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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 13 13 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 5 5 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 2 2 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
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Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 7, chapter 4 (search)
en in a long time out of those who were not valiant. Now while the leaders of the Arcadians were363 B.C. using the sacred treasures, i.e., of Olympia. and therefrom maintaining the Epariti, the Mantinhemselves, they collected in their city the amount which fell to their share towards the payment363 B.C. of the Epariti and sent it off to the leaders. The leaders, however, said that they were doing unless they sent them a summons. And while they said this to the Thebans, at the same time they363 B.C. reasoned that they had no desire for war. For they held that they had no desire for the presidehim in this matter that of the Mantineans, whom they most wanted to capture, they had but a very363 B.C. few; for because their city was near by, almost all of them had gone home. Now when day came anre rightly when he seized the men than when he released them. “For,” he said to the ambassadors,363 B.C. “it was on your account that we entered upon war, and you concluded peace without our approval;<
Polybius, Histories, book 8, The Necessity of Caution in Dealing with an Enemy (search)
h the unprincipled character of the tyrant Alexander, and though he knew thoroughly well that every tyrant regards the leaders of liberty as his bitterest enemies, first took upon himself to persuade Epaminondas to stand forth as the champion of democracy, not only in Thebes, but in all Greece also; and then, being in Thessaly in arms, for the express purpose of destroying the absolute rule of Alexander, he yet twice ventured to undertake a mission to him. Fall of Pelopidas in Thessaly, B. C. 363.The consequence was that he fell into the hands of his enemies, did great damage to Thebes, and ruined the reputation he had acquired before; and all by putting a rash and ill advised confidence in the very last person in whom he ought to have done so. Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Asina with his fleet surprised and captured at Lipara, B. C. 260. See I, 21. Very similar to these cases is that of the Roman Consul Gnaeus Cornelius who fell in the Sicilian war by imprudently putting himself in the pow
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, APOLLO PALATINUS, AEDES (search)
lo (Suet. Aug. 29; Verg. Aen. vi. 72 and Serv. ad loc.; Tib. ii. 5. 17), and they were saved when the temple itself was burned (see below). Part of the ceremony of the ludi saeculares took place at this temple (CIL vi. name. 32323, 32, 139, a. 17 B.C.; 32327, 7, 23, a. 203 A.D.), and it is mentioned incidentally by Tacitus (Hist. i. 27; iii. 65) and in Hist. Aug. Claud. 4 in connection with a meeting of the senate. It is mentioned in the Notitia (Reg. X), but was burned down on 18th March, 363 (Amm. xxiii. 3. 3) Besides Palatinus, the usual epithet of the god worshipped in this temple we find navalis (Prop. iv. 1. 3), Actius Applied because Augustus attributed the victory of Actium (31 B.C.) to the intervention of Apollo. (ib. iv. 6. 67), Actiacus (Ov. Met xiii. 715), and Rhamnusius (Not. Reg. X; for explanations of this name see Rosch. iv. 88). The facade of the original temple was Ionic, if Richmond cit. is right; while it was restored in the Corinthian order by Domitian, if a
f three kings or satraps of Pontus. I. Was betrayed by his son Mithridates to the Persian king. (Xen. Cyr. 8.8.4; Aristot. Pol. 5.8.15, ed. Schneid.) It is doubtful whether this Ariobarzanes is the same who conducted the Athenian ambassadors, in B. C. 405, to the sea-coast of Mysia, after they had been detained three years by order of Cyrus (Xen. Hell. 1.4.7), or the same who assisted Antalcidas in B. C. 388. (Id. 5.1.28.) II. Succeeded his father, Mithridates I., and reigned 26 years, B. C. 363-337. (Diod. 16.90.) He appears to have held some high office in the Persian court five years before the death of his father, as we find him, apparently on behalf of the king, sending an embassy to Greece in B. C. 368. (Xen. Hell. 7.1.27.) Ariobarzanes, who is called by Diodorus (15.90) satrap of Phrygia, and by Nepos (Datam. 100.2) satrap of Lydia, Ionia, and Phrygia, revolted from Artaxerxes in B. C. 362, and may be regarded as the founder of the independent kingdom of Pontus. Demosthenes
Aventinensis 2. Cn. Genucius Aventinensis, M. F. M. N., consul B. C. 363, in which year the senate was chiefly occupied in endeavouring to appease the anger of the gods. (Liv. 7.3; Diod. 16.2.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Capitoli'nus, Ma'nlius 8. L. Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus, A. F. A. N., was dictator in B. C. 363 clavi figendi causa. (Liv. 7.3.)
we may arrive still nearer at his age. Mummius brought the above-mentioned group of the Muses from Thespiae to Rome; and Cleomenes must therefore have lived previously to B. C. 146, the date of the destruction of Corinth. The beautiful statue of Venus is evidently an imitation of the Cnidian statue of Praxiteles; and Müller's opinion is very probable, that Cleomenes tried to revive at Athens the style of this great artist. Our artist would, according to this supposition, have lived between B. C. 363 (the age of Praxiteles) and B. C. 146. Now, there is another Cleomenes, the author of a much admired but rather lifeless statue in the Louvre, which commonly bears the name of Germanicus, though without the slightest foundation. It represents a Roman orator, with the right hand lifted, and, as the attribute of a turtle at the foot shews, in the habit of Mercury. There the artist calls himself *K*L*E*O*M*E*N*H*S *K*L*E*O*M*E*N*O*U*S *A*Q*H*N*A*I*O*S*E *P*O*I*H*S*E*N. He was therefore di
dun. Bat. 1825. 46. *Peri\ *Eu)e/rlou kai\ *Mnhsibou/lou yeudomarturiw=n *Peri\ *Eu)e/rlou kai\ *Mnhsibou/lou yeudomarturiw=n, belongs to the time after B. C. 355. Its genuineness is doubted by Harpocr. s. vv. *)Ekaki/stroun and h)|thme/nhn, H. Wolf, Böckh (l.c.), and I. Bekker. See Schaefer, Appar. Crit. v. p. 216. 47. *Kata\ *)Olumpiodw/rou bla/bhs *Kata\ *)Olumpiodw/rou bla/bhs after B. C. 343. 48. *Pro\s *Timo/qeon u(pe\r xre/ews *Pro\s *Timo/qeon u(pe\r xre/ews, falls between B. C. 363 and 354, but is considered spurious by Harpocrat. s. v. *Kakotexniw=n, Böckh, and Bekker (see Schaefer, Appar. Crit. v. p. 264). It is defended by Rumpf, de Orat. adv. Timothy , Giessen, 1821. 49. *Pro\s Polukle/a peri\ tou= e)pitrihrarxh/matos *Pro\s Polukle/a peri\ tou= e)pitrihrarxh/matos, after B. C. 361. 50. *Peri\ tou= *Stefa/nou th=s trihrarxi/as *Peri\ tou= *Stefa/nou th=s trihrarxi/as, after B. C. 361, is suspected by Becker, Demosth. als Staatsmann und. Redner, p. 465. 51
rances of fidelity from the chief men in the several states, he did not deem it necessary to put down the oligarchical governments which had been established under Spartan protection ; but the Arcadians made this moderation a ground of complaint against him to the Thebans, and the latter then sent harmosts to the different Achaean cities, and set up democracy in all of them, which, however, was soon overthrown every-where by a counter-revolution. (Xen. Hell. 7.1. §§ 41-43; Diod. 15.75.) In B. C. 363, when the oligarchical party in Arcadia had succeeded in bringing about a treaty of peace with Elis, the Theban officer in command at Tegea at first joined in the ratification of it; but afterwards, at the instigation of the chiefs of the democratic party, he ordered the gates of Tegea to be closed, and arrested many of the higher class. The Mantineians protested strongly against this act of violence, and prepared to resent it, and the Theban then released the prisoners, and apologized for
Imperio'sus a surname of three members of the Manlia gens,--L. Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus, dictator in B. C. 363, Cn. Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus, consul in 359 and 357 [CAPITOLINUS, Nos. 8, 9, p. 605], and T. Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus, dictator for the first time in 353. [TORQUATUS.]