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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 36 36 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 3 3 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 2 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 2 2 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
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Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 222 (search)
but what length of time could conceal your acts of plunder in the case of the triremes and the trierarchs? For when you had carried constitutional amendments as to the Three Hundred,The wealthy leaders of the property-groups on which the burden of the trierarchy was laid. and had persuaded the Athenians to make you Commissioner of the Navy, you were convicted by me of having stolen away trierarchs from sixty-five swift ships,In 340 B.C. Demosthenes carried a reform of the naval system, by which he compelled the richest citizens to contribute to the support of the navy strictly in proportion to their wealth. Under his system the number of individuals contributing (the trierarchs) may well have been diminished, but the number of the triremes was not lessened, their efficiency was increased, and taxation was made equitable. The matter is fully discussed in Dem. 19.102-109. making away with a greater naval force of the city than that with which the Athenians once defeated Pollis and th
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 74 (search)
341/0 B.C.When Nicomachus was archon at Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Gaius Marcius and Titus Manlius Torquatus.Nicomachus was archon at Athens from July 341 to June 340 B.C. The consuls of 344 B.C. were C. Marcius Rutilius and T. Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus (Broughton, 1.132). In this year, Phocion the Athenian defeated and expelled Cleitarchus, the tyrant of Eretria who had been installed by Philip. In Caria, Pizodarus,Above, Chap. 69.2. the younger of the brothers, ousted Ada from her rule as dynast and held sway for five years until Alexander's crossing over into Asia.Philip, whose fortunes were constantly on the increase, made an expedition against Perinthus, which had resisted him and inclined toward the Athenians.These events in Philip's career are barely noticed by Justin 9.1.25-5, and only casual references to them occur elsewhere. He instituted a siege and advancing engines to the city assailed the walls in relays day a
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 77 (search)
340/39 B.C.When Theophrastus was archon at Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Marcus Valerius and Aulus Cornelius, and the one hundred and tenth Olympiad was celebrated, in which Anticles the Athenian won the foot-race.Theophrastus was archon at Athens from July 340 to June 339 B.C. The Olympic Games were celebrated in mid-summer of 340 B.C. Broughton (1.132) lists the consuls of 343 B.C. as M. Valerius Corvus and A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina. In this year, seeing that Philip was besieging Byzantium, the Athenians voted that he had broken his treaty with them and promptly dispatched a formidable fleet to aid that city. Besides them, the Chians, Coans, Rhodians, and some others of the Greeks sent reinforcements also. Philip was frightened by this joint action, broke off the siege of the two cities, and made a treaty of peace with the Athenians and the other Greeks who opposed him.This account of Diodorus differs from the
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 89 (search)
337/6 B.C.When Phrynichus was archon at Athens, the Romans installed as consuls Titus Manlius Torquatus and Publius Decius.Phrynichus was archon at Athens from July 337 to June 336 B.C. The consuls of 340 B.C. were T. Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus and P. Decius Mus (Broughton, 1.135). In this year King Philip, proudly conscious of his victory at Chaeroneia and seeing that he had dashed the confidence of the leading Greek cities, conceived of the ambition to become the leader of all Greece. He spread the word that he wanted to make war on the Persians in the Greeks' behalf and to punish them for the profanation of the temples,Cp. Books 11.29.3 and 17.72.6. For the events at Corinth cp. Justin 9.5.1-2. and this won for him the loyal support of the Greeks. He showed a kindly face to all in private and in public, and he represented to the cities that he wished to discuss with them matters of common advantage. A general congress was
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Attica, chapter 29 (search)
Athenians. For a time the Argives had the better, but night came on and took from them the assurance of their victory, and on the next day the Lacedaemonians had the better, as the Thessalians betrayed the Athenians. It occurred to me to tell of the following men also, firstly Apollodorus, commander of the mercenaries, who was an Athenian dispatched by Arsites, satrap of Phrygia by the Hellespont, and saved their city for the Perinthians when Philip had invaded their territory with an army.340 B.C. He, then, is buried here, and also EubulusA contemporary of Demosthenes. the son of Spintharus, along with men who though brave were not attended by good fortune; some attacked Lachares when he was tyrant, others planned the capture of the Peiraeus when in the hands of a Macedonian garrison, but before the deed could be accomplished were betrayed by their accomplices and put to death. Here also lie those who fell near Corinth.394 B.C. Heaven showed most distinctly here and again at Leuctra3
Appian, Samnite History (ed. Horace White), Fragments (search)
be defeated he said that the dangers would be greatly increased; if victorious, the victory itself would be most lamentable to the commonwealth, being gained over so many of their own relatives. The Senate was moved by his arguments and decreed a cancellation of debts to all Romans, and immunity also to these revolters. The latter laid down their arms and returned to the city. FROM PEIRESC Y.R. 414 Such was the bravery of the consul Manlius Torquatus. B.C. 340 He had a penurious father who did not care for him, but kept him at work with slaves in the fields and left him to partake of their fare. When the tribune Pomponius prosecuted him for numerous misdeeds and thought to mention among others his bad treatment of his son, young Manlius, concealing a dagger under his clothes, went to the house of the tribune and asked to see him privately as though he had something of importance to say about the trial. Being admitted, and just as he was beginning t
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK VII. We here enter upon the third division of Pliny's Natural History, which treats of Zoology, from the 7th to the 11th inclusive. Cuvier has illustrated this part by many valuable notes, which originally appeared in Lemaire's Bibliotheque Classique, 1827, and were afterwards incorporated, with some additions, by Ajasson, in his translation of Pliny, published in 1829; Ajasson is the editor of this portion of Pliny's Natural History, in Lemaire's Edition.—B. MAN, HIS BIRTH, HIS ORGANIZATION, AND THE INVENTION OF THE ARTS., CHAP. 23. (23.)—INSTANCES OF ENDURANCE OF PAIN. (search)
hout making any disclosure, and, according to one account, bit off her tongue, that no secret might be betrayed by her. The Athenians erected in her honour a bronze statue of a lioness (in reference to her name), without a tongue, in the vestibule of the Acropolis. Among those of men, we have that of Anaxarchus, who, when put to the torture for a similar reason, bit off his tongue and spit it into the face of the tyrant, thus destroying the only hopeThis story is related by Val. Maximus, B. iii. c. 3, it is also alluded to by Cicero, Tus. Quæst. B. ii. c. 22, and De Nat. Deor. B. ii. c. 33; but he only speaks of his tortures, without mentioning what Pliny states of his biting off his tongue.—B. He was a philosopher of Abdera, of the school of Democritus, and flourished about B.C. 340. Towards Alexander the Great, whom he accompanied into Asia, he acted the part of a base flatterer. He was pounded to death in a mortar, by order of Nicocreon, king of Cyprus. of his making any betraya
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK XXII. THE PROPERTIES OF PLANTS AND FRUITS., CHAP. 5. (5.)—THE ONLY PERSONS THAT HAVE BEEN PRESENTED WITH THIS CROWN. (search)
crown but once, though he gained as many as fourteen civic crowns, and fought one hundred and twenty battles, in all of which he was victorious—so rarely is it that an army has to thank a single individual only for its preservation! Some generals, however, have been presented with more than one of these crowns, P. Decius Mus,See B. xvi. c. 5. the military tribune, for example, who received one from his own army, and another from the troops which he had rescuedIn the Samnite war. He died B.C. 340. when surrounded. He testified by an act of devoutness in what high esteem he held such an honour as this, for, adorned with these insignia, he sacrificed a white ox to Mars, together with one hundred red oxen, which had been presented to him by the beleaguered troops as the recompense of his valour: it was this same Decius, who afterwards, when consul, with ImperiosusTitus Manlins Torquatus Imperiosus, consul A.U.C. 414. It was he who put his own son to death for engaging the enemy against o
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 8 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 15 (search)
in the consulship of Gaius Sulpicius LongusB.C. 337 and Publius Aelius Paetus the good —will which their generous conduct had procured for the Romans had been no less efficacious than their power in maintaining a general peace, when a war broke out between the Sidicini and the Aurunci. The Aurunci had surrendered in the consulship of Titus Manlius340 B.C. and had given no trouble since that time, for which reason they had the better right to expect assistance from the Romans. but before the consuls marched from Rome —for the Senate had directed them to defend the Aurunci —tidings were brought that the Aurunci had abandoned their town, in their alarm, and had taken refuge, with their wives and children, in Suessa —now called AuruncaSuessa Aurunca was so called in order to distinguish it from the Volscian town Suessa Pometia. —which they had fortified: and that their ancient walls and their city had been destroyed by the Sidicini. this news made the senat
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 13 (search)
an enclosure (the saepta) in the Campus Martius, into which the centuries were summoned, and there, one by one, proclaimed their choice. then at last, overborne by the consent of all the citizens, may Heaven, he said, "approve, Quirites, of what you are doing and propose to do. for the rest, since you are bound to have your way with me, grant me a favour in the matter of my colleague and make consul with me Publius Decius, a man whose friendlinessB.C. 298 I have experienced in the fellowship of office, a man worthy of you and worthy of his sire.The elder Decius had devoted himself in 340 B.C. The son had been consul with Fabius in 308 B.C. (viii. ix. and xli). "The recommendation seemed a reasonable one. all the remaining centuries voted for Quintus Fabius and Publius Decius. in that year many men were prosecuted by the aediles on the charge of possessing more land than the law allowed. hardly anybody was acquitted, and exorbitant greed was sharply curbed.
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