus, the son of Theos and Laodice, surnamed B.C. 246 Callinicus (the Triumphant), succeeded Theos as king of Y.R. 528 Syria. After Seleucus his two sons, Seleucus and Antiochus, B.C. 226 succeeded in the order of their age. As Seleucus was sickly and poor and unable to command the obedience of the army, he was poisoned by a court conspiracy in the Y.R. 530 second year of his reign. His brother was Antiochus the B.C. 224 Great, who went to war with the Romans, of whom I have 567 written above. He reigned thirty-seven years. I have B.C. 187 alrea
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Anti'ochus Hierax (*)Anti/oxos *(Ie/rac), so called from his grasping and ambitious character, was the younger son of Antiochus II., king of Syria. On the death of his father in B. C. 246, Antiochus waged war upon his brother Seleucus Callinicus, in order to obtain Asia Minor for himself as an independent kingdom. This war lasted for many years, but Antiochus was at length entirely defeated, chiefly through the efforts of Attalus, king of Pergamus, who drove him out of Asia Minor. Antiochus subsequently fled to Egypt, where he was killed by robbers in B. C. 227. He married a daughter of Zielas, king of Bithynia. (Just. 27.2, 3; Polyaen. 4.17; Plut. Mor. p. 489a.; Euseb. Chron. Arm. pp. 346, 347 ; Clinton, F. H. iii. pp. 311, 312, 413.) Apollo is represented on the reverse of the annexed coin. (Eckhel, iii. p. 219.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Antio'chus Theos (search)
mer wife Laodice and marrying Berenice, a daughter of Ptolemy. This connexion between Syria and Egypt is referred to in the book of Daniel (11.6), where by the king of the south we are to understand Egypt, and by the king of the north, Syria, On the death of Ptolemy two years afterwards Antiochus recalled Laodice, but she could not forgive the insult that had been shewn her, and, still mistrusting Antiochus, caused him to be murdered as well as Berenice and her son. Antiochus was killed in B. C. 246, after a reign of fifteen years. By Laodice he had four children, Seleucus Callinicus, who succeeded him, Antiochus Hierax, a daughter, Stratonice, married to Mithridates, and another daughter married to Ariarathes. Phylarchus related (Athen. 10.438), that Antiochus was much given to wine. (Appian, App. Syr. 65 ; Athen. 2.45; Justin, 27.1; Polyaen. 8.50; V. Max. 9.14.1, extern.; Hieronym. ad Dan. 100.11.) On the reverse of the coin annexed, Hercules is represented with his club in his hand
Aristarchus (*)Ari/starxos). 1. A Greek PHYSICIAN, of whom no particulars are known, except that he was attached to the court of Berenice, the wife of Antiochus Theos, king of Syria, B. C. 261-246 (Polyaen. Strateg. 8.50), and persuaded her to trust herself in the hands of her treacherous enemie
Bero'sus (*Bhrwso/s or *Bhrwssro/s), a priest of Belus at Babylon, and an historian. His name is usually considered to be the same as Bar or Ber Oseas, that is, son of Oseas. (Scalig. Animadr. ad Euseb. p. 248.) He was born in the reign of Alexander the Great, and lived till that of Antiochus II. urnamed *Qeo/s (B. C. 261-246), in whose reign he is said to have written his history of Babylonia. (Tatian, ad v. Gent. 58; Euseb. Praep. Evang. x. p. 289.) Respecting the personal history of Berosus scarcely anything is known; but he must have been a man of education and extensive learning, and was well acquainted with the Greek language, which the conquests of Alexander had diffused over a great part of Asia. Some writers have thought that they can discover in the extant fragments of his work traces of the author's ignorance of the Chaldee language, and thus have come to the conciusion, that the history of Babylonia was the work of a Greek, who assumed the name of a celebrated Babylonian.
Clau'dia 1. Five of this name were daughters of App. Claudius Caecus, censor B. C. 312. [CLAUDIUS, Stemma, No. 10.) It is related of one of them, that, being thronged by the people as she was returning home from the games, she expressed a wish that her brother Publius had been alive, that he might again lose a fleet, and lessen the number of the populace. For this she was fined by the plebeian aediles, B. C. 246. (Liv. xix.; Valer. Max. viii., 1.4; Sueton. Tib. 2; Gel. 10.6.)
in B. C. 249, and commanded the fleet sent to reinforce the troops at Lilybaeum. In defiance of the auguries, he attacked the Carthaginian fleet lying in the harbour of Drepana, but was entirely defeated, with the loss of almost all his forces. (Plb. 1.49, &c. ; Cic. De Divin. i. 16, 2.8, 33; Schol. Bob. in Cic. p. 337, ed. Orell.; Liv. xix.; Suet. Tib. 2.) Claudius was recalled and commanded to appoint a dictator. He named M. Claudius Glycias or Glicia, the son of a freedman. but the nomination was immediately superseded. (Suet. Tib. 2; Fasti Capit.) P. Claudius was accused of high treason, and, according to Polybius (1.52) and Cicero (de Nat. Deor. 2.3), was severely punished. According to other accounts (Schol. Bob. l.c. ; V. Max. 8.1.4), a thunder-storm which happened stopped the proceedings; but he was impeached a second time and fined. He did not long survive his disgrace. He was dead before B. C. 246. [CLAUDIA, No. 1.] The probability is that he killed himself. (V. Max. 1.4.3.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
or Panciroli (de Clar. Interp. p. 21) says, that Coruncanius was censor with C. Claudius; and Val. Forsterus (Historia Juris, fol. 41, b.) states, that in his censorship the population ineluded in the census amounted to 277,222. About B. C. 254, Coruncanius was created pontifex maximus, and was the first plebeian who ever filled that office (Liv. Epist. xviii.), although, before that time, his brother jurist, P. Sempronius Sophus, and other plebeians, had been pontifices. (Liv. 10.9.) In B. C. 246, he was appointed dictator for the purpose of holding the comitia, in order to prevent the necessity of recalling either of the consuls from Sicily; and he must have died shortly afterwards, at a very advanced age (Cic. de Senect. 6), for, in Liv. Epit. xix., Caecilius Metellus is named as pontifex maximus. Coruncanius was a remarkable man. He lived on terms of strict friendship with M'. Curius and other eminent statesmen of his day. He was a Roman sage (Sapiens), a character more practi
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Crassus, Octaci'lius 1. M'. Octacilius Crassus, was consul in B. C. 263 with M'. Valerius Maximus, and crossed with a numerous army over to Sicily. After having induced many of the Sicilian towns to surrender, the consuls advanced against Hiero of Syracuse. The king, in compliance with the desire of his people, concluded a peace, which the Romans gladly accepted, and in which he gave up to them the towns they had taken, delivered up the Roman prisoners, and paid a contribution of 200 talents. He thus became the ally of Rome. In B. C. 246 Crassus was consul a second time with M. Fabius Licinus, and carried on the war against the Carthaginians, though nothing of any consequence seems to have been accomplished. (Plb. 1.16 &c.; Zonar. 8.9 ; Eutrop. 2.10; Oros. 4.7; Gellius, 10.6.)
nce with Diodotus, and may perhaps have confirmed him in the possession of his sovereignty, to secure his co-operation against Tiridates. Diodotus, however, died apparently just about this time. (Just. 41.4; Strab. xi. p.515; compare Wilson's Ariana, pp. 215-219; Droysen's Hellenismus, ii. pp. 325, 412, 760; Raoul Rochette Journ. des Sauans, Oct. 1835.) With regard to the date of the revolt of Diodotus, it appears from Strabo and Justin to have preceded that of Arsaces in Parthia, and may therefore be referred with much probability to the latter part of the reign of Antiochus II. in Syria. B. C. 261-246. [See ARSACES, p. 354a.] The date usually received is 256 B. C., but any such precise determination rests only on mere conjecture. Concerning the Bactrian kings in general see Bayer, Historia Regni Graecorum Bactriani, 4to. Petrop. 1738; Lassen, Zur Geschichte der Griechischen und Indo-Skytischen Könige in Baktrien, 8vo. Bonn, 1838; Wilson's Ariana Antiqua, 4to. Lond. 1841. [E.H.B
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