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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CARCER (search)
, which later served as a scaffolding for the flat stone vault, which dates from after 100 B.C. But the holes to which he points in support of this theory may just as well have been cut for this scaffolding. There is little doubt that the chamber was originally circular (the statement that the straight chord on the side towards the Comitium is of rock, is incorrect). See JRS 1925, 121. Most authorities attribute to it a high antiquity: but Frank assigns the lower chamber to the third century B.C. owing to the use of peperino (not tufa, as all other authorities state) and the regularity of the blocks, uniformly 56 cm. high: while the date of the drain leading into the forum appears to be debateable. The upper room is a vaulted trapezoid, the sides varying in length from 5 to 3.60 metres. This Frank assigns to about 100 B.C. on similar grounds; and the vault of the lower chamber, as we have seen, to a slightly later date. A new facade of travertine was added by C. Vibius R
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CASTOR, AEDES, TEMPLUM (search)
tablet which was a memorial of the granting of citizenship to the Equites Campani in 340 B.C. (Liv. viii. II. 16). The traces of the earlier structures (including some opus quadratum belonging to the original temple ; see Ill. 12) indicate successive enlargements with some changes in the plan of cella and pronaos (for the discussion of these changes and the history of the temple, see Van Buren, CR 1906, 77-82, 184, who also thinks that traces can be found of a restoration in the third century B.C. ; cf. however, AJA 1912, 244-246). The Augustan temple was Corinthian, octastyle and peripteral, with eleven columns on each side, and a double row on each side of the pronaos. This pronaos was 9.90 metres by 15.80, the cella 16 by 19.70, and the whole building about 50 metres long by 30 wide. The floor was about 7 metres above the Sacra via. The very lofty podium consisted of a concrete core enclosed in tufa walls, from which projected short spur walls. On these stood the col
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CLOACA MAXIMA (search)
ow). It is probable that nothing remains of the original drain, though a small section in cappellaccio under the basilica Aemilia may be attributed to such an early period; but it has not yet been properly described (CR 1901, 137-138; TF 69-74). Some of the branch drains near the temple of Saturn, on the other hand, may be assigned to the beginning of the fifth century B.C. at latest (JRS 1925, 121 ; ASA 3). In the rest of its course there is nothing belonging to any period before the third century B.C., and much is a good deal later, being assignable to the restorations of Agrippa. The whole, however, needs further examination in the light of modern criteria. The cloaca proper seems to have begun near the north-west corner of the forum of Augustus. From this point to the via Alessandrina it is built entirely of peperino, vaulted, and paved with blocks of lava- the characteristic style of the republic; while onwards as far as the forum the roof has been restored in brick-faced concre
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AUGUSTIANA, DOMUS (search)
ero 31: 'we are told by Suetonius that Nero caused sea-water to be brought from the sea to the Palatine,' which really concerns the domus Aurea. Finally Domitian sunk his foundations through the whole group of buildings when he raised the general level of this part of the imperial palace (ZA 202, 203, 205). Under the 'lararium ' Boni discovered the remains of a house of the first century B.C., which he wrongly attributed to Catiline, below which were terra-cottas of two still earlier houses (third and fifth century B.C.). The lower floor, accessible by a staircase, and originally lighted mainly from the north-east (where, under the foundations of the platform of the palace, other remains may still be seen), consists of a number of small rooms, with paintings of a transitional period between the first and second Pompeian styles, in which columns have begun to make their appearance, and there is an attempt at perspective. The pavements are of simple mosaic. One room also has a fine lune
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PALATINUS MONS (search)
the depression between them is roughly marked by the older cryptoporticus on the east of the DOMUS AUGUSTI (q.v.): see SEPTIMONTIUM. the Palatium and Cermalus (the former name does not appear to have extended over the whole hill until the third century B.C.-see below-though in common parlance it may have done so earlier), protected by lofty cliffs far more formidable than they seem at present (v. DOLIOLA for the discovery of republican buildings under the arch of Janus Quadrifrons, which show ruscans had as yet reached Latium (REi.A. 1013; cf.Klio 1905,85; Korte in RE vi.743). ROMAQUADRATA is also recent in its extended sense (BPW 1903, 1645). It could not arise till Palatium and Cermalus were one; and in the lists of the Argei (third century B.C.) they are still separate (Wissowa, Ges. Abh. 224). The fortifications of the Palatine present something of a puzzle. It is most likely that the original settlers relied on the great natural strength of the hill; and that the remains of defe
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PULVINAR SOLIS: (search)
PULVINAR SOLIS: apparently a sort of an annex to a temple or shrine of the Sun, or possibly the shrine itself, situated near the temple of Quirinus on the Quirinal. It contained an inscription relating to the evening star, Vesperugo (Quint. i. 7. 12), an evidence of Greek influence that puts the erection of the shrine not earlier than the third century B.C. The day of dedication was 9th August (Hemerol. Capran. Amit., CIL i². p. 324), and the exact site is unknown. C. F. Hermann's emendation of Varro, LL v. 52, by which Solis pulvinar is read in the list of ARGEI (q.v.), is very doubtful (HJ 406, WR 316; Rosch. iv. 1140).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, REGIONES QUATTUOR (search)
us. All the area within the POMERIUM (q.v.) was included in the regions except, apparently, the Capitoline, perhaps because this hill was always regarded as the citadel and religious centre of the city, and not as a local division. Our knowledge of the area of the regions is derived principally from Varro's description (LL v. 46-54) of the location of the sacraria of the ARGEI (q.v.), a description based quite certainly on documents which represented the topographical conditions of the third century B.C. His incomplete and somewhat obscure account distributes twenty-seven sacraria among the four regions, eleven of which can be located with reasonable certainty, and thirteen are conjectural, while three are wholly unknown. The outer boundary of the regions was the pomerium, which coincided with the Servian wall down to the time of Sulla, except that the Aventine was excluded. Region I, Suburana, comprised the Sucusa, Ceroliensis and Caelius, according to the generally accepted view, alt
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ROMA QUADRATA-1 (search)
t be meant: they can only have been diagonally opposite if we accept Hilsen's theory as to the temple of Apollo (HJ 65). Cf. Plut. Rom. g; Dionys. ii. 65 (the temple of Vesta th=s tetragw/nou kaloume/nhs (*rw/mhs...e)kto/s e)stiv Appian, frg. i. 4; and see POMERIUM. In the extended sense the term may be of comparatively late origin (BPW 1903, 1645), for it could not arise until Palatium and Cermalus were one; and in the lists of the ARGEORUM SACRARIA (q.v.), which date probably from the third century B.C., they are still separate. The comparison of the outline of the Palatine with that of the Terremare is specious, but is clearer in the plans than on the site, which has been much transformed by the great imperial buildings, which have given it a rectangular outline. See Jord. i. I. 162-178; Mitt. 1896, 210-212; 1926, 212-228; HJ 35; AJP 1901, 420-425; Pais, Ancient Legends, 224-234; AJA 1909, 172- 183; JRS 1914, 222-225 (according to which the imperial Roma quadrata was a square plo
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
a, 54, 289. 338Columna Maenia, 131. (after). The Rostra decorated with prows, 450. 329First carceres in Circus Maximus, 114. 325Templ of uirins vowed, 438. 312Aqua Appia and Via Appia constructed, 2a, 559. 311Temple of Salus vowed, 462. 310Gilded shields used to decorate Tabernae in Forum, 504. 306Temple of Salus begun, 462. Equus Tremuli, 202. 305Colossal statue of Hercules placed on Capitol, 49. 304Shrine of Concord on Graecostasis, 138, 248. 303Temple of Salus dedicated, 462. IIIrd cent.Lower room of Carcer (?) 100. 296Clivus Martis paved, 123. Quadriga of Capitoline Temple replaced, 298. Sacellum Pudicitiae Plebeiae, 434. Monument ad Ficum Ruminalem, 208. Temple of Bellona vowed (dedicated some years later), 82. 295of Juppiter Victor, 306. of Venus Obsequens begun, 552. 294of Victory on Palatine dedicated, 570. of Juppiter Stator vowed, 303. 293of Fors Fortuna, 212. of Quirinus dedicated, 438. Colossal statue of Juppiter set up on C