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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 22 22 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 3 3 Browse Search
Isaeus, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Isaeus, Philoctemon, section 14 (search)
Fifty-two years have passed since the Sicilian expedition, reckoning from the date of its departure in the archonship of Arimnestus;The Sicilian expedition set out in the summer of 415 B.C. (Thuc. 6.30). The date of this speech must therefore be 364 B.C. yet the elder of these two alleged sons of Callippe and Euctemon has not yet passed his twentieth year. If these years are deducted, more than thirty years still remain since the Sicilian expedition; so that Callippe, if she were thirty years of age,The speaker rather arbitrarily calculates the date of her marriage by the birth of her elder son. ought to have been no longer under a guardian, nor unmarried and childless, but long ago married, given in marriage either by her guardian, according to the law, or else by an adjudication of the cou
Isocrates, To Philip (ed. George Norlin), section 53 (search)
plendid victoryBattle of Leuctra, 371 B.C. and covered themselves with glory, but because they did not make good use of their success they are now in no better case than those who have suffered defeat and failure. For no sooner had they triumphed over their foes than, neglecting everything else, they began to annoy the cities of the Peloponnese;Epaminondas invaded the Peloponnese in 369, 368, 366, 362, stirring up the cities there against Sparta. Dio. Sic. 15.62-75. they made bold to reduce Thessaly to subjection;By conquering Alexander of Pherae. Dio. Sic. 15.67. they threatened their neighbors, the Megarians;The Megarians sided with Sparta when Agesilaus invaded Boeotia in 378. Xen. Hell. 5.4.41. they robbed our city of a portion of its territory;The border town of Oropus, 366 B.C. Xen. Hell. 7.4.1. they ravaged Euboea;See Dem. 18.99. they sent men-of-war to Byzantium,One hundred ships under Epaminondas, 364 B.C. Dio. Sic. 15.78-79. as if they purposed to rule both land and sea;
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Elis 2, chapter 22 (search)
r hostility to the Eleans, and by their keenness to preside over the Olympic games instead of them. At the eighth Festival748 B.C. they brought in Pheidon of Argos, the most overbearing of the Greek tyrants, and held the games along with him, while at the thirty-fourth Festival644 B.C. the people of Pisa, with their king Pantaleon the son of Omphalion, collected an army from the neighborhood, and held the Olympic games instead of the Eleans. These Festivals, as well as the hundred and fourth364 B.C., which was held by the Arcadians, are called “Non-Olympiads” by the Eleans, who do not include them in a list of Olympiads. At the forty-eighth Festival588 B.C., Damophon the son of Pantaleon gave the Eleans reasons for suspecting that he was intriguing against them, but when they invaded the land of Pisa with an army he persuaded them by prayers and oaths to return quietly home again. When Pyrrhus, the son of Pantaleon, succeeded his brother Damophon as king, the people of Pisa of their ow
Plato, Letters, Letter 2 (search)
also, as I affirm. But as it is, my greatness consists in making myself follow my own instructions.This closely resemblesPlat. Laws 835c (withMO/NOSforME/GAS). However, I do not say this as though what Cratistolus and PolyxenusPolyxenus was a Sophist and a disciple of Bryson of Megara, cf. Plat. L. 2.314dand Plat. L. 13.360c. Of Cratistolus nothing further is known. have told you is to be trusted; for it is said that one of these men declares that at OlympiaProbably the Olympic Festival of 364 B.C. (not 360 B.C. as in Plat. L. 7.350b); see the Prefatory Note. he heard quite a number of my companions maligning you. No doubt his hearing is more acute than mine; for I certainly heard no such thing. For the future, whenever anyone makes such a statement about any of us, what you ought, I think, to do is to send me a letter of inquiry; for I shall tell the truth without scruple or shame.Now as for you and me, the relation in which we stand towards each other is really this. There
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 7, chapter 4 (search)
ians one. And the whole number who were captured of the Spartiatae and the Perioeci came to more than one hundred. When the Arcadians were no longer occupied with364 B.C. Cromnus, they occupied themselves again with the Eleans, and they not only kept Olympia more strongly garrisoned, but also, since an Olympic year was coming on, , who say that they were the first to have charge of the sanctuary. But when the month came in which the Olympic games take place and the days on which the festal364 B.C. assembly gathers, at this time the Eleans, after making their preparations openly and summoning the Achaeans to their aid, proceeded to march along the road leadt day they led their allies forward, as men who were unexcelled in valour, and they not only routed the Arcadians at once — for it was these whom they encountered364 B.C. first — but withstood the attack of the Argives when they came to the rescue, and won the victory over them also. When, however, they had pursued the enemy to th
. By ancient writers he is ranked amongst the most distinguished artists, and is considered by Pausanias second only to Phidias. (Quint. Inst. 12.10.8; Dionys. De Demosth. acum. vol. vi. p. 1108, ed. Reiske; Paus. 5.10.2.) He flourished from about Ol. 84 (Plin. Nat. 34.8. s. 19) to Ol. 95 (B. C. 444-400). Pliny's date is confirmed by Pausanias, who says (8.9.1), that Praxiteles flourished in the third generation after Alcamnenes; and Praxiteles, as Pliny tells us, flourished about Ol. 104 (B. C. 364). The last works of his which we hear of, were the colossal statues of Athene and Hercules, which Thrasybulus erected in the temple of Hercules at Thebes after the expulsion of the tyrants from Athens. (B. C. 403.) The most beautiful and renowned of the works of Alcamenes was a statue of Venus, called from the place where it was set up, *(H e)n kh/pois *)Afrodi/th. (Lucian, Imagines, 4, 6; Paus. 1.19.2.) It is said that Phidias himself put the finishing touches to this work. (Plin. Nat. 36
er expedition of the Thebans under Epaminondas into Thessaly, to effect the release of Pelopidas. According to Plutarch, the tyrant did not dare to offer resistance, and was glad to purchase even a thirty days' truce by the delivery of the prisoners. (Plut. Pel. pp. 293, 294; Diod. 15.75.) During the next three years Alexander would seem to have renewed his attempts against the states of Thessaly, especially those of Magnesia and Phthiotis (Plut. Pel. p. 295a), for at the end of that time, B. C. 364, we find them again applying to Thebes for protection against him. The army appointed to march under Pelopidas is said to have been dismayed by an eclipse (June 13, 364), and Pelopidas, leaving it behind, entered Thessaly at the head of three hundred volunteer horsemen and some mercenaries. A battle ensued at Cynoscephalae, wherein Pelopidas was himself slain, but defeated Alexander (Plut. Pel. pp. 295, 296 ; Diod. 15.80); and this victory was closely followed by another of the Thebans un
Andro'machus (*)Andro/maxos). 1. Commander of the Eleans in B. C. 364, was defeated by the Arcadians and killed himself in consequence. (Xen. Hell. 7.4.19
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Licinius Calvus Stolo or Calvus Stolo (search)
trusted to a college of ten men (decemviri), half of whom should be plebeians, that no falsifications might be introduced in favour of the patricians. These rogations were passed after a most vehement opposition on the part of the patricians, and L. Sextius was the first plebeian who, in accordance with the first of them, obtained the consulship for the year B. C. 366. Licinius himself too received marks of the people's gratitude and confidence, by being elected twice to the consulship, in B. C. 364 and 361; but some years later he was accused by M. Popilius Laenas of having transgressed his own law respecting the amount of public land which a person might possess. Avarice had tempted him to violate his own salutary regulations, and in B. C. 357 he was sentenced to pay a heavy fine. (Plin. Nat. 17.1, 18.4 ; Varro, De Re Rust. 1.2; Liv. 6.35, 42, 7.1, 2, 9, 16; Florus, 1.26; Aur. Vict. De Vir. Illustr. 20 ; Plut. Camill. 39; Diod. 15.82, 95; Zonar. 7.24 ; V. Max. 8.6.3; comp. Niebuhr,
Cotys (*Ko/tus). 1. A king of Paphlagonia, seems to have been the same whom Xenophon (Xen. Anab. 5.5.12, &c.) calls Corylas. Otys also is only another form of the name. A vassal originally of the Persian throne, he had thrown off his allegiance to Artaxerxes II., and, when summoned to court, as a test probably of his loyalty, had refused obedience. He therefore listened readily to the recommendation of Spithridates to enter into alliance with Sparta, and having met Agesilaus for this purpose on his entrance into Paphlagonia, he left with him a considerable reinforcement for his army. For this service Agesilaus rewarded Spithridates by negotiating a marriage for his daughter with Cotys, B. C. 395. (Xen. Hell. iv. 50.3, &c.) The subject of the present article has been identified by some with Thyus, whom Datames conquered and carried prisoner to Artaxerxes about B. C. 364; but this conjecture does not appear to rest on any valid grounds. (See Schneider, ad Xen. Hell. l.c.) [THYUS