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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 24 24 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 3 3 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
Basil L. Gildersleeve, Syntax of Classical Greek 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVII, Chapter 87 (search)
326/5 B.C.In the archonship of Chremes at Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Publius Cornelius and Aulus Postumius.Chremes was archon at Athens from July 326 to June 325 B.C. The consuls of 328 B.C. are not entirely certain (Broughton 1.145). One was C. Plautius Decianus or P. Plautius Proculus, the other P. Cornelius Scapula or P. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus. No Postumius is otherwise attested at this time. According to the calculations of M. J. Fontana, Kokalos, 2 (1956), 42 f., the battle with Porus took place about July 326 B.C., as Diodorus dates it, while Arrian. 5.19.3 places the battle a little earlier, in the Attic month Munichion of the year of Hegemon (April/May of 326 B.C.). He states, however, that the time was after the summer solstice (Arrian. 5.9.4). In this year Alexander repaired his army in the land of Taxiles and then marched against Porus, the king of the neighbouring Indians.For the whole story cp. Curti
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVII, Chapter 104 (search)
Now he resumed his voyage down the river and sailed out into the Ocean with his Friends.According to Plut. Alexander 66.1, the voyage had taken seven months. It was now the summer of 325 B.C. (Strabo 15.1.17). There he discovered two islandsOne was in the river, one outside (Arrian. 6.19.3-4). Plut. Alexander 66.1, mentions only one island. and on them performed rich sacrifices.To Poseidon and to the gods whom Ammon had designated (Arrian. 6.19.4-5). No gods nan 12.10.6 mentions "aras." and judged that his projected campaign was at an end. Setting sail from there, he proceeded back up the river to Patala, a fine city.Arrian. 6.20.1. This was about the rising of the Dog Star, or mid-July 325 (Strabo 15.1.17). It had a government organized very much like that of Sparta. Two kings descended from two houses inherited their office from their fathers. They had charge of all arrangements concerning war, while the counc
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, QUIRINUS, AEDES (search)
QUIRINUS, AEDES (templum, Cic. Fest. Cur.; templa, Ovid; nao/s, Cass. Dio): a temple on the Quirinal hill, to which it gave the name (Fest. 255), said to have been vowed by L. Papirius Cursor when dictator in 325 B.C., and dedicated in 293 by his son, who adorned it with a profusion of spoils (Liv. x. 46. 7; Plin. NH vii. 213). After the Romulus legend was developed and he was identified with Quirinus, the building of the temple was said to have been commanded by Romulus when he appeared to Proculus Julius (Cic. de re pub. ii. 20; de leg. i. 3; Ov. Fast. ii. 511 de vir. ill. 2. 14). The record of a session of the senate held in aede Quirini in 435 B.C. (Liv. iv. 21. 9) is regarded as fictitious, but in any case the temple was one of the oldest in Rome (Plin. NH xv. 120: inter antiquissima delubra habetur Quirini). Whether it stood on the site of an earlier ara (see above) cannot be determined. In front of it grew two myrtle trees, called patricia and plebeia, of which the former f
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
Aii Locutii dedicated by Senate, 3. 389(after). Via Latina, 564. 388Area Capitolina enlarged, 48. Temple of Mars on Via Appia, 328. 384Patrians forbidden to dwell on Arx or Capitol, 54, 97. 378Fortifications of Palatine, 376. 377-353The 'Servian ' walls rebuilt, 353. 375Temple of Juno Lucina, 288. 367of Concord vowed, 138. 344Camills builds Temple of Juno Moneta, 54, 289. 338Columna Maenia, 131. (after). The Rostra decorated with prows, 450. 329First carceres in Circus Maximus, 114. 325Templ of uirins vowed, 438. 312Aqua Appia and Via Appia constructed, 2a, 559. 311Temple of Salus vowed, 462. 310Gilded shields used to decorate Tabernae in Forum, 504. 306Temple of Salus begun, 462. Equus Tremuli, 202. 305Colossal statue of Hercules placed on Capitol, 49. 304Shrine of Concord on Graecostasis, 138, 248. 303Temple of Salus dedicated, 462. IIIrd cent.Lower room of Carcer (?) 100. 296Clivus Martis paved, 123. Quadriga of Capitoline Temple replaced, 298. Sacellum Pudi
Basil L. Gildersleeve, Syntax of Classical Greek, Syntax of the simple sentence (search)
Att. Inschr.2 § 82.3 d). Nominative in Indefinite Predications: HOM. Od. 1.51: nh=sos dendrh/essa, qea\ d' e)n dw/mata nai/ei , A wooded island, and in it a goddess hath her abode. Il. 6.395-6: megalh/toros *)heti/wnos, *)heti/wn o(\s e)/naien . Ibid. 10.437. 547. For the free and frequent use of this nom. in inscriptions, see Msth.2 § 82.3 a-c. CIA. 11.809 c, 154-55 (325/324 B.C.): a)po\ th=s tetrh/rous *)anu/sews, *)antidw/rou e)/rgon, From the quadrireme Anysis, the work of Antidorus. So often in the same inscription. Ibid. 1.179.7 sqq. (433 B.C.): pare/dosan . . . trei=s kai\ de/ka h(me/rai e)selhluqui/as. Nominative in suspense. The nominative is sometimes left in suspense (nominativus pendens, anacoluthon, want of sequence), an equivalent construction being substituted. dial
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
rtificial obstructions which had been made in the river for the purpose of irrigation. The Macedonians, who were discontented with several of the new arrangements of the king, and especially at his placing the Persians on an equality with themselves in many respects, rose in mutinyagainst him, which he quelled with some little difficulty, and he afterwards dismissed about 10,000 Macedonian veterans, who returned to Europe under the command of Craterus. Towards the close of the same year (B. C. 325) he went to Ecbatana, where he lost his great favourite Hephaestion; and his grief for his loss knew no bounds. From Ecbatana he marched to Babylon, subduing in his way the Cossaei, a mountain tribe; and before he reached Babylon, he was met by ambassadors from almost every part of the known world, who had come to do homage to the new conqueror of Asia. Alexander reached Babylon in the spring of B. C. 324, about a year before his death, notwithstanding the warnings of the Chaldeans, who
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Anti'ochus Soter (search)
Anti'ochus I. or Anti'ochus Soter (*)Anti/oxos), king of SYRIA, surnamed SOTER (*Swth/r), was the son of Seleucus Nicator and a Persian lady, Apama. The marriage of his father with Apama was one of those marriages which Alexander celebrated at Susa in B. C. 325, when he gave Persian wives to his generals. This would fix the birth of Antiochus about B. C. 324. He was present with his father at the battle of Ipsus in B. C. 301, which secured for Seleucus the government of Asia. It is related of Antiochus, that he fell sick through love of Stratonice, the young wife of his father, and the daughter of Demetrius Poliorcetes, and that when his father learnt the cause of his illness through his physician Erasistratus, he resigned Stratonice to him, and gave him the government of Upper Asia with the title of king. On the murder of his father in Macedonia in B. C. 280, Antiochus succeeded to the whole of his dominions, and prosecuted his claims to the throne of Macedonia against Antigonus Gon
A'pama (*)Apa/ma or *)Apa/mh). 1. The wife of Seleucus Nicator and the mother of Antiochus Soter, was married to Seleucus in B. C. 325, when Alexander gave to his generals Asiatic wives. According to Arrian (7.4), she was the daughter of Spitamenes, the Bactrian, but Strabo (xii. p.578) calls her, erroneously, the daughter of Artabazus. (Comp. Appian. Syr. 57; and Liv. 38.13, who also makes a mistake in calling her the sister, instead of the wife, of Seleucus; Steph. Byz. s. v. *)Apa/meia
Baryaxes (*Barua/chs), a Mede, who assumed the sovereignty during Alexander's absence in India, but was seized by Atropates, the satrap of Media, and put to death by Alexander, B. C. 325. (Arrian, Arr. Anab. 6.29
Camillus 4. L. Furius Sp. F. M. N. CAMILLUS, son of No. 2, consul in B. C. 338, together with C. Maenius. He fought in this year successfully against the Tiburtines, and took their town Tibur. The two consuls united completed the subjugation of Latium; they were rewarded with a triumph, and equestrian statues, then a rare distinction, were erected to them in the forum. Camillus further distinguished himself by advising his countrymen to treat the Latins with mildness. In B. C. 325 he was elected consul a second time, together with D. Junius Brutus Scaeva. In this year war was declared against the Vestinians, and Camillus obtained Samnium for his province; but while he was engaged in the war, he was attacked by a severe illness, and was ordered to nominate L. Papirius Cursor dictator to continue the war. (Liv. 8.13, 16, &c., 29; Plin. Nat. 33.5.)
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