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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 281 BC or search for 281 BC in all documents.

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Ma'lacon (*Mala/kwn), a native of Heracleia, on the Euxine, in the service of Seleucus, who slew Lysimachuts with a javelin at the battle of Corupedion, B. C. 281. (Memnon, 100.8.) [E.H.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Mithridates Iii. son of the preceding, whom he succeeded on the throne in B. C. 302. He is said to have added largely to the dominions inherited from his father, by the acquisition of great part of Cappadocia and Paphlagonia, but whether by conquest or by the cession of the Macedonian rulers of Asia does not appear. (Diod. 20.111.) In B. C. 281 we find him concluding an alliance with the Heracleans, to protect them against Seleucus (Memnon, 100.11, ed. Orell.); and at a subsequent period, availing himself of the services of the Gauls, then lately settled in Asia, to overthrow a force sent against him by Ptolemy, king of Egypt. (Steph. Byz. v. *)/Agkura.) These are the only events recorded of his reign, which lasted thirty-six years. He was succeeded by his son Ariobarzanes III.
Orelli.) As Ariobarzanes was succeeded by this Mithridates about B. C. 240, we may refer the embassy to this year. (Clinton, F. H. sub anno.) Confusion with a later Nymphis Memnon likewise mentions (100.11) a Nymphis, as one of the exiles in B. C. 281, when Seleucus, after the death of Lysimachus, threatened Heracleia; but notwithstanding the remark of Clinton (sub anno 281) the interval of forty-one years between the two events just mentioned, leads to the conclusion that the latter Nymphisenty-four books. This work ended at the accession of the third Ptolemy, B. C. 247. (Suid. s. v. *Nu/mfis; Aelian, Ael. NA 17.3.) 2. *Peri\ *(Hraklei/as In thirteen books, gave the history of his native city to the overthrow of the tyrants in B. C. 281. (Suid. l.c.; Athen. xii. pp. 536, a. 549, a. xiv. p. 619e.; Schol. ad Apoll. Rhod. 2.650, 729, 752, 4.247; Steph. Byz. s. v. *(/upios, fri/cos; Plut. Moral. p. 248d.; Schol. ad Aristoph. Av. 874.). 3. *Peri/plous *)Asi/as. (Athen. 13.596e.)
ecover possession of the towns on the Hellespont held by the latter. (Diod. 20.19.) He died in B. C. 306, just as Antigonus was setting out for his expedition against Egypt. (Id. 20.73, where he is called Phoenix, though it appears certain that Antigonus had only two sons, Demetrius and Philip. See Droysen, Hellenism. vol. i. p. 465, note.) Philippus 18. A son of Lysimachus, king of Thrace, who was put to death together with his elder brother Lysimachus, by the usurper Ptolemy Ceraunus, B. C. 281. (Just. 24.3.) [LYSIMACHUS, Vol. II. p. 867a.] Philippus 19. An officer who held the citadel of Sicyon for Ptolemy, king of Egypt, but surrendered it by capitulation to Demetrius Poliorcetes, B. C. 303. (Diod. 20.102.) Philippus 20. An Epeirot, who took a leading part in negotiating the treaty of peace concluded between Philip V., king of Macedonia, and the Roman general P. Sempronius Tuditanus at Phoenice, in Epeirus, B. C. 205. (Liv. 29.12.) Philippus 21. A Macedonian officer, w
Philippus 18. A son of Lysimachus, king of Thrace, who was put to death together with his elder brother Lysimachus, by the usurper Ptolemy Ceraunus, B. C. 281. (Just. 24.3.) [LYSIMACHUS, Vol. II. p. 867a.]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Philippus, Ma'rcius ?. Q. MARCIUS PHILIPPUS, Q. F. Q. N., consul B. C. 281, with L. Aemilius Barbula, had to carry on war with the Etruscans, and had a triumph on the 1st of April on account of his victory over them. In B. C. 263 he was maingister equitum to the dictator Cn. Fulvius Maximus Centumalus (Fasti Capit.).
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Philippus, Ma'rcius 2. L. MARCIUS Q. F. PHILIPPUS, the father of No. 3, formed a hospitable connection with Philip V., king of Macedonia (Liv. 42.38), though on what occasion is not mentioned. This fact is alluided to in the annexed coin of the Marcia gens, which bears on the obverse the head of the Macedonian monarch, and on the reverse L. PHILIPPVS, with a horseman galloping, probably in reference to the name. One is disposed to think that this L. Marcius was the first person of the gens who obtained the surname of Philippus in consequence of his connection with the king of Macedonia, and that the Fasti erroneously give this cognomen to the consul of B. C. 281.
at this happened after the defeat of Demetrius in Syria, which did not take place till the middle of 286, the reign of Pyrrhus in Macedonia was probably somewhat longer. (Comp. Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, vol. iii. note 813.) For the next few years Pyrrhus appears to have reigned quietly in Epeirus without embarking in any new enterprize. But a life of inactivity was insupportable to him, and he pined for fresh scenes of action in which he might gain glory and acquire dominion. At length, in B. C. 281, the long wished for opportunity presented itself. The Tarentines, against whom the Romans had declared war, sent an embassy to Pyrrhus in the summer of this year, begging him in the name of all the Italian Greeks to cross over to Italy in order to conduct the war against the Romans. They told him that they only wanted a general, and that they would supply him with an army of 350,000 foot, and 20,000 horse, as all the nations of southern Italy would flock to his standard. This was too tem
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Seleucus Nicator (search)
d her children fled for refuge to the court of Seleucus, who received them in the most friendly manner. The general discontent excited in the dominions of Lysimachus by this event, and the defection of many of his principal officers, encouraged the Syrian king to commence hostilities against him, and he accordingly assembled a large army with which he invaded the dominions of his rival in person. Lysimachus, on his side, was not slow to meet him, and a decisive action ensued at Corupedion, B. C. 281, which terminated in the defeat and death of the Thracian monarch. (Memnon, 100.8; Just. 17.1,2; Appian. Syr. 62.) This victory appears to have been followed by the speedy submission of all the Asiatic provinces as far as the Hellespont ; but not contented with this, Seleucus was desirous to occupy the throne of Macedonia, which had been left vacant by the death of Lysimachus; and after spending a few months in arranging the affairs of Asia, the government of which he now consigned wholly