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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 24 24 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 72 (search)
423 B.C.When Ameinias was archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Gaius Papirius and Lucius Junius. In this year the people of Scione, holding the Athenians in contempt because of their defeat at Delium, revolted to the Lacedaemonians and delivered their city into the hands of Brasidas, who was in command of the Lacedaemonian forces in Thrace. In Lesbos, after the Athenian seizure of Mytilene, the exiles, who had escaped the capture in large numbers, had for some time been trying to return to Lesbos, and they succeeded at this time in rallying and seizing Antandrus,On the south coast of the Troad, some fifteen miles from Lesbos. from which as their base they then carried on war with the Athenians who were in possession of Mytilene. Exasperated by this state of affairs the Athenian people sent against them as generals Aristeides and Symmachus with an army. They put in at Lesbos and by means of sustained assaults took
Isocrates, Panegyricus (ed. George Norlin), section 100 (search)
es; and, in these speeches of theirs, they cast it in our teeth that we enslaved the Melians and destroyed the people of Scione.The Melan episode is dramatically told by Thucydides v. 84-116. Because the Melians refused to join the Delian Confederacy they were besieged and conquered by the Athenians, 416 B.C. The men of military age were put to the sword and the women and children sold into slavery. Five hundred Athenians were later settled there. Scione revolted from the Confederacy in 423 B.C. Reduced to subjection in 421 B.C., the people suffered the same fate as did the Melians later and their territory was occupied by Plataean refugees (Thuc. 4.120-130). These are blots on the record which Isocrates can at best condone. “Even the gods are not thought to be above reproach,” he says in the Isoc. 12.62-64, where he discusses frankly these sins of the Athenian democracy. Xenophon tells us that when the Athenians found themselves in like case with these conquered peoples after
Strabo, Geography, Book 8, chapter 6 (search)
ivided the country into two kingdoms that the two cities in them which held the hegemony were designated as the capitals, though situated near one another, at a distance of less than fifty stadia, I mean Argos and Mycenae, and that the HeraeumFor a full account of the remarkable excavations at the Heraeum by the American School of Classical Studies, see Waldstein's The Argive Heraeum, 1902, 2 vols near Mycenae was a temple common to both. In this templeThe old temple was destroyed by fire in 423 B.C. (Thuc. 4.133, Paus. 2.17) and the new one was built about 420 B.C. (Waldstein, op. cit., p. 39). are the images made by Polycleitus,In particular the colossal image of Hera, which "is seated on a throne, is made of gold and ivory, and is a work of Polycleitus" (Paus. 2.17). According to E. L. Tilton's restoration (in Waldstein, op. cit., Fig. 64, p. 127), the total height of the image including base and top of the throne was about 8 meters and the seated figure of the goddess about 5 1
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Anti'ochus of SYRACUSE (search)
Anti'ochus of SYRACUSE (*)Anti/oxos), of SYRACUSE, a son of Xenophanes, is called by Dionysius of Halicarnassus (Ant. Rom. 1.12) a very ancient historian. He lived about the year B. C. 423, and was thus a contemporary of Thucydides and the Peloponnesian war. (Joseph. c. Apion. 1.3.) Respecting his life nothing is known, but his historical works were held in very high esteem by the ancients on account of their accuracy. (Dionys. A. R. 1.73.) Works His two works were: 1. A history of Sicily In nine books, from the reign of king Cocalus, i. e. from the earliest times down to the year B. C. 424 or 425. (Diod. 12.71.) It is referred to by Pausanias (10.11.3), Clemens of Alexandria (Protrept. p. 22), and Theodoret. (P. 115.). 2. A history of Italy This is very frequently referred to by Strabo (v. p.242, vi. pp. 252, 254, 255, 257, 262, 264, 265, 278), by Dionysius (ll. cc., and 1.22, 35; comp. Steph. Byz. s. v. *Bre/ttios ; Hesych. s. v. *Xw/nrhn; Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, i. p. 14,
Aristeus 3. A Spartan commander, B. C. 423. (Thuc. 4.132.)
of the most remarkable. Those marked † are extant. B. C. 427. *Daitalei=s, Banquetters. Second prize. The play was produced under the name of Philonides, as Aristophanes was below the legal age for competing for a prize. Fifth year of the war. 426. Babylonians (e)n a)/stei). 425. † Acharnians. (Lenaea.) Produced in the name of Callistratus. First prize. 424. † *(Ippei=s, Knights or Horsemen. (Lenaea.) The first play produced in the name of Aristophanes himself. First prize; second Cratinus. 423. † Clouds (e)n a)/stei). First prize, Cratinus; second Ameipsias. 422. † Wasps. (Lenaea.) Second prize. *Ghra=s (?) (e)n a)/stei), according to the probable conjecture of Süvern. (Essay on the *Ghra=s, translated by Mr. Hamilton.) Clouds (second edition), failed in obtaining a prize. But Ranke places this B. C. 411, and the whole subject is very uncertain. 419. † Peace (e)n a)/stei). Second prize; Eupolis first. 414. Amphiaraus. (Lenaea.) Second prize. † Birds (e)n a)/stei), second pr
Athenaeus (*)Aqh/naios), historical. The name differed in pronunciation from the Greek adjective for Athenian, the former being accentuated *)Aqh/naios, and the latter *)Aqhnai=os. (Eustath. ad Il. b. p. 237.) ]. 1. Son of Pericleidas, a Lacedaemonian, was one of the commissioners, who, on the part of the Lacedaemonians and their allies, ratified the truce for one year which in B. C. 423 was made between the Lacedaemonians and Athenians and their allies; and afterwards with Aristonymus, an Athenian, went round to announce the truce to Brasidas and other officers of the belligerent parties. (Thuc. 4.119, 122.) The names Athenaeus and Pericleidas mark the friendly relations which subsisted between this family and the Athenians, and more especially the family of Pericle
Atrati'nus 5. C. Sempronius Atratinus, A. F. A. N., son of No. 2, whence he is called by Livy (4.44) the patronus of No. 4, was consul B. C. 423, and had the conduct of the war against the Volscians. Through his negligence and carelessness the Roman army was nearly defeated, and was saved only through the exertions of Sex. Tempanius, one of the officers of the cavalry. The battle was undecided, when night put an end to it; and both armies abandoned their camps, considering it lost. The conduct of Atratinus excited great indignation at Rome, and he was accordingly accused by the tribune L. Hortensius, but the charge was dropt in consequence of the entreaties of Tempanius and three others of his colleagues, who had served under Atratinus, and had been elected tribunes. It was revived, however, in 420, and Atratinus was condemned to pay a heavy fine. (Liv. 4.37-42, 44; V. Max. 6.5.2.)
Au'tocles (*Au)toklh=s). 1. Son of Tolmaeus, was one of the Athenian commanders in the successful expedition against Cythera, B. C. 424 (Thuc. 4.53); and, together with his two colleagues, Nicias and Nicostratus, he ratified, on the part of Athens, the truce which in B. C. 423 was concluded for one year with Sparta. (Thuc. 4.119
Canuleius 2. M. Canuleius, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 420, accused C. Sempronius Atratinus, who had been consul in B. C. 423, on account of his misconduct in the Volscian war. [ATRATINUS, No. 5.] Canuleius and his colleagues introduced in the senate this year the subject of an assignment of the public land. (Liv. 4.44.)