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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 8 8 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 4 4 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 26-27 (ed. Frank Gardner Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 1 1 Browse Search
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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, IUPPITER OPTIMUS MAXIMUS CAPITOLINUS, AEDES (search)
lium (Plin. NH xxxiv. 77). Cf. CIL i². 725, 730-732=vi. 30920-4 for dedicatory inscriptions set up at this temple. Whether vi. 30928 (with which go 30921, 30923; cf. ib. is. 732) belonged to it or to the CAPITOLIUM VETUS (q.v.) cannot be determined. Lightning frequently struck on the Capitol and did much damage, probably to the temple itself (Cic. Cat. iii. 19; de Div. i. 20; ii. 45; Cass. Dio xli. 14; xlii. 26; xlv. 17; xlvii. 10), and Augustus restored it at great expense, probably about 26 B.C., but without placing his own name upon it (Mon. Anc. iv. 9). It is thrice mentioned in the Acta Lud. Saec. (CIL vi. 32323. 9, 29, 70). Further injury by lightning is recorded in 9 B.C. (Cass. Dio Iv. I) and 56 A.D. (Tac. Ann. xiii. 24). In 69 A.D. the second temple, though ungarrisoned and unplundered, was burned when the Capitol was stormed by the Vitellians (Tac. Hist. iii. 71; Suet. Vit. 15; Cass. Diolxiv. 17; Stat. Silv. v. 3. 195-200; Hier. a. Abr. 2089), and rebuilt by Vespasian on it
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, IUPPITER TONANS, AEDES (search)
IUPPITER TONANS, AEDES (templa, Martial; nao/s, Cass. Dio cit.): a temple on the Capitol, vowed by Augustus in 26 B.C. because of his narrow escape from being struck by lightning during his Cantabrian campaign, and dedicated ist September, 22 B.C. (Mon. Anc. iv. 5; Suet. Aug. 29; Mart. vii. 60. 2; Cass. Dio liv. 4; Fast. Amit. Ant. Arv. ad Kal. Sept., CIL i². p. 244, 248; vi. 2295). Cf. also CIL vi. 32323, 1. 31. The name Iuppiter Tonans (cf. Ov. Fast. ii. 69: Capitolinumque Tonantem; Mart. v. 16. 5: falcifer Tonans) was a translation of *zeu\s brontw=n (Cass. Dio loc. cit.), which form appears in a Latin transliteration in two inscriptions (CIL vi. 432, 2241). It was famous for its magnificence (Suet. Aug. 29: inter opera praecipua), with walls of solid marble (Plin. NH xxxvi. 50), and contained some notable works of art (Plin. NH xxxiv. 78, 79). Augustus visited this temple frequently, and on one occasion is said to have dreamed that Jupiter complained that the popularity of
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SAEPTA IULIA (search)
and ta\ *se/pta): the building which Caesar planned to erect (Cic. ad Att. iv. 16. 14) in place of the earlier saepta (see OVILE), the voting precinct in the campus Martius. It was to be of marble, surrounded by a lofty porticus one mile in length. Whether actually begun by Caesar or not, it was partly built by Lepidus (stoai=s pe/ric u(po\ tou= *lepi/dou pro\s ta\s fuletika\s a)rxairesi/as (comitiis tributis) sunw|kodomhme/na, Cass. Dio liii. 23), and completed and dedicated by Agrippa in 26 B.C. Agrippa decorated the building with stone tablets and paintings, and gave the official designation of saepta Iulia. It seems to have been ordinarily called saepta only; once porticus saeptorum (Plin. NH xvi. 201); and once, in the third century, saepta Agrippiana (Hist. Aug. Alex. 26). It also continued to be known as ovile (Liv. xxvi. 22; Lucan ii. 197; Auson. Grat. act. iii. 13; Serv. Ecl. i. 33). In the saepta gladiatorial combats were exhibited by Augustus (Suet. Aug. 43; Cass. Dio lv.
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
ple of Hercules Musarum restored, 255. Porticus Philippi, 428. 29Arch of Augustus, 34; Amphitheatre of Statilius Taurus, 11. House of M. Antonius on Palatine burnt, 156. (ca.). Augustus buys and rebuilds house of Catulus, 175. 28Temple of Apollo Palatinus dedicated, 16. Mausoleum of Augustus, 332. Temporary wooden Stadium of Augustus, 495. 27-25Pantheon of Agrippa, 382. 27House of Augustus completed, 157. Porticus of Octavia built to substitute that of Metellus, 305, 427. 26Temple of Juppiter Tonans on Capitol vowed, 305. Agrippa dedicates the Saepta, 460. (ca.). Temple of Juppiter Capitolinus restored, 300. 25Agrippa: builds Porticus Argonautarum, 420; Thermae begun, 518; builds Basilica Neptuni, 8 ; Horrea Agrippiana (?), 260; Temple of Bonus Eventus, 86; Stagnum Agrippae, 496; bridge, 398; Porticus Vipsania, 430. 23Library in the Porticus of Octavia, 84. (ca.). Pavement of Forum and Tribunal Praetorium, 234. 22Temple of Juppiter