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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 41 41 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 7 7 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 3 3 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 43-45 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 3-4 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 1-2 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for his house, Plancius, Sextius, Coelius, Milo, Ligarius, etc. (ed. C. D. Yonge) 1 1 Browse Search
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Pausanias, Description of Greece, Attica, chapter 9 (search)
poet Phoenix com posed a lament for the capture of Colophon. Mermesianax, the elegiac writer, was, I think, no longer living, otherwise he too would certainly have been moved by the taking of Colophon to write a dirge. Lysimachus also went to war with Pyrrhus, son of Aeacides. Waiting for his departure from Epeirus (Pyrrhus was of a very roving disposition) he ravaged Epeirus until he reached the royal tombs. The next part of the story is incredible to me, but Hieronymus the Cardianfl. 20-300 B.C. relates that he destroyed the tombs and cast out the bones of the dead. But this Hieronymus has a reputation generally of being biased against all the kings except Antigonus, and of being unfairly partial towards him. As to the treatment of the Epeirot graves, it is perfectly plain that it was malice that made him record that a Macedonian desecrated the tombs of the dead. Besides, Lysimachus was surely aware that they were the ancestors not of Pyrrhus only but also of Alexander. In fact
Strabo, Geography, Book 6, chapter 3 (search)
sian to lead them in their war against the Messapians and Leucanians, and, still before that, for Archidamus,Archidamus III, king of Sparta, was born about 400 B.C. and lost his life in 338 B.C. in this war. the son of Agesilaüs, and, later on, for Cleonymus,Little is know of this Cleonymus, save that he was the son of Cleomenes II, who reigned at Sparta 370-309 B.C. and Agathocles,Agathocles (b. about 361 B.C.—d. 289 B.C.) was a tyrant of Syracuse. He appears to have led the Tarantini about 300 B.C. and then for Pyrrhus,Pyrrhus (about 318-272 B.C.), king of Epeirus, accepted the invitation of Tarentum in 281 B.C. at the time when they formed a league with him against the Romans. And yet even to those whom they called in they could not yield a ready obedience, and would set them at enmity. At all events, it was out of enmity that Alexander tried to transfer to Thurian territory the general festival assembly of all Greek peoples in that part of the world—the assembly which was wont
Strabo, Geography, Book 9, chapter 1 (search)
not Ionia," and on the side facing Megara, "This is not Peloponnesus, but Ionia." And though the writers of the histories of The Land of Atthis are at variance on many things, they all agree on this (at least all writers who are worth mentioning), that Pandion had four sons, Aegeus, Lycus, Pallas, and the fourth, Nisus, and that when Attica was divided into four parts, Nisus obtained Megaris as his portion and founded Nisaea. Now, according to Philochorus,Philochorus the Athenian (fl. about 300 B.C.) wrote a work entitled Atthis, in seventeen books. Only fragments remain. his rule extended from the Isthmus to the Pythium,To what Pythium Philochorus refers is uncertain, but he seems to mean the temple of Pythian Apollo in the deme of Oenoe, about twelve miles northwest of Eleusis; or possibly the temple of Apollo which was situated between Eleusis and Athens on the site of the present monastery of Daphne. but according to Andron,See footnote on 10. 4. 6. only as far as Eleusis and
Strabo, Geography, Book 13, chapter 1 (search)
as at that time serving the Persians as general, made a pretence of friendship for Hermeias, and then invited him to come for a visit, both in the name of hospitality and at the same time for pretended business reasons; but he arrested him and sent him up to the king, where he was put to death by hanging. But the philosophers safely escaped by flight from the districts above-mentioned, which were seized by the Persians. MyrsilusThe historian of Methymna, who appears to have flourished about 300 B.C.; only fragments of his works remain. says that Assus was founded by the Methymnaeans; and Hellanicus too calls it an Aeolian city, just as also Gargara and Lamponia belonged to the Aeolians. For Gargara was founded by the Assians; but it was not well peopled, for the kings brought into it colonists from Miletopolis when they devastated that city, so that instead of Aeolians, according to Demetrius of Scepsis, the inhabitants of Gargara became semi-barbarians. According to Homer, how
M. Tullius Cicero, On the Responses of the Haruspices (ed. C. D. Yonge), chapter 6 (search)
Fannius, and Marcus Lepidus, and Lucius Claudius, the king of the sacrifices, and Marcus Scaurus, and Marcus Crassus, and Caius Curio, and Sextus Caesar, the priest of Jupiter, and Quintus Cornelius, and Publius Albinovanus, and Quintus Terentius, the lesserOriginally the number of pontiffs was four, or, including the Pontifex Maximus, five. In the year B.C. 300 the Ogulnian law raised the number from four to eight; in the year B.C. 81 Sulla increased the number to fifteen, including the Pontifex Maximus; and after him Julius Caesar increased the number to sixteen. Besides these there were other pontiffs distinguished as minores, of whom three are mentioned here; the nature of whose office seems rather uncertain;
story of Cyzicus, is the person here referred to. He is called by Athenæus both a Babylonian and a Cyzican. His work is entirely lost; but it appears to have been extensively read, and is referred to by Cicero and other ancient writers., EumachusOf Neapolis. He wrote a History of Hannibal, and to him has been ascribed a Description of the Universe, of which a fragment still survives., Timæus the Sici- lianOf Tauromenium, in Sicily; a celebrated historian, who flourished about the year B.C. 300. He was banished from Sicily by Agathocles, and passed his exile at Athens. He composed a History of Sicily, from the earliest times to the year B.C. 264. The value of his history has been gravely attacked by Polybius; but there is little doubt that it possessed very considerable merit. Of this, and other works of Timæus, only a few fragments survive., MyrsilusA Greek historian; a native of Lesbos. When he lived is unknown. Dionysius, of Halicarnassus, has borrowed from him a portion of his a
. The part that lies between the Euphrates and the Tigris was called Mesopotamia, that beyond Taurus Sophene, and that on this side of the same chain Comagene. Beyond Armenia was the country of Adiabene, anciently called Assyria, and at the part where it joins up to Cilicia, it was called Antiochia. Its length, between Cilicia and ArabiaOr Ostracine, the northern point of Arabia., is 470 miles, and its breadth, from Seleucia PieriaThis was a great fortress of Syria founded by Seleucus B.C. 300, at the foot of Mount Pieria and overhanging the Mediterranean, four miles north of the Orontes and twelve miles west of Antioch. It had fallen entirely to decay in the sixth century of our era. There are considerable ruins of its harbour and mole, its walls and necropolis. They bear the name of Seleukeh or Kepse. to ZeugmaFrom the Greek zeu=gma, "a junction ;" built by Seleucus Nicator on the borders of Commagene and Cyrrhestice, on the west bank of the Euphrates, where the river had been cr
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 2 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 18 (search)
Marcus Valerius the father, a man of proven worth and an ex-consul. When they had named a dictator for the first time at Rome, and men saw the axes borne before him, a great fear came over the plebs and caused them to be more zealous in obeying orders. For there was no recourse in this case, as with the consuls, who shared the powers of their office equally, to the assistance of the man's colleague, nor was there any appeal nor any help anywhere but in scrupulous obedience.But in 300 B.C. a lex Valeria de provocatione gave the people the right to appeal from the dictator. The Sabines, too, were inspired with fear by the appointment of the dictator, especially since they believed that it was on their account that he had been created. Accordingly they sent legates to treat for peace. When they requested the dictator and the senate to pardon an error committed by young men, the answer was given that to pardon young men was possible, but not old men who contrived one
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 3 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 4 (search)
The next consuls were Aulus PostumiusB.C. 404 Albus and Spurius Furius Fusus. (Some writersB.C. 464 spell the name Fusius instead of Furius, which I note lest anybody should regard as a substitution of one man for another what is really only a matter of names.)Fusius is in fact only an earlier form of furius. By 300 B.C. intervocalic s had developed into r. Livy is puzzled by the same thing in chap. viii. There was no doubt but that one consul would make war on the Aequi, and these accordingly appealed to the Ecetranian Volsci for help. It was eagerly granted them —such was the rivalry between these nations in inveterate hatred of Rome —and the most vigorous preparations were made for war. The Hernici perceived, and warned the Romans, that Ecetra had gone over to the Aequi. Suspicion already rested on the colony of Antium, on the ground that a large body of men, escaping from the place at the time of its capture, had taken refuge with the Aequi; and in fact they fou
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 44 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 10 (search)
cessity, when they were kept from finding safety in their ships, aroused the spirits of the Roman soldiers, both by despair of other means of safety and by indignation. The fight was renewed on the shore; those aboard the ships came to the rescue. Here about two hundred of the Macedonians were slain and an equal number captured. From Antigonea the fleet sailed to the peninsula of Pallene and landed troops to ravage it. This land belonged to the territory of CassandreaEstablished about 300 B.C. on the site of Potidaea, which had been destroyed by Philip II in 356 B.C. and was by far the most fertile of all the coast they had passed. Here they were met by King Eumenes, who had set out from ElaeaThe port of Pergamum, east by south of Lesbos. with twenty deckedAccording to Nissen, the use of this word indicates that Livy is following Polybius here. ships, as well as by five decked ships sent by King Prusias.He was hedging on his neutrality of 171 B.C., cf. XLII. xxix. 3.
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