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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 22 22 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 1 1 Browse Search
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae 1 1 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 31-40 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, section 192 (search)
To show you, then, that these men are the basest and most depraved of all Philip's visitors, private as well as official,—yes, of all of them,—let me tell you a trifling story that has nothing to do with the embassy. After Philip had taken Olynthus, he was holding Olympian games,Not the great Olympian Games of Elis, but a Macedonian festival held at Dium. The date is probably the spring of 347 B.C. and had invited all sorts of artists to the religious celebration and the festiv
Demosthenes, Against Pantaenetus, section 6 (search)
When these transactions had been completed in the month of Elaphebolion in the archonship of Theophilus,That is, in March 347 B.C. I at once sailed away for Pontus, but the plaintiff and Evergus remained here. What transactions they had with one another while I was away, I cannot state, for they do not tell the same story, nor is the plaintiff always consistent with himself; sometimes he says that he was forcibly ousted from his leasehold by Evergus in violation of the agreement; sometimes that Evergus was the cause of his being inscribed as a debtor to the state;See note on Dem. 37.2 and the Introduction. sometimes anything else that he chooses to say.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 70 (search)
343/2 B.C.When Pythodotus was archon at Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Gaius Plautius and Titus Manlius.Pythodotus was archon at Athens from July 343 to June 342 B.C. C. Plautius Venno and T. Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus were the consuls of 347 B.C. (Broughton, 1.130). In this yearPlut. Timoleon 13.2-5. Timoleon frightened the tyrant Dionysius into surrendering the citadel, resigning his office and retiring under a safe-conduct to the Peloponnese, but retaining his private possessions. Thus, through cowardice and meanness, he lost that celebrated tyranny which had been, as people said, bound with fetters of steel,This was an oft-quoted metaphor credited to the elder Dionysius; cp. above, chap. 5.4; Plut. Dion 7.3 and Plut. Dion 10.3. and spent the remaining years of his life in poverty at Corinth, furnishing in his life and misfortune an example to all who vaunt themselves unwisely on their successes. He who had posses
Isocrates, Panegyricus (ed. George Norlin), section 74 (search)
ich has long been appropriated, and upon which the very ablest speakers among our citizens have many times addressed you at the public funerals;The custom of delivering funeral orations for those who fell in battle seems to have originated in the Persian Wars. Of such orations the following are the most celebrated: the oration of Pericles in honor of those who died in the first year of the Peloponnesian War (Thuc. 2.35-46); the Epitaphios of Gorgias, published in Athens some time after 347 B.C., represented by fragments only; the Epitaphios attributed to Lysias on those who fell in the Corinthian War, 394 B.C.; the Menexenus of Plato; the Epitaphios attributed to Demosthenes on those who were killed at Chaeronea; that of Hypereides on the heroes of the Lamian War. for, naturally, the most important topics have already been exhausted, while only unimportant topics have been left for later speakers. Nevertheless, since they are apposite to the matter in hand, I must not s
Polybius, Histories, book 9, Greece: Philip Reduces Thessaly (search)
and the Illyrian Scerdilaidas. A mission was sent from Aetolia to persuade the Lacedaemonians to join. See Livy, 26, 24. "That the Macedonian supremacy, men of Sparta, was the beginning of slavery to the Greeks, I am persuaded that no one will venture to deny; and you may satisfy yourselves by looking at it thus. There was a league of Greeks living in the parts towards Thrace who were colonists from Athens and Chalcis, of which the most conspicuous and powerful was the city of Olynthus. B. C. 347. Having enslaved and made an example of this town, Philip not only became master of the Thraceward cities, but reduced Thessaly also to his authority by the terror which he had thus set up. Battle of Chaeronea, B. C. 338. Not long after this he conquered the Athenians in a pitched battle, and used his success with magnanimity, not from any wish to benefit the Athenians—far from it, but in order that his favourable treatment of them might induce the other states to submit to him voluntarily. T
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae, Book One, Prosa 1 (search)
vobis: i.e., Camenis . ferendum: "to be borne, tolerated"; sc. esse mihi . nihil: adverbial accusative, "not at all." quippe: explanatory particle, "for, since." eo: antecedent is quem profanum . hunc vero . . . innutritum: ellipsis of main verb effectively expresses indignation. Eleaticis et Academicis studiis : the teachings of Parmenides of Elea (d. shortly after 450 B.C.), Plato (founder of the Academy at Athens; d. 347 B.C.) and their disciples. Sirenes: in mythology, birds with the faces of beautiful girls singing sweetly to lure mariners to shore and death. usque in exitium dulces: "pleasant to the point of destruction." meisque . . . Musis: dative of agent with curandum and sanandum . His . . . increpitus: "rebuked by these [words]." humi: locative. acies: "gaze, sight."
eached the Gospel in Europe, A.D. 53. See Acts xvi. 12., distant from Dyrrhachium 325 miles; also ScotussaIts site seems unknown, but it is evidently a different place from that mentioned in the last Chapter., the city of Topiris, the mouth of the river MestusAlso called Mestus., Mount Pangæus, HeracleaSintica, previously mentioned., OlynthosNow Aco Mamas, at the head of the Toronaic Gulf. It was the most important Greek city on the coast of Macedon. It was taken and destroyed by Philip, B.C. 347, and its inhabitants sold as slaves. Mecyberna, already mentioned, was used as its sea-port., AbderaOn the coast, and east of the river Nestus. Its people were proverbial for their stupidity, though it produced the philosophers Democritus, Protagoras, and Anaxarchus. No traces of its site are to be found., a free city, the people of the BistonesNow called the Lagos Buru. The name of the Bistones is sometimes used by the poets for that of the Thracians in general. and their Lake. Here was form
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone, III. (search)
kaqei=rcen. e)pi\ tou/tois *ai(/mwn, o( *kre/ontos ui(o/s, o(\s e)mna=to au)th/n, a)ganakth/sas e(auto\n prosepisfa/zei th=| ko/rh| a)polome/nh| a)gxo/nh|, *teiresi/ou tau=ta proqespi/santos: e)f' w(=| luphqei=sa *eu)rudi/kh, h( tou= *kre/ontos gameth/, e(auth\n a)posfa/zei. kai\ te/los qrhnei= *kre/wn to\n tou= paido\s kai\ th=s gameth=s qa/naton. kaqa/rantes vulg., kaqai/rontes L, and so most recent edd. But the present partic. cannot stand here; the removal of the dust was not a continued or repeated act (cp. v. 409). The form e)ka/qara has earlier epigraphic evidence (347 B.C.) than e)ka/qhra: see Meisterhans, Gramm. Att. Inschr. p. 86. prosepisfa/zei L: e)pisfa/zei vulg. II a)posfa/zei L: katasfa/zei vulg. e)piba/llei xw=ma, because the strewing of dust on the corpse was a symbolical sepulture: see v. 256, and n. on 10. The phrase is strange, but no emendation seems probable. 7 e(auth\n ei)sagge/llei, ‘denounces herself’: see v. 435. 10 proqespi/santos: alluding to vv. 1064
ubulus prevailed on the Athenians to send an embassy to Peloponnesus with the object of uniting the Greeks against the common enemy. and Aeschines was sent to Arcadia. Here Aeschines spoke at Megalopolis against Hieronymus an emissary of Philip, but without success; and from this moment Aeschines, as well as all his fellow-citizens, gave up the hope of effecting anything by the united forces of Greece. (Dem. De fals. Leg. pp. 314, 438; Aesch. De fals. Leg. p. 38.) When therefore Philip, in B. C. 347, gave the Athenians to understand that he was inclined to make peace with them, Philocrates urged the necessity of sending an embassy to Philip to treat on the subject. Ten men, and among them Aeschines and Demosthenes, were accordingly sent to Philip, who received them with the utmost politeness, and Aeschines, when it was his turn to speak, reminded the king of the rights which Athens had to his friendship and alliance. The king promised to send forthwith ambassadors to Athens to negotia
Archela'us (*)Arxe/laos), one of the illegitimate sons of AMYNTAS II. by Cygnaea. Himself and his two brothers (Archideus or Arrhidaeus, and Menelaus) excited the jealousy of their halfbrother Philip; and, this having proved fatal to one of them, the other two tied for refuge to Olynthus. According to Justin, the protection which they obtained there gave occasion to the Olynthian war, B. C. 349; and on the capture of the city, B. C. 347, the two princes fell into Philip's hands and were put to death. (Just. 7.4, 8.3.) [E.