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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 20 20 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 1 1 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Letters (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt) 1 1 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
Il. xiii.66; Iamblichus, De Pythagorica vita, viii.42; Suidas, s.v. poinh/ (quoting Aelian); Serv. Verg. A. 1.41. Servius, in contradiction to our other authorities, says that only one maiden was sent annually. Strabo appears to affirm that the custom originated as late as the Persian period (ta\s de\ Lokri/das pemfqh=nai Persw=n h)/dh kratou/ntwn sune/bh). This view is accepted by Clinton, who accordingly holds that the custom lasted from 559 B.C. to 346 B.C.(Fasti Hellenici, i.134ff.). After Agamemnon had returned to Mycenae with Cassandra, he was murdered by Aegisthus and Clytaemnestra; for she gave him a shirt without sleeves and without a neck, and while he was putting it on he was cut down, and Aegisthus reigned over Mycenae.As to the murder of Agamemnon, see Hom. Od. 3.193ff.; Hom. Od. 303-305; Hom. Od. 4.529-537; Hom. Od. 11.404-434; Hagias, Returns, summarized by Proclus, in Epic
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 72 (search)
342/1 B.C.When Sosigenes was archon at Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Marcus Valerius and Marcus Gnaeus Publius.Sosigenes was archon at Athens from July 342 to June 341 B.C. The consuls of 346 B.C. were M. Valerius Corvus and C. Poetelius Libo Visolus (Broughton, 1.131). In this year, Arymbas king of the Molossians died after a rule of ten years,His accession is not mentioned by Diodorus under the year 351/0 B.C. Alexander's accession is otherwise known from Dem. 7.32. leaving a son Aeacides, Pyrrhus's father, but Alexander the brother of Olympias succeeded to the throne with the backing of Philip of Macedon. In Sicily, Timoleon made an expedition against Leontini, for this was the city where Hicetas had taken refuge with a substantial army.Continued from chap. 70. Cp. Plut. Timoleon 24.1-2. He launched an assault on the part called Neapolis, but since the soldiers in the city were numerous and had an advantage in fight
Demosthenes, Letters (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt), Concerning His Own Restoration (search)
ontact to persuade men to pay heed to his wishes or to corrupt with bribes the notable men in every one of the Greek cities, I was the only man who did not fall a victim to either of these methods, a fact that brings to you also cause for pride, and although I met Philip often and parleyed with him on those matters on which you sent me as envoy,Demosthenes was one of ten envoys who negotiated with Philip the Peace of Philocrates in 346 B.C. and was several times sent on similar missions afterwards. yet I kept my hands off the substantial sums he offered me, as many men are aware who still live. Just ponder what opinion these men may reasonably entertain of you, for to have dealt this treatment to such a man, while for myself I am sure it would seem a misfortune, though no conviction of vice, yet on your part it would seem defiance of justice.This sentence is cited by Hermo
onfided to him that he would undertake nothing against either Phocis or Athens. Demosthenes saw through the king's plans as well as the treachery of Aeschines, and how just his apprehensions were became evident soon after the return of Aeschines, when Philip announced to the Athenians that he had taken possession of Phocis. The people of Athens, however, were silenced and lulled into security by the repeated assurances of the king and the venal orators who advocated his cause at Athens. In B. C. 346, Aeschines was sent as pulago/ras to the assembly of the amphictyons at Pylae which was convoked by Philip, and at which he received greater honours than he could ever have expected. At this time Aeschines and Demosthenes were at the head of the two parties, into which not only Athens, but all Greece was divided, and their political enmity created and nourished personal hatred. This enmity came to a head in the year B. C. 343, when Demosthenes charged Aeschines with having been bribed an
ls, whence she probably derived the surname of taurobo/los (Suid. s. v.), rams, and cows. (Hom. Il. 2.550; Ov. Met. 4.754.) Eustathius (ad Hom. l.c.) remarks, that only female animals were sacrificed to her, but no female lambs. In Ilion, Locrian maidens or children are said to have been sacrificed to her every year as an atonement for the crime committed by the Locrian Ajax upon Cassandra; and Suidas (s. v. poinh/) states, that these human sacrifices continued to be offered to her down to B. C. 346. Respecting the great festivals of Athena at Athens, see Dict. of Ant. s. vv. Panathenaea and Arrhephoria. Athena was frequently represented in works of art; but those in which her figure reached the highest ideal of perfection were the three statues by Pheidias. The first was the celebrated colossal statue of the goddess, of gold and ivory, which was erected on the acropolis of Athens; the second was a still greater bronze statue, made out of the spoils taken by the Athenians in the bat
ver came to nothing in consequence of the refusal of Amadocus to allow Philip a passage through his territory. But after the passing of the decree above-mentioned, Philip became the enemy of Cersobleptes, and in B. C. 352 made a successful expedition into Thrace, gained a firm ascendancy in the country, and brought away a son of Cersobleptes as a hostage. (Dem. Olynth. i. p. 12 ad fin.; Isocr. Phil. p. 86c.; Aesch. de Fals. Leg. p. 38.) At the time of the peace between Athens and Philip in B. C. 346, we find Cersobleptes again involved in hostilities with the Macedonian king, who in fact was absent in Thrace when the second Athenian embassy arrived at Pella, and did not return to give them audience till he had completely conquered Cersobleptes. (Dem. de Fals. Leg. pp. 390, 391, de Cor. p. 235; Aesch. de Fals. Leg. pp. 29, 40, &c.) In the course of the next three years, Cersobleptes seems to have recovered strength sufficient to throw off the yoke, and, according to Diodorus, persisted
om Delphi, and some of which had found its way into his hands. (Diod. 16.52-55; Philochor. apud Dionys. p. 735; Theopomp. and Heracleid. apud Athen. xii. p. 532.) On his eu)qu/nh he was impeached by Cephisodotus, who complained, that "he was endeavouring to give his account after having got the people tight by the throat" (Arist. Rhet. 3.10.7), an allusion perhaps merely to the great embarrassment of Athens at the time. (See a very unsatisfactory explanation in Mitford, ch. 39, sec. 2.) In B. C. 346 we find him commanding again in Thrace; and, when Philip was preparing to march against Cersobleptes, complaints arrived at Athens from the Chersonesus that Chares had withdrawn from his station, and was nowhere to be found; and the people were obliged to send a squadron in quest of him with the extraordinary message, that " the Athenians were surprised that, while Philip was marching against the Chersonese, they did not know where their general and their forces were." That he had been eng
Eretria by Phocion, B. C. 350, popular government was at first established ; but strong party struggles ensued, in which the adherents of Athens were at length overpowered by those of Macedonia, and Philip then sent Hipponicus, one of his generals, to destroy the walls of Porthmus, the harbour of Eretria, and to set up Hipparchus, Automedon, and Cleitarchus as tyrants. (Plut. Phoc. 13; Dem. (de Cor. § 86, Philipp. 3. §§ 68, 69.) This was subsequent to the peace between Athens and Philip in B. C. 346, since Demosthenes adduces it as one of the proofs of a breach of the peace on the part of Macedon. (Philipp. 3.23.) The tyrants, however, were not suffered to retain their power quietly, for Demosthenes (Philip. 3.69) mentions two armaments sent by Philip for their support, at different times, under Eurylochus and Parmenion respectively. Soon after, we find Cleitarchus in sole possession of the government ; but he does not seem to have been at open hostility with Athens, though he held Er
fell by the sword of Valerius. A general battle then ensued, in which the Gauls were entirely defeated. The consul presented Valerius with ten oxen and a golden crown, and the grateful people elected him, in his absence, consul for the next year, though he was only twenty-three years of age. He was consul in B. C. 348 with L. Popillius Laenas. There was peace in that year both at home and abroad: a treaty was made with Carthage. (Liv. 7.26, 27; Gel. 9.11; V. Max. 8.15.5; Eutrop. 2.6.) In B. C. 346 Corvus was consul a second time with C. Poetelius Libo. He carried on war against the Volsci, defeated them in battle, and then took Satricum, which he burnt to the ground with the exception of the temple of Mater Matuta. He obtained a triumph on his return to Rome. (Liv. 7.27; Censorin. de Die Nat. 17.) In B. C. 343 Corvus was consul a third time with A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina. Young as he was, Corvus was already regarded as one of the very first generals of the republic, and the state
Critobu'lus (*Krito/boulos), a citizen of Lampsacus, who appeared at Athens as the representative of Cersobleptes in B. C. 346, when the treaty of peace between Philip and the Athenians was about to be ratified, and claimed to be admitted to take the oath on behalf of the Thracian king as one of the allies of Athens. A decree to this effect was passed by the assembly in spite of a strong opposition, as Aeschines asserts, on the part of Demosthenes. Yet when the treaty was actually ratified before the board of generals, Cersobleptes was excluded from it. Demosthenes and Aeschines accuse one another of thus having nullified the decree; while, according to Philip's account, Critobulus was prevented by the generals from taking the oath. (Aesch. de Fals. Leg. p. 39, Ep. Phil. ad Ath. p. 160; Dem. de Fals. Leg. p. 395; Thirlwall's Greece, vol. v. p. 356.) [E.