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ry little is known, doubtless because his fame was eclipsed by that of his more celebrated namesake, and, in part, contemporary. The chief testimony respecting him is a passage of Pausanias, who says that the statue of Agenor of Thebes, an Olympic victor in the boys' wrestling, was made by "Polycleitus of Argos, not the one who made the statue of Hera, but the pupil of Naucydes" (Paus. 6.6.1. s. 2). Now Naucydes flourished between B. C. 420 and 400; so that Polycleitus must be placed about B. C. 400. With this agrees the statement of Pausanias, that Polycleitus made the bronze tripod and statue of Aphrodite, at Amyclae, which the Lacedaemonians dedicated out of the spoils of the victory of Aegospotami (Paus. 3.18.5. s. 8); for the age of the elder Polycleitus cannot be brought down so low as this. Mention has been made above of the statue of Zeus Philis, at Megalopolis, among the works of the elder Polycleitus. Some, however, refer it to the younger, and take it as a proof that he was
Polyi'dus *Polu/eidos, *Polu/i+dos, *Polui/+das, *Poluei/dhs, (all these forms occur, but the most usual is *Polu/i+dos), a dithyrambic poet of the most flourishing period of the later Athenian dithyramb, and also skilful as a painter, was contemporary with Philoxenus, Timotheus, and Telestes, about Ol. 95, B. C. 400. (Diod. 14.46.) The notices of him are very scanty; but he seems to have been esteemed almost as highly as Timotheus, whom indeed one of his pupils, Philotas, once conquered. It is related that, as Polyidus was boasting of this victory, Stratonicus, the musician, rebuked him by saying, "I wonder you do not understand that you make yhfi/smata, but Timotheus no/mous," an untranslateable witticism, intimating that Timotheus had been conquered by the voice of the people, and not by the merit of his opponent. (Ath. viii. p. 532b.) It seems from a passage of Plutarch (De Mus. 21, p. 1138b.), that Polyidus went beyond Timotheus in those intricate variations, for the introductio
Rhathines (*(Raqi/nhs), a Persian, was one of the commanders sent by Pharnabazus to aid the Bithynians in opposing the passage of the Cyrean Greeks under Xenophon through Bithynia, B. C. 400. The satrap's forces were completely defeated (Xen. Anab. 6.5. §§ 7, &c). We hear again of Rhathines, in B. C. 396, as one of the commanders for Pharnabazus of a body of cavalry, which worsted that of Agesilaus, in a skirmish near Dascylium. (Xen. Hell. 3.4.13; Plut. Ages. 9.) [
Sa'molas (*Sa/molas), an Achaean, was one of the three commissioners who were sent by the Cyrean Greeks from Cotyora to Sinope, in B. C. 400, for ships to convey the army to Heracleia. (Xen. Anab. 5.6.14, 6.1.14.) Not long after, when the Greeks were at Calpe, we find Samolas commanding a division of the reserve in the successful engagement with the allied troops of the Bithynians and Pharnabazus. (Xen. Anab. 6.5.11.) [E.
Sa'molas (*Samo/las), an Arcadian, was one of the statuaries who made the bronze figures which the people of Tegea dedicated as a votive offering at Delphi, out of the booty taken in war from the Lacedaemonians, about B. C. 400, as we know from the dates of the artists who executed other portions of this group. The statues made by Samolas were those of Triphylus and Azan. (Paus. 10.9.3. s. 6; ANTIPHANES.) [P.
son of Maesades, who had reigned over the tribes of the Melanditae, Thyni, and Tranipsae, but had been expelled from his kingdom before his death, on which account Seuthes was brought up at the court of Medocus, or Amadocus, king of the Odrysians (Xen. Anab. 7.2.32). He was, however, admitted to a certain amount of independent power, and we find him in B. C. 405 joining with Amadocus, in promising his support to Alcibiades, to carry on the war against the Lacedaemonians (Diod. 13.105). In B. C. 400, when Xenophon with the remains of the ten thousand Greeks that had accompanied Cyrus, arrived at Chrysopolis; Seuthes applied to him for the assistance of the force under his command to reinstate him in his dominions. His proposals were at first rejected; but he renewed them again when the Greeks had been expelled from Byzantium, and found themselves at Perinthus without the means of crossing into Asia; and they were now induced, principally by Xenophon himself, to accept the offers of th
So'stratus 2. Of Chios, the instructor of Pantias, and therefore the sixth in that series of seven artists, of whom Aristocles of Sicyon was the first, and Pantias the last. (Paus. 6.9.1; comp. ARISTOCLES). There is some difficulty in fixing the times of these artists; but, on the whole, the most probable date for Sostratus is that assigned to him by Müller, namely, about Ol. 95, B. C. 400. Pausanias (l.c.) only mentions his name, saying nothing of any of his works; but Polybius (4.78) informs us that Sostratus, in conjunction with Hecatodorus, made a bronze statue of Athena, which was dedicated at Aliphera in Arcadia. The name of Hecatodorus does not occur elsewhere; but Pausanias (8.26.4. s. 7) mentions this same statue as the work of Hypatodorus, an artist who flourished between Ol. 90 and Ol. 102, and whose name might easily be corrupted into Hecatodorus. Pausanias does not mention Sostratus in connection with Hypatodorus; and Polybius does not identify him with the teacher of P
Spithrida'tes (*Spiqrida/ths.) 1. A Persian, was one of the commanders sent by Pharnabazus to oppose the passage of the Cyrean Greeks through Bithynia, B. C. 400. [RHATHINES.] In B. C. 396 Spithridates, offended with Pharnabazus, who wished to take his daughter as a concubine, was induced by Lysander to revolt from the satrap, bringing with him his children, his treasures, and 200 horse. His defection was most acceptable to Agesilaus, who gained information from him about the affairs of Pharnabazus. (Xen. Anab. 6.5.7, Hell. 3.4.10, Ages. 3. § 3; Plut. Ages. 8, Lys. 2
Stadieus (*Stadieu/s), artists. 1. An Athenian statuary, the instructor of Polycles. (Paus. 6.4.3. s. 5.) The determination of his time depends, of course, on that of Polycles : Stadieus probably flourished about Ol. 95, B. C. 400. [POLYCLES
Thimbron or THIBRON (*Qi/mbrwn, *Qi/brwn). 1. A Lacedaemonian, was sent out as harmost in B. C. 400, with an army of about 5000 men, to aid the Ionians against Tissaphernes, who wished to bring them into subjection. On Thimbron's arrival in Asia he collected reinforcements, among which the most important was the mass of the Cyrean Greeks at Pergamus, and he succeeded in gaining over or capturing several cities. But meanwhile he allowed his troops to plunder the country of their allies, and he was therefore superseded by Dercyllidas, and obliged to return to Sparta, where he was brought to trial, and fined. It would appear that he was unable to pay the penalty, and went into exile. But in B. C. 392 (for there is no reason to suppose this a different person) we again find him sent by the Lacedaemonians into Asia to command against STRUTHAS. He seems, however, to have been still, as before, careless of his duties and neglectful of discipline, while he was addicted also to convivial pl
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