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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 33 33 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 2 2 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone 1 1 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 1 1 Browse Search
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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK IX., CHAPTER I. (search)
ted the Athenians with kindness and generosity. He placed at the head of the citizens Demetrius the Phalerean, a disciple of Theophrastus the philosopher, who, far from dissolving, restored the democracy. This appears from his memoirs, which he composed concerning this mode of government. But so much hatred and dislike prevailed against anything connected with oligarchy, that, after the death of Casander, he was obliged to fly into Egypt.Demetrius Phalereus was driven from Athens, 307 B. C., whence he retired to Thebes. The death of Casander took place 298 B. C. The insurgents pulled down more than three hundred of his statues, which were melted down, and according to some were cast into chamber-pots. The Romans, after their conquest, finding them governed by a democracy,Aratus, the Achæan general, 245 B. C., drove from Attica the Lacedæmonian garrisons, and restored liberty to the Athenians. maintained their independence and liberty. During the Mithridatic war, the k
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 15 (search)
not have it so, raisingB.C. 296 virtually the same objections he had raised in the previous year. The nobles all thronged about his seat, and besought him to lift up the consulship out of the plebeian mire and restore both to the office and to the aristocratic families their old —time dignity. obtaining silence, Fabius soothed their excited feelings with a temperate speech, in which he said that he would have done as they desired and have received the names of two patricians, if he had seen another than himself being made consul; as it was, he would not entertain his own name at an election, for to do so would violate the laws and establish a most evil precedent. so Lucius Volumnius, a plebeian, was returned, together with Appius Claudius, with whom he had also been paired in an earlier consulship.307 B.C. (ix. xlii. 2). The nobles taunted Fabius with having avoided Appius Claudius for a colleague, as a man clearly his superior in eloquence and statecraft.
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 19 (search)
his former consulship, at all events in its early months, he had been incapable of opening his mouth, but was now delivering popular orations. — how I could wish, exclaimed Volumnius, that you might rather have learnt from me to act with vigour than that I should have learnt to speak cleverly from you! in conclusion he proposed a compact which would determine, not which was the better orator —for this was not what the republic wanted —but the better general.In their former consulship (307 B.C.) Volumnius had conducted a successful campaign against the Sallentini, while Appius had been left in Rome without any military command. see ix. xlii. 4-5. Etruria and Samnium were the nations to be conquered; let Appius choose which he liked; with his own army he would campaign either in Etruria or in Samnium. then the soldiers began to cry out that both should undertake the Etruscan war together. perceivingB.C. 296 them to be of one mind in this, Volumnius said, since I er<
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone, section 19 (search)
Acamantis. 6. Oeneis. 7. Cecropis. 8. Hippothontis. 9. Aeantis. 10. Antiochis. Now take the demes named by Androtion. His list will be found to follow this order of the ten tribes,— with one exception, and it is in the case of Sophocles. His deme, Colonus, belonged to the Antiochis, and therefore his name ought to have come last. But Androtion puts it second. The explanation is simple. When the ten tribes were increased to twelve, by the addition of the Antigonis and Demetrias (in or about 307 B.C.), some of the demes were transferred from one tribe to another. Among these was the deme of Colonus. It was transferred from the Antiochis, the tenth on the roll, to the Aegeis, the second on the roll. Hence Androtion's order is correct for his own time (c. 280 B.C.), but not correct for 440 B.C. It is quite unnecessary, however, to infer that he invented or doctored the list. It is enough to suppose that he re-adjusted the order, so as to make it consistent in the eyes of his contemporari
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter LXXV: ad familiares 4.5 (search)
ng imitation of this passage in one of St. Ambrose's letters (Ep. 39.3): nempe de Bononiensi veniens urbe, a tergo Claternam, ipsam Bononiam, Mutinam, Rhegium derelinquebas, in dextera erat Brixillum, etc. Tot igitur semirutarum urbium cadavera terrarumque sub eodem conspectu exposita funera non te admonent, etc. Byron's stanzas in Childe Harold (IV. 44) are also inspired by it. Aegina: its decline probably dated from its submission to Athens, in 457 B.C. or 456 B.C. Megara: destroyed in 307 B.C. by Demetrius Poliorcetes. Piraeus: taken by Sulla in 86 B.C. Corinthus: utterly destroyed by Mummius in 146 B.C. Cf. Cic. de Leg. Agr. 2.87 Corinthi vestigium vix relictum est. quodam tempore: for quondam; cf. Intr. 101. prostrata et diruta: cf. graviter molesteque, 1. mecum cogitare: a pleonasm common in the older poets; cf., e.g., Ter. Ad. 30, 500; Eun. 629; Heaut. 385. hem: cf. Intr. 92. homunculi: the diminutive expresses contempt. nos homunculi iacent: Böckel quotes from Rutilius
when asked what men were in his opinion at once the boldest warriors and wisest statesmen, replied, Agathocles and Dionysius. (Plb. 15.35.) He appears also to have possessed remarkable powers of wit and repartee, to have been a most agreeable companion, and to have lived in Syracuse in a security generally unknown to the Greek tyrants, unattended in public by guards, and trusting entirely either to the popularity or terror of his name. As to the chronology of his life, his landing in Africa was in the archonship of Hieromnemon at Athens, and accompanied by an eclipse of the sun, i.e. Aug. 15, B. C. 310. (Clinton, Fast. Hell.) He quitted it at the end of B. C. 307, died B. C. 289, after a reign of 28 years, aged 72 according to Diodorus, though Lucian (Macrob. 10), gives his age 95. Wesseling and Clinton prefer the statement of Diodorus. The Italian mercenaries whom Agathocles left, were the Mamertini who after his death seized Messana, and occasioned the first Punic war. [G.E.L.C]
A'lcetas II., king of EPIRUS, was the son of Arymbas, and grandson of Alcctas I. On account of his ungovernable temper, he was banished by his father, who appointed his younger son, Aeacides, to succeed him. On the death of Aeacides, who was killed in a battle fought with Cassander B. C. 313, the Epirots recalled Alcetas. Cassander sent an army against hint under the command of Lyciscus, but soon after entered into an alliance with him (B. C. 312). The Epirots, incensed at the outrages of Alcetas, rose against him and put him to death, together with his two sons; on which Pyrrhus, the son of Aeacides, was placed upon the throne by his protector Glaucias, king of the Illyrians, B. C. 307. (Paus. 1.11.5; Diod. 19.88, 89 ; Plut. Pyrrh. 3.) [C.P.M]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Anti'gonus the One-eyed (search)
nus. Meanwhile, however, the whole of Greece was in the power of Cassander, and Demetrius was therefore sent with a large fleet to effect a diversion in his father's favour. Demetrius met with little opposition ; he took possession of Athens in B. C. 307, where he was received with the most extravagant flattery. He also obtained possession of Megara, and would probably have become master of the whole of Greece, if he had not been recalled by his father to oppose Ptolemy, who had gained the islad unanimity always prevailed. The example of Antigonus was followed by Ptolemy, Lysimachus, and Seleucus, who are from this time designated as kings. The city of Antigoneia on the Orontes in Syria was founded by Antigonus in the preceding year (B. C. 307). Antigonus thought that the time had now come for crushing Ptolemy. He accordingly invaded Egypt with a large force, but his invasion was as unsuccessful as Cassander's had been : he was obliged to retire with great loss. (B. C. 306.) He nex
Anto'nius 2. L. Antonius, expelled from the senate by the censors in B. C. 307. (V. Max. 2.9.2.)
Arcesila'us 2. The murderer of Archagathus, the son of Agathocles, when the latter left Africa, B. C. 307. Arcesilaus had formerly been a friend of Agathocles. (Justin, 22.8; AGATHOCLES, p. 64.)