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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 394 BC or search for 394 BC in all documents.

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A History of Graece, in twelve books, was a continuation of the history of Thucydides. It commenced in B. C. 411, at the point where the history of Thucydides breaks off, and embraced a period of seventeen years down to the battle of Cnidus in B. C. 394 (Diod. 13.42, 14.84; Marcellin. Vit. Thuc. 45). Only a few fragments of this work are preserved. 3. *Filippika\ Also called *)Istori/ai (Kat) e)coxh\n), The History of Philip, father of Alexander the Great, in fifty-eight books, from the come Grecian history is meant, it is cited by the title of Hellenics. Moreover, as Clinton justly remarks, these two works cannot be said to form one corpus historicum ; they did not proceed in one unbroken series, for the first work terminated in B. C. 394, and the second began in B. C. 360, thus leaving a space of thirty-four years between them, which did not belong to either. The great length of the Philippics was not so much owing to the minute account which it gave of the life and reign of Ph
Vulso 4. A. MANLIUS CN. N. VULSO CAPITOLINUS, A. F., son of No. 2, thrice consular tribune, in B. C. 405, 402 and 397. (Fasti Capit.; Liv. 4.61, 5.8, 16.) In B. C. 394 he was one of the ambassadors sent to Delphi to present a golden crater as a present to Apollo, but was captured on his voyage thither by the Liparaean pirates. They were however released by Timasitheus, the chief magistrate of the island, in that year, and allowed to prosecute their voyage. (Liv. 5.28.)
Xe'nocles (*Cenoklh=s), a Spartan, was one of those who, under Herippidas, were sent out to supersede Lysander and his colleagues as counsellors to Agesilaus in his Asiatic expedition, B. C. 395. On his arrival, Xenocles with one other officer was appointed by the king to the command of the cavalry. When Agesilaus, having been recalled to Greece, in B. C. 394, was on his march through Thessaly, he sent Xenocles and Scythes to Larissa to propose terms of peace; but the Larissaeans arrested the two envoys, who however were soon restored under a treaty. (Xen. Hell. 3.4.20; Diod. 14.80; Plut. Ages. 16. [E.
himbron and his successor Dercyllidas. Agesilaus, the Spartan king, was commanding the Lacedaemonian forces in Asia against the Persians in B. C. 396, and Xenophon was with him at least during part of the campaign. When Agesilaus was recalled B. C. 394, Xenophon accompanied him (Anab. 5.3.6), and he was on the side of the Lacedaemonians in the battle which they fought at Coroneia B. C. 394 against the Athenians (Plutarch, Agesil. 18). It seems that he went to Sparta with Agesilaus after the bB. C. 394 against the Athenians (Plutarch, Agesil. 18). It seems that he went to Sparta with Agesilaus after the battle of Coroneia, and soon after he settled at Scillus in Eleia, not far from Olympia, a spot of which he has given a description in the Anabasis (5.3.7, &c). Here he was joined by his wife Philesia and his children. It has been said that Philesia was his second wife; but when he married her, or where, is unknown. His children were educated in Sparta, or at least Agesilaus advised him to educate them there. (Plut. Agesil. 20.) Xenophon was now an exile, and a Lacedaemonian so far as he could b
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