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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 8 8 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Plato, Alcibiades 1, Alcibiades 2, Hipparchus, Lovers, Theages, Charmides, Laches, Lysis 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Basil L. Gildersleeve, Syntax of Classical Greek 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Flaccina'tor, M. Fo'slius 1. One of the consular tribunes in B. C. 433, in which year, notwithstanding the opposition of the plebeian tribunes, the consular tribunes were all patricians. (Liv. 4.25; Diod. 12.58, where he is called Falinius.
some member of the Aemilian house found matter in legendary traditions for an apocryphal panegyric on this Aemilius: in this panegyric more dictatorships were probably ascribed to him than he ever really filled, and the exploits achieved under his auspices, as well as his own, were referred to definite years, which they did not belong to." (Hist. of Rome, vol. ii. p. 458.) But, returning to the ancient authorities, we find that Aemilius Mamercinus is put down as dictator a second time in B. C. 433 with A. Postumius Tu bertus as his magister equitum. He was appointed to the dictatorship through fear of an impending war in Etruria, but this passed off, and he had no occasion to leave the city. In this year he carried a law limiting to eighteen months the duration of the censorship, which had formerly lasted for five years. This measure was received with great ap probation by the people; but the censors then in office were so enraged at it, that they removed him from his tribe, and red
Mne'sicles (*Mnhsiklh=s), one of the great Athenian artists of the age of Pericles, was the architect of the Propylaea of the Acropolis, the building of which occupied five years, B. C. 437-433. It is said that, during the progress of the work, he fell from the summit of the building, and was supposed to be mortally injured, but was cured by an herb which Athena showed to Pericles in a dream. (Philoch. Frag. p. 55; Plut. Per. 13.) Pliny relates the same story of a slave (verna) of Pericles, and mentions a celebrated statue of the same slave by Stipax, which, from its attitude, was called Splanchnoptes. (Plin. Nat. 22.17. s. 20, 34.8. s. 19.21.) [P.
extraordinary conclusion this assumption drives us. Pheidias must already have been of some reputation to be entrusted with such a work. We cannot suppose him to have been, at the least, under twenty-five years of age. This would place his birth in B. C. 515. Therefore, at the time when he finished his great statue of Athena in the Parthenon (B. C. 438), he must have been 77; and after reaching such an age he goes to Elis, and undertakes the colossal statue of Zeus, upon completing which (B. C. 433, probably), he had reached the 82nd year of his age ! Results like these are not to be explained away by the ingenious arguments by which Thiersch maintains that there is nothing incredible in supposing Pheidias. at the age of eighty, to have retained vigour enough to be the sculptor of the Olympian Zeus, and even the lover of Pantarces (on this point see below). The utmost that call be granted to such arguments is the establishment of a bare possibility, which cannot avail for the decisio
Seleucus (*Se/leukos), historical. 1. A king of Bosporus, of whom we know only that he ascended the throne in B. C. 433, on the death of Spartacus I., and reigned four years. (Diod. 12.36
Tubertus 2. A. Postumius Tubertus, was magister equitum to the dictator Main. Aemilius Mamercinus in B. C. 433, and was himself dictator in B. C. 431. The latter year was memorable in the Roman annals by the great victory which the dictator gained on Mount Algidus over the united forces of the Aequians and Volscians. This victory, which is related to have been fought on the 18th of June, decided the contest with the Aequians, who from this time forward appear as the subjects of Rome. According to universal tradition the dictator put his son to death in this campaign, because he quitted the post in which his father had placed him, through his desire of fighting with the enemy. This story is rejected by Livy. but on insufficient grounds, as Niebuhr has shown. Tubertus celebrated a triumph on his return to Rome. (Liv. 4.23, 26-29; Diod. 12.64; Ov. Fast. 6.721, foll.; Plut. Camill. 2; V. Max. 2.7.6; Gel. 17.21; Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, vol. ii. p. 452, foll.)
Vibula'nus 5. M. Fabius Vibulanus, Q. F. M. N., eldest son of No. 4, was consul B. C. 442 with Postumus Aebutius Elva Cornicen, in which year a colony was founded at Ardea. In B. C. 437 he served as legatus of the dictator Mam. Aemilius Mamercinus in the war against the Veientes and Fidenates. In B. C. 433 he was one of the consular tribunes; and in B. C. 431 he served as legatus of the dictator A. Postumius Tubertus in the great war against the Aequians and Volscians. He lived till the capture of Rome by the Gauls, B. C. 390, where he is spoken of as pontifex maximus, and is said to have rehearsed the solemn formula, which was repeated after him by the aged senators who had resolved to await the entrance of the Gauls into the city, and who accordingly dedicated themselves to death. (Liv. 4.11; Diod. 12.34; Liv. 4.17, 19, 25 ; Diod. 12.58; Liv. 4.27, 28, 5.41.)
estis, in Macedonia, because Zeuxis enjoyed the patronage of Archelaüs. It is evident how these two opinions show the worthlessness of each other; both rest on facts which are better accounted for by the celebrity of the artist, which was doubtless coextensive with the Grecian name; and, as for the former, it is most probable, as will be seen presently, that Zeuxis was born some time before the foundation of the Italian Heracleia, which was not built till after the destruction of Siris, in B. C. 433. It is rather singular that none of the commentators (so far as we know) have thought of that city which was the most celebrated of any of its name for the great men whom it sent forth, namely, Heracleia on the Pontus Euxeinus. The question deserves investigation whether, when Heracleia is mentioned without any distinctive addition by an Athenian writer of the time of Xenophon and Plato, we are not justified in assuming that the reference is to Heracleia on the Euxine. The probability of t