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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 20 20 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 4 4 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 5-7 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 7, chapter 1 (search)
se people said they were Arcadians, as a result of this the Eleans in their turn felt unfriendly toward them. While the several allies were each thus filled with368 B.C. proud confidence in themselves, Philiscus of Abydus came from Ariobarzanescp. v. i. 28. with a large amount of money. And in the first place he brought together e time for which he had been directed to stay had expired. And as soon as he had said this he departed by the road leading to Sparta. But when, as he was marching368 B.C. away, the Messenians tried to cut him off at a narrow place on the road, thereupon he sent to Archidamus and bade him come to his aid. And Archidamus did in facts to restrain them as they pushed forward to the front. And when Archidamus led the advance, only a few of the enemy waited till his men came within spear-thrust;368 B.C. these were killed, and the rest were cut down as they fled, many by the horsemen and many by the Celts. Then as soon as the battle had ended and he had set up a
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 7, chapter 2 (search)
adly lamed. And the number of the enemy who were killed, both in the fighting within and by leaping down without, was not less than eighty. Then one might have beheld the men congratulating one another with handclasps on their preservation, and the women bringing them drink and at the same time crying for joy. Indeed,369 B.C. “laughter mingled with tears” An allusion to Iliad vi. 484, did on that occasion really possess all who were present. In the following year likewise the Argives and all368 B.C. the Arcadians invaded the territory of Phlius. The reason for their continually besetting the Phliasians was partly that they were angry with them, and partly that they had the country of the Phliasians between them, and were always in hope that through want of provisions they would bring them to terms. But on this invasion also the horsemen and the picked troops of the Phliasians, along with the horsemen of the Athenians who were present, attacked them at the crossing of the river; and hav
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 49 (search)
ilius and Lucius Furius Bibaculus, and twenty-nine military tribunes,There would have been forty-eight when the battle began (six for each legion), assuming that there were eight legions, as some of Livy's authorities held (chap. xxxvii. § 2). some of consular rank, some of praetorian or aedilician —amongst others are mentioned Gnaeus Servilius Geminus and Marcus Minucius, who had been master of the horse in the preceding years and consul several years before221 B.C. —and besides these, eighty senators or men who had held offices which would have given them the right to be elected to the senate,The Ovinian Law (soon after 368 B.C.) had provided that the censors must enrol in the senate such as had held curule office (curule aedileship, praetorship, consulship) since the last censorship. but had volunteered to serve as soldiers in the legions. The prisoners taken in this battle are said to have numbered three thousand foot-soldiers and fifteen hundred horsemen.
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 6 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 41 (search)
ne should be certain of success, while his competitors are struggling for office; who would withdraw himself from your judgment; who would have you vote for him from compulsion, not from choice —not as freemen, but as slaves. I say nothing of Licinius and Sextius, whose years of continuous power you reckon like those of the kings on the Capitol:Statues of the kings were set up on the Capitol, and on their bases were recorded the years they had reigned. But this had not yet been done in 368 B.C. who is there in the state to-day so lowly that the opportunities afforded by that law would not make access to the consulship easier for him than for us and for our children? To elect us will sometimes be beyond your power, even though you wish it; but those persons you would be compelled to elect, even against your inclinations. Of the indignity of the thing I have said enough. But dignity after all is concerned with men: what of religious observances and auspices —for the immortal god
d the Athenian ambassadors, in B. C. 405, to the sea-coast of Mysia, after they had been detained three years by order of Cyrus (Xen. Hell. 1.4.7), or the same who assisted Antalcidas in B. C. 388. (Id. 5.1.28.) II. Succeeded his father, Mithridates I., and reigned 26 years, B. C. 363-337. (Diod. 16.90.) He appears to have held some high office in the Persian court five years before the death of his father, as we find him, apparently on behalf of the king, sending an embassy to Greece in B. C. 368. (Xen. Hell. 7.1.27.) Ariobarzanes, who is called by Diodorus (15.90) satrap of Phrygia, and by Nepos (Datam. 100.2) satrap of Lydia, Ionia, and Phrygia, revolted from Artaxerxes in B. C. 362, and may be regarded as the founder of the independent kingdom of Pontus. Demosthenes, in B. C. 352, speaks of Ariobarzanes and his three sons having been lately made Athenian citizens. (In Aristocrat. pp. 666, 687.) He mentions him again (pro Rhod. p. 193) in the following year, B. C. 351, and says,
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Calvus or Calvus Stolo (search)
Calvus or Calvus Stolo 3. C. Licinius Calvus, a son of No. 2, was consular tribune in B. C. 377, and magister equitum to the dictator P. Manlius in B. C. 368,--an office which was then conferred upon a plebeian for the first time. (Liv. 6.31, 39; Diod. 15.57.) Plutarch (Camill. 39) considers this magister equitum to be the same as the famous law-giver C. Licinius Calvus Stolo, who was then tribune of the people ; but it is inconceivable that a tribune should have held the office of magister equitum. Dio Cassius (Fragm. 33) likewise calls the magister equitum erroneously Licinius Stolo. (Comp. Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, iii. p. 27, n. 35.)
a perilous situation and put him to flight. But Camillus now appeared, compelled the fugitives to stand, led them back to battle, and gained a complete victory. Hereupon Camillus received orders to make war upon the Tusculans for having assisted the Volscians; and, notwithstanding the former conduct of Medullinus, Camillus again chose him as his colleague, to afford him an opportunity of wiping off his disgrace. This generosity and moderation deserved and excited general admiration. In B. C. 368, when the patricians were resolved to make a last effort against the rogations of C. Licinius Stolo, the senate appointed Camillus, a faithful supporter of the patricians, dictator for the fourth time. His magister equitum was L. Aemilius Mamercinus. But Camillus, who probably saw that it was hopeless to resist any further the demands of the plebeians, resigned the office soon after, and P. Manlius was appointed in his stead. In the following year, B. C. 367, when a fresh war with the Gaul
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Capitoli'nus, Ma'nlius 7. P. Manlius Capitolinus, A. F. A. N., consular tribune in B. C. 379. He was created dictator in B. C. 368, as the successor of M. Furius Camillus, for the purpose of restoring peace between the two orders, and during his government the Licinian laws were carried. In the year following he was elected consular tribune a second time. (Liv. 6.30, 38, &c.; Plut. Camill. 39, 42.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Capitoli'nus, Qui'nctius 6. T. Quinctius Cincinnatus CAPITOLINUS, consular tribune in B. C. 368. [CINCINNATUS.] 7. T. QUINCTIUS PENNUS CAPITOLINUS CRISPINUS, T. F., was appointed dictator in B. C. 361, to conduct the war against the Gauls, as Livy thinks, who is supported by the triumphal fasti, which ascribe to him a triumph in this year over the Gauls. In the year following he was magister equitum to the dictator, Q. Servilius Ahala, who likewise fought against the Gauls. In B. C. 354 he was consul with M. Fabius Ambustus, and in that year the Tiburtines and Tarquinienses were subdued. In B. C. 351, he was appointed consula sesecond time, and received the conduct of the war against the Faliscans as his province, but no battle was fought, as the Romans confined themselves to ravaging the country. (Liv. 7.9, 11, 18, 22.)
Cicuri'nus 9. L. VETURIUS SP. N. CRASSUS CICURINUS, L. F., consular tribune two years successively, B. C. 368, 367, in the latter of which years the Licinian laws were carried. (Liv. 6.38, 42.)
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