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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 31 31 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 5 5 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 3 3 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Appian, Illyrian Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER IV (search)
independence and allowed them to go unpunished for their offences against Vetus. But as they were suspicious of what might happen, they laid in large supplies of salt and made Y.R. 720 incursions into the Roman territory until Messala Corvinus B.C. 34 was sent against them and reduced them by hunger. In this way were the Salassi subjugated. Y.R. 719 The transalpine Iapydes, a strong and savage tribe, drove back the Romans twice within the space of about twenty years, overran Aquileapydes, being terror-stricken, surrendered to Augustus. The transalpine Iapydes were then for the first time brought in subjection to the Romans. After Augustus departed the Poseni Y.R. 720 rebelled and Marcus Helvius was sent against them. He B.C. 34 conquered them and after punishing the leaders of the revolt with death sold the rest as slaves. Y.R. 719 At an earlier time the Romans twice attacked the B.C. 35 country of the Segestani, but obtained no hostages nor anything
Appian, Illyrian Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER V (search)
had not laid down their arms for ten years. When Augustus advanced against them they made an alliance with each other for mutual aid in war. They had upwards of 12,000 fighting men under a general named Versus. He occupied Promona, the city of the Liburni, and fortified it, although it was very strong by nature. It is a mountain stronghold surrounded on all sides by sharp-pointed hills like saw-teeth. The greater part of his forces were stationed in the town, but he placed guards on the B.C. 34 hills and all of them looked down upon the Romans from elevated positions. Augustus in plain sight began to draw a wall around the whole, but secretly he sent his bravest men to seek a path to the highest of the hills. These, concealing themselves in the woods, fell upon the guards by night while they were asleep, slew them, and signalled to Augustus in the twilight. He led the bulk of the army to make an attempt upon the city, and sent another force to hold the height that had been taken, whi