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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 5 5 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Polybius, Histories, book 2, The Aetolians Envy the Achaeans (search)
and national advancement The Aetolians and Antigonus Doson, B. C. 229-220. which these events brought to the Achaeans excited the envy of the Aetolians; who, besides their natural inclination to unjust and selfish aggrandisement, were inspired with the hope of breaking up the union of Achaean states, as they had before succeeded in partitioning those of Acarnania with Alexander,Alexander II. of Epirus, son of Pyrrhus, whom he succeeded B. C. 272. The partition of Acarnania took place in B. C. 266. and had planned to do those of Achaia with Antigonus Gonatas. Instigated once more by similar expectations, they had now the assurance to enter into communication and close alliance at once with Antigonus (at that time ruling Macedonia as guardian of the young King Philip), and with Cleomenes, King of Sparta. They saw that Antigonus had undisputed possession of the throne of Macedonia, while he was an open and avowed enemy of the Achaeans owing to the surprise of the Acrocorinthus; and they
ates; CoptosIts hieroglyphical name was Kobto, and its site is now occupied by the modern town of Kouft or Keft. It was situate in lat. 26° north, on the right bank of the Nile, about a mile from its banks. As a halting place or rather watering-place for the caravans, it was enriched by the commerce between Libya and Egypt on the one hand, and Arabia and India and Egypt on the other, the latter being carried on through the port of Berenice on the Red Sea, founded by Ptolemy Philadelphus, B.C. 266. In the seventh century of the Christian era, it bore for some time the name of Justinianopolis. There are a few remains of Roman buildings to be seen on its site., which from its proximity to the Nile, forms its nearest emporium for the merchandise of India and Arabia; then the town of VenusAlso called Aphrodite or Aphroditopolis. Of this name there were several towns or cities in ancient Egypt. In Lower Egypt there was Atarbechis, thus named, and a town mentioned by Strabo in the nome of Le
ygia, revolted from Artaxerxes in B. C. 362, and may be regarded as the founder of the independent kingdom of Pontus. Demosthenes, in B. C. 352, speaks of Ariobarzanes and his three sons having been lately made Athenian citizens. (In Aristocrat. pp. 666, 687.) He mentions him again (pro Rhod. p. 193) in the following year, B. C. 351, and says, that the Athenians had sent Timotheus to his assistance; but that when the Athenian general saw that Ariobarzanes was in open revolt against the king, he refused to assist him. III. The son of Mithridates III., began to reign B. C. 266 and died about B. C. 240. He obtained possession of the city of Amastris, which was surrendered to him. (Memnon, cc. 16, 24, ed. Orelli.) Ariobarzanes and his father, Mithridates, sought the assistance of the Gauls, who had come into Asia twelve years before the death of Mithridates, to expel the Egyptians sent by Ptolemy. (Apollon. apud Steph. Byz. s. v. *)/Agkura.) Ariobarzanes was succeeded by Mithridates IV.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Deme'trius Ii. (*Dhmh/trios) II., king of MACEDONIA, was the son of Antigonus Gonatas, and succeeded his father in B. C. 239. According to Justin (26.2), he had distinguished himself as early as B. C. 266 or 265, by the defeat of Alexander of Epeirus, who had invaded the territories of his father: but this statement is justly rejected by Droysen (Hellenismus, ii. p. 214) and Niebuhr (Kleine Schrift. p. 228) on account of his extreme youth, as he could not at this time have been above twelve years old. (See, however, Euseb. Arm. i. p. 160; Thirlwall's Greece, vol. viii. p. 90.) Of the events of his reign, which lasted ten years, B. C. 239-229 (Plb. 2.44; Droysen, ii. p. 400, not.), our knowledge is so imperfect, that very opposite opinions have been formed concerning his character and abilities. He followed up the policy of his father Antigonus, by cultivating friendly relations with the tyrants of the different cities in the Peloponnese, in opposition to the Achaean league (Plb. 2.44
Pera 1. D. Junius Pera, D. F. D. N., was consul B. C. 266, with N. Fabius Pictor, and triumphed twice in this year, the first time over the Sassinates, and the second time over the Sallentini and Messapii. He was censor in B. C. 253, with L. Postumius Megellus. (Fasti Capit.)
Pictor 3. N. FABIUS PICTOR, also son of No. 1, was consul B. C. 266 with D. Junius Pera, and triumphed twice in this year, like his colleague, the first time over the Sassinates, and the second time over the Sallentini and Messapii (Fasti). It appears to have been this Fabius Pictor, and not his brother, who was one of the three ambassadors sent by the senate to Ptolemy Philadelphus, in B. C. 276 (V. Max. 4.3.9, with the Commentators). For an account of this embassy see OGULNIUS. Cicero says Cicero says that N. Fabius Pictor related the dream of Aeneas in his Greek Annals (Cic. Div. 1.21). This is the only passage in which mention is made of this annalist. Vossius (de Hist. Latin. i. p. 14) and Krause (Vitae et Fragm. Hist. Roman. p. 83) suppose him to be a son of the consul of B. C. 266, but Orelli (Onom. Tull. p. 246) and others consider him to be the same as the consul. One is almost tempted to suspect that there is a mistake in the praenomen, and that it ought to be Quintus.