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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 20 20 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 1 1 Browse Search
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Plato, Letters, Letter 6 (search)
Plato to Hermeias and Erastus and CoriscusHermeias was tyrant of Atarneus, circa 351 B.C. Erastus and Coriscus were pupils of Plato who lived at Scepsis, near Atarneus. wishes well-doing.Some God, as it seems plain to me, is preparing for you good fortune in a gracious and bountiful way, if only you accept it with grace. For you dwell near together as neighbors in close association so that you can help one another in the things of greatest importance. For Hermeias will find in his multitude of horses or of other military equipment, or even in the gaining of gold itself, no greater source of power for all purposes than in the gaining of steadfast friends possessed of a sound character; while Erastus and Coriscus, in addition to this fair Science of Ideas, need also—as I, old though I am,Plato would be about 77 in 351-350 B.C. The point of this allusion to his age may be that old men ought rather to cultivate other-worldliness. assert—the science which is a safeguard in dealing wi
Ada (*)/Ada), the daughter of Hecatomnus, king of Caria, and sister of Mausolus, Artemisia, Idrieus, and Pixodarus. She was married to her brother Idrieus, who succeeded Artemisia in B. C. 351 and died B. C. 344. On the death of her husband she succeeded to the throne of Caria, but was expelled by her brother Pixodarus in B. C. 340; and on the death of the latter in B. C. 335 his son-in-law Orontobates received the satrapy of Caria from the Persian king. When Alexander entered Caria in B. C. 334, Ada, who was in possession of the fortress of Alinda, surrendered this place to him and begged leave to adopt him as her son. After taking Halicarnassus, Alexander committed the government of Caria to her. (Arrian, Arr. Anab. 1.23; Diod. 16.42, 74; Strab. xiv. pp. 656, 657; Plut. Alex. 10
Aha'la 7. Q. Servilius Ahala, Q. F. Q. N., magister equitum B. C. 351, when M. Fabius was appointed dictator to frustrate the Licinian law, and consul B. C. 342, at the beginning of the first Samnite war. He remained in the city; his colleague had the charge of the war. (Liv. 7.22, 38.)
o Greece in B. C. 368. (Xen. Hell. 7.1.27.) Ariobarzanes, who is called by Diodorus (15.90) satrap of Phrygia, and by Nepos (Datam. 100.2) satrap of Lydia, Ionia, and Phrygia, revolted from Artaxerxes in B. C. 362, and may be regarded as the founder of the independent kingdom of Pontus. Demosthenes, in B. C. 352, speaks of Ariobarzanes and his three sons having been lately made Athenian citizens. (In Aristocrat. pp. 666, 687.) He mentions him again (pro Rhod. p. 193) in the following year, B. C. 351, and says, that the Athenians had sent Timotheus to his assistance; but that when the Athenian general saw that Ariobarzanes was in open revolt against the king, he refused to assist him. III. The son of Mithridates III., began to reign B. C. 266 and died about B. C. 240. He obtained possession of the city of Amastris, which was surrendered to him. (Memnon, cc. 16, 24, ed. Orelli.) Ariobarzanes and his father, Mithridates, sought the assistance of the Gauls, who had come into Asia twelve
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Capitoli'nus, Ma'nlius 9. Cn. Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus, L. F. A. N., was consul in B. C. 359 with M. Popillius Laenas, and carried on a war with the Tiburtines. Two years later, B. C. 357, he was again called to the consulship, during which he had to carry on a war against the Faliscans and Tarquinienses. In B. C. 351 he was censor with C. Marcius Rutilus, and during the war with the Auruncans in 345, he was magister equitum to the dictator L. Furius Camillus. (Liv. 7.12, 16, 22, 28.) [L.S]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Capitoli'nus, Qui'nctius 6. T. Quinctius Cincinnatus CAPITOLINUS, consular tribune in B. C. 368. [CINCINNATUS.] 7. T. QUINCTIUS PENNUS CAPITOLINUS CRISPINUS, T. F., was appointed dictator in B. C. 361, to conduct the war against the Gauls, as Livy thinks, who is supported by the triumphal fasti, which ascribe to him a triumph in this year over the Gauls. In the year following he was magister equitum to the dictator, Q. Servilius Ahala, who likewise fought against the Gauls. In B. C. 354 he was consul with M. Fabius Ambustus, and in that year the Tiburtines and Tarquinienses were subdued. In B. C. 351, he was appointed consula sesecond time, and received the conduct of the war against the Faliscans as his province, but no battle was fought, as the Romans confined themselves to ravaging the country. (Liv. 7.9, 11, 18, 22.)
Censori'nus 1. C. Marcius Rutilus Censorinus, C. F. L. N., was the son of C. Marcius Rutilus, the first plebeian dictator (B. C. 356) and censor (B. C. 351). He was consul in B. C. 310 with Q. Fabius Maximus, and while his colleague was engaged in his brilliant campaign in Etruria, Rutilus conducted the war in Samnium and took the town of Allifae. He afterwards fought a battle with the Samnites, in which he was probably defeated; for the statement of Livy, that the battle was a drawn one, is almost outweighed by his confession, that the consul himself was wounded and a legate and several tribunes of the soldiers killed. (Liv. 9.33, 38; Diod. 20.27.) On the admission of the plebs to the priestly colleges by the Ogulnian law in B. C. 300, by which also the number of their members was increased, Rutilus was elected one of the pontiffs. (Liv. 10.9.) He was censor with P. Cornelius Arvina in 294 (Liv. 10.47), and a second time with Cn. Cornelius Blasio in 265, the only instance in which
then. cujus ordinat. et correct. in orat. *Peri\ *Summ. inscripta suadet Demosth., Magdeburg, 1836. 14. *(Upe\r *Megalopolitw=n *(Upe\r *Megalopolitw=n, B. C. 353. 15. *Peri\ th=s *(Rodi/wn e)leuqeri/as *Peri\ th=s *(Rodi/wn e)leuqeri/as, B. C. 351. 16. *Peri\ tw=n pro\s *)Ale/candron sunqhkw=n *Peri\ tw=n pro\s *)Ale/candron sunqhkw=n, refers to B. C. 325, and was recognized as spurious by the ancients themselves. (Dionys. de Admir. vi die. Dem. 57; Liban. Argum. p. 211.) II. Judicialls after B. C. 347. 37. *Pro\s *Nausi/maxon kai\ *Cenopei/qh paragrafh/ *Pro\s *Nausi/maxon kai\ *Cenopei/qh paragrafh/, is of uncertain date. 38. *Pro\s *Boiwto\n peri\ tou o)no/maatos *Pro\s *Boiwto\n peri\ tou o)no/maatos, belongs to B. C. 351 or 350, and was ascribed by some of the ancients to Deinarchus. (Dionys. Deinarch. 13.) See Böckh, Urkund. über. das Att. Seewesen, p. 22, &c. 39. *Pro\s *Boiwto\n n(pe\r proiko\s mhtrw/|as *Pro\s *Boiwto\n n(pe\r proiko\s mhtrw/|as, B. C. 3
Eva'goras 2. Apparently a son of the preceding, is mentioned by Diodorus as joined with Phocion in the command of an expedition destined to recover Cyprus for the king of Persia, from whom it had revolted. (B. C. 351.) They succeeded in reducing all the island with the exception of Salamis, which was held by Pnytagoras, probably a brother of this Evagoras. The latter had obtained from the Persian king a promise of his father's government in case he could effect its conquest; but the siege being protracted. Evagoras by some means incurred the displeasure of Artaxerxes, who became reconciled to Pnytagoras, and left him in the possession of Salamis, while he appointed Evagoras to a government in the interior of Asia. Here, however, he again gave dissatisfaction, and was accused of maladministration, in consequence of which lie fled to Cyprus, where he was seized and put to death. (Diod. 16.42, 46.) The annexed coin belongs to this Evagoras.
I'drieus or HI'DRIEUS (*)Idrieu/s, Diod. ; *(Idrieu/s, Strab. Arr.), king or dynast of Caria. He was the second son of Hecatomnus, and succeeded to the throne on the death of Artemisia, the widow of his brother Maussolus, in B. C. 351. Shortly after his accession he was required by the Persian king, Artaxerxes Ochus, to fit out an armament for the reduction of Cyprus, a request with which he readily complied; and having equipped a fleet of 40 triremes, and assembled an army of 8000 mercenary troops, despatched them against Cyprus, under the command of Evagoras and the Athenian general Phocion. This is the only event of his reign which is recorded to us; but we may infer, from an expression of Isocrates, in B. C. 346 (Philipp. p. 102e), that the friendly relations between him and the Persian king did not long continue : they appear to have come even to an open rupture. But the hostility of Persia did not interfere with his prosperity, for he is spoken of by Isocrates in the same passa