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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 20 20 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 4 4 Browse Search
Dinarchus, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 382 BC or search for 382 BC in all documents.

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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
nts, being made of unbaked bricks, were unable to resist the action of the water. The walls soon began to totter, and the Mantineans were forced to surrender. They were admitted to terms on condition that the population should be dispersed among the four hamlets, out of which it had been collected to form the capital. The democratical leaders were permitted to go into exile. (Xen. Hell. 5.2.1-7; Paus. 8.8.5; Diod. 15.5, &c.; Plut. Pel. 4; Isocr. Paneg. p. 67a, De Pace, p. 179c.) Early in B. C. 382, an embassy came to Sparta from the cities of Acanthus and Apollonia, requesting assistance against the Olynthians, who were endeavouring to compel them to join their confederacy. The Spartans granted it, but were not at first very successful. After the defeat and death of Teleutias in the second campaign (B. C. 381) Agesipolis took the command. He set out in 381, but did not begin operations till the spring of 380. He then acted with great vigour, and took Torone by storm; but in the mid
ressed by Argaeus and the Illyrians, he had griven up to the Olynthians a large tract of territory bordering upon their ownn,--despairing, as it would seen, of a restoration to the throne, and willing to cede the land in question to Olynthus rather than to his rival. (Diod. 14.92, 15.19.) On his return he claimed back what he professed to have entrusted to them as a deposit, and as they refused to restore it, he applied to Sparta for aid. (Diod. 15.19.) A similar application was also made,B. C. 382, by the towns of Acanthus and Apollonia, which had been threatened by Olynthus for declining to join her confederacy. (Xen. Hell. 5.2.11, &c.) With the consent of the allies of Sparta, the required succour was given, under the command successively of Eudamidas (with whom his brother Phoebidas was associated), Teleutias, Agesipolis, and Polybiades, by the last of whom Olynthus was reduced, B. C. 379. (Diod. 15.19-23; Xen. Hell. 5.2, 3.) Throughout the war, the Spartans were vigorously secon
Androcleides (*)Androklei/dhs), a Theban, who was bribed by Timocrates, the emissary of Tissaphernes in B. C. 395, in order to induce the Thebans to make war upon the Spartans, and thus bring back Agesilaus from Asia. (Xen. Hell. 3.5.1; Plut. Lys. 27; Paus. 3.9.4.) Androcleides is mentioned in B. C. 382 as one of the leaders of the party opposed to Phoebidas, who had seized the citadel. (Xen. Hell. 5.2.31
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Anti'gonus the One-eyed (search)
Anti'gonus the One-eyed (*)Anti/gonos), king of ASIA, surnamed the One-eyed (Lucian, Macrob. 11; Plut. de Pueror. Educ. 14), was the son of Philip of Elymiotis. He was born about B. C. 382, and was one of the generals of Alexander the Great, and in the division of the empire after his death (B. C. 323), he received the provinces of the Greater Phrygia, Lycia, and Pamphylia. Perdiccas, who had been appointed regent, had formed the plan of obtaining the sovereignty of the whole of Alexander's dominions, and therefore resolved upon the ruin of Antigonus, who was likely to stand in the way of his ambitious projects. Perceiving the danger which threatened him, Antigonus fled with his son Demetrius to Antipater in Macedonia (321); but the death of Perdiccas in Egypt in the same year put an end to the apprehensions of Antigonus. Antipater was now declared regent; he restored to Antigonus his former provinces with the addition of Susiana, and gave him the commission of carrying on the war ag
Cameri'nus 7. C. Sulpicius Camerinus, consular tribune in B. C. 382, and censor in 380 with Sp. Postumius Regillensis Albinus. But no census was taken in this year, as Camerinus resigned his office on the death of his colleague. (Liv. 6.22; Diod. 15.41; Liv. 6.27.)
Clei'genes (*Kleige/nhs). 1. A citizen of Acanthus, sent as ambassador to Sparta, B. C. 382, to obtain her assistance for Acanthus and the other Chalcidian towns against the Olynthians. Xenophon records a speech of his, delivered on this occasion, in which he dwells much on the ambition of Olynthus and her growing power. His application for aid was successful. (Xen. Hell. 5.2.11, &c.; Diod. 15.19, &c.; comp. p. 155a
Cotys 2. King of Thrace from B. C. 382 to 358. (See Suid. s.v. where his reign is said to have lasted twenty-four years.) It is not, however, till towards the end of this period that we find anything recorded of him. In B. C. 364 he appears as an enemy of the Athenians, the main point of dispute being the possession of the Thracian Chersonesus, and it was at this time that he first availed himself of the aid of the adventurer Charidemus on his desertion from the Athenian service [see p. 684b.]. He also secured the valuable assistance of Iphicrates, to whom he gave one of his daughters in marriage, and who did not scruple to take part with his father-in-law against his country. (Dem. c. Aristocr. pp. 663, 669, 672; Pseudo-Aristot. Econ. 2.26; Nep. Iphicr. 3; Anaxandr. apud Athen. iv. p. 131.) In B. C. 362, Miltocythes, a powerful chief, revolted from Cotys, and engaged the Athenians on his side by promising to cede the Chersonesus to them; but Cotys sent them a letter, outbidding his
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Crassus, Papi'rius 5. Sp. Papirius Crassus, consular tribune in B. C. 382. He and L. Papirius Crassus, one of his colleagues, led an army against Velitrae, and fought with success against that town and its allies, the Praenestines. (Liv. 6.22.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Crassus, Papi'rius 6. L. Papirius Crassus, consular tribune in B. C. 382, and again in B. C. 376. (Livy, 6.22 ; Diod. 15.71.)
Derdas (*De/rdas), a prince of Elymia or Elimeia, and probably of the same family as the cousin of Perdiccas II. mentioned above. As he had reason, from the example of Amyntas II. [see p. 154b.], to fear the growing power of Olynthus, he zealously and effectually aided the Spartans in their war with that state, from B. C. 382 to 379. (Xen. Hell. 5.2, 3; Diod. 15.19-23.) We learn from Theopompus (apud Athen. x. p. 436d.), that he was taken prisoner by the Olynthians, but it does not appear on what occasion; nor is it certain whether he is the same Derdas to whom Aristotle alludes. (Polit. 5.10, ed. Bekk.) Derdas, whose sister Phila was one of the wives of Philip, was probably a different person, though of the same family. (Ath. xiii. p. 557c.) [E.