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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 13 13 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 2 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Eumenides (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
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ainst Thebes, the Suppliants, the Prometheus, the Agamemnon, the Choephoroe, and Eumenides ; the last three forming, as already remarked, the trilogy of the Oresteia. The Persians was acted in B. C. 472, and the Seven against Thebes a year afterwards. The Oresteia was represented in B. C. 458; the Suppliants and the Prometheus were brought out some time between the Seven against Thebes and the Oresteia. It has been supposed from some allusions in the Suppliants, that this play was acted in B. C. 461, when Athens was allied with Argos. Editions The first edition of Aeschylus was printed at Venice, 1518, 8vo.; but parts of the Agamemnon and the Choephoroe are not printed in this edition, and those which are given, are made up into one play. Of the subsequent editions the best was by Stanley, Lond. 1663, fo. with the Scholia and a commentary, reedited by Butler. The best recent editions are by Wellauer, Lips. 1823, W. Dindorf, Lips. 1827, and Scholefield, Camb. 1830. There are numerou
Cameri'nus 3. SER. SULPICIUS SER. F. SER. N. CAMERINUS CORNUTUS, consul B. C. 461, when the lex Terentillia was brought forward a second time for a reform in the laws. (Liv. 3.10; Dionys. A. R. 10.1 ; Diod. 11.84; Plin. Nat. 2.57.) This law, however, was successfully resisted by the patricians; but when in B. C. 454 it was resolved to send three ambassadors into Greece to collect information respecting the laws of the Greek states, Ser. Camerinus was one of their number, according to Dionysius (10.52), though Livy calls him (3.31) Publius. The ambassadors remained three years in Greece, and on their return Ser. Camerinus was appointed a member of the decemvirate in B. C. 451. (Liv. 3.33; Dionys. A. R. 10.56.) In B. C. 446 he commanded the cavalry under the consuls T. Quinctius Capitolinus and Agrippa Furius Medullinus in the great battle against the Volsi and Aequi fought in that year. (Liv. 3.70.)
Ephialtes 2. An Athenian statesman and general, son of Sophonides, or, according to Diodorus, of Simonides, was a friend and partizan of Pericles, who is said by Plutarch to have often put him forward as the main ostensible agent in carrying political measures when he did not choose to appear prominently himself. (Ael. VH 2.43, 3.17; Plut. Per. 7, Reip. Gerend. Praec. 15; Diod. 11.77.) Thus, when the Spartans sent to ask the assistance of the Athenians against Ithome in B. C. 461, he endeavoured to prevent the people from granting the request, urging them not to raise a fallen rival, but to leave the spirit of Sparta to be trodden down ; and we find him mentioned in particular as chiefly instrumental in that abridgment of the power of the Areiopagus, which inflicted such a blow on the oligarchical party, and against which the " Eumenides" of Aeschylus was directed. (Arist. Polit. 2.12, ed. Bekk.; Diod. l.c. ; Plut. Cim. 10, 15, 16, Pericl. 7, 9; Cic. de Rep. 1.27.) By this measure Pl
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Gallus, P. Volu'mnius with the agnomen Amintinus, was consul in B. C. 461 with Ser Sulpicius Camerinus. (Liv. 3.10; Dionys. A. R. 10.1 ; Diod. 11.84; V. Max. 1.6.5; Plin. Nat. 2.57.) [L.S]
). 1. Of Mytilene in the island of Lesbos, the most eminent among the Greek logographers. He was the son, according to some, of Andromenes or Aristomenes, and, according to others, of Scamon (Scammon), though this latter may be merely a mistake of Suidas (s. v. *(Ella/nikos). According to the confused account of Suidas, Hellanicus and Herodotus lived together at the court of Amyntas (B. C. 553-504), and Hellanicus was still alive in the reign of Perdiccas, who succeeded to the throne in B. C. 461. This account, however, is irreconcilable with the further statement of Suidas, that Hellanicus was a contemporary of Sophocles and Euripides. Lucian (Macrob. 22) states that Hellanicus died at the age of eighty-five, and the learned authoress Pamphila (apud Gellium, 15.23), who likewise makes him a contemporary of Herodotus, says that at the beginning of the Peloponnesian war (B. C. 431), Hellanicus was about sixty-five years old, so that he would have been born about B. C. 496, and died
I'naros *)Ina/rws, (occasionally *)/Inaros), son of Psammitichus, a chief of some of the Libyan tribes to the west of Egypt, commenced hostilities against the Persians at the western extremity of the Delta, and gradually succeeded in extending them to a general revolt, under his direction, of Egypt. This, according to Diodorus (11.71), would be in B. C. 461. In 460 Inaros called in the Athenians, who, with a fleet of 200 gallies, were then off Cyprus : the ships sailed up to Memphis, and, occupying two parts of the town, besieged the third. (Thuc. 1.104.) This was probably preceded by a great battle, recorded by Ctesias and Diodorus (Diod. 11.74; Ctesias, 32), in which an immense host of Persians was defeated, and Achacmenes, the brother of the king Artaxerxes, slain by the hand of Inaros. But a new army, under a new commander, Megabyzus, was more successful. The Egyptians and their allies were defeated; and Inaros, says Thucydides (1.110), was taken by treachery, and crucified, B. C
reiopagus was deprived of those functions which rendered it formidable as an antagonist to the democratical party. The opposition which Cimon and his party might have offered was crippled by the events connected with the siege of Ithome; and in B. C. 461 the measure was passed. That Pericles was influenced by jealousy because, owing to his not having been archon, he had no seat in the council, or that Ephialtes seconded his views out of revenge for an offence that had been given him in the counr tribute, many of the allied states had been stripped of their means of defence in the time of Cimon. It appears, however, to have been on the proposition of Pericles that the treasure of the confederacy was removed from Delos to Athens (about B. C. 461; see Böckh, Public Econ. of Ath. bk. 3.100.15), and openly appropriated to objects which had no immediate connection with the purpose for which the confederacy was first formed, and the contributions levied. In justification of this procedure,
this important part of the subject further. For a fuller discussion of it the reader is referred to Müller, de Phidiae Vita, pp. 11, &c. Miller maintains the probability of Ageladas having visited Athens, both from his having been the teacher of Pheidias and Myron, and from the possession by the Attic pagus of Melite of his statue of Heracles (Schol. ad Aristoph. Ran. 504). He suggests also, that the time of this visit may have taken place after the alliance between Athens and Argos, about B. C. 461; but this is purely conjectural. The above arguments respecting the date of Pheidias might be confirmed by the particular facts that are recorded of him; but these facts will be best stated in their proper places in the account of his life. As the general result of the inquiry, it is clearly impossible to fix the precise date of the birth of the artist; but the evidence preponderates, we think, in favour of the supposition that Pheidias began to work as a statuary about Ol. 79, B. C. 464
tion, were it not for the importance which has been attached to it by such critics as Lessing, Böttiger, and others of less note. Polygnotus, we are told, fell in love with Cimon's sister, Elpinice, and placed her portrait among the Trojan women, in his picture in the Poecile (Plut. Cim. 4). Now, not only does it appear that Elpinice must at this time have been nearly forty years old (not, certainly, a very formidable objection in itself), but it is also related that, only two years later (B. C. 461), Pericles answered an appeal which Elpinice made to him on behalf of her brother Cimon, by calling her an old woman ! (Plut. Cim. 14, Per. 10.) The whole story is suspicious, for Plutarch tells it again as having happened twenty-two years later, when, certainly, the appellation would be far more appropriate (Per. 28). But, even if the story were true, it is absurd to take the sarcasm of Pericles as an actual fact, and to rest upon it the argument that Polygnotus must have been in love wit
Virgi'nius 1. A. Virginius, tribune of the plebs. B. C. 461, accused K. Quintius, the son of L. Cincinnatus, and after a severe struggle obtained his condemnation. (Liv. 3.11-13.)