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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 7 7 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 71 (search)
463 B.C.When Tlepolemus was archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Titus Quinctius and Quintus Servilius Structus. This year Artaxerxes, the king of the Persians, who had just recovered the throne,Cp. chap. 69. first of all punished those who had had a part in the murder of his father and then organized the affairs of the kingdom to suit his own personal advantage. Thus with respect to the satraps then in office, those who were hostile to him he dismissed and from his friends he chose such as were competent and gave the satrapies to them. He also concerned himself with both the revenues and the preparation of armaments, and since in general his administration of the entire kingdom was mild, he enjoyed the favour of the Persians to a high degree. But when the inhabitants of Egypt learned of the death of Xerxes and of the general attempt upon the throne and the disorder in the Persian kingdom, they decided to strike fo
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK XXXV. AN ACCOUNT OF PAINTINGS AND COLOURS., CHAP. 35. (9.)—THE FIRST CONTEST FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE PICTORIAL ART. (search)
as of Chalcis, by whom he was defeated; a circumstance which is recorded in some ancient lines by Timagoras himself, and an undoubted proof that the chroniclers are in error as to the date of the origin of painting. After these, and yet before the ninetieth Olympiad, there were other celebrated painters, Polygnotus of Thasos,See B. vii. c. 57. (Vol. II. p. 233), where he is mentioned as an Athenian. It is not improbable that he became a citizen of Athens in the seventy-ninth Olympiad, B.C. 463, when Thasos was brought under the power of Athens, and, as Sillig suggests, at the solicitation of Cimon, the son of Miltiades. It is generally supposed that he flourished about the eightieth Olympiad. for instance, who was the first to paint females in transparent drapery, and to represent the head covered with a parti-coloured head-dress. He, too, was the first to contribute many other improvements to the art of painting, opening the mouth, for example, showing the teeth, and throwing expr
ion of Greece (B. C. 480), Alexander accompanied the Persian army. He gained the confidence of Mardonius, and was sent by him to Athens after the battle of Salamis, to propose peace to the Athenians, which he strongly recommended, under the conviction that it was impossible to contend with the Persians. He was unsuccessful in his mission ; but though he continued in the Persian army, he was always secretly inclined to the cause of the Greeks, and informed them the night before the battle of Plataeae of the intention of Mardonius to fight on the following day. (8.136, 140-143, 9.44, 45.) He was alive in B. C. 463, when Cimon recovered Thasos. (Plut. Cim. 14.) He was succeeded by Perdiccas II. Alexander was the first member of the royal family of Macedonia, who presented himself as a competitor at the Olympic games, and was admitted to them after proving his Greek descent. (Hdt. 5.22; Justin, 7.2.) In his reign Macedonia received a considerable accession of territory. (Thuc. 2.99.)
Elva 2. L. Aebutius Elva, T. F. T. N., son of the preceding, consul with P. Servilius Priscus Structus in B. C. 463, was carried off in his consulship by the great plague which raged at Rome in that year. (Liv. iii.; Dionys. A. R. 9.67; Diod. 11.79; Oros. 2.12.)
ugh to account for his honouring his patron's sister with a place in one of his great paintings. According to this view, Polygnotus came to Athens in Ol. 79. 2, B. C. 463, at which time he must have been already an artist of some reputation, since Cimon thought him worthy of his patronage. He may, therefore, have been between twenof the date assigned by Pliny as that before which Polygnotus flourished. Hence we may conclude that the period during which Polygnotus lived at Athens, was from B. C. 463 to about 426 ; and assuming his age, at his death, to have been about 65, the date of his birth would just about coincide with that of the battle of Marathon; orthe beginning of the fifth century B. C. The period of his greatest artistic activity at Athens seems to have been that which elapsed from his removal to Athens (B. C. 463) to the death of Cimon (B. C. 449), who employed him in the pictorial decoration of the public buildings with which he began to adorn the city, such as the templ
g the works of this temple. But it is perhaps enough to say that the conjecture is too violent to be admitted by itself; especially when it is contrasted vith the explanation of Reinesius, who, for e)n tw=| *Qhsaurw=| would read e)n tw=| *Qhse/ws i(erw=|. Now, the temple of Theseus was built during the administration of Cimon, after the translation of the hero's remains from Scyros to Athens in B. C. 468. If, therefore, as is almost certain, Cimon brought Polygnotus with him from Thasos in B. C. 463, it would almost certainly be partly with a view to the decoration of this very temple. Pausanias, indeed, in his description of the temple (1.17.2), ascribes the paintings in it to Micon, but this is rather a confirmation of the argument than otherwise, for these two artists more than once assisted in decorating the same building. It is an obvious conjecture, from a comparison of the dates, that Micon was already employed upon the painting of the temple before the arrival of Polygnotus, w
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Priscus, Servi'lius 5. P. Servilius Sp. F. P. N. PRISCUS STRUCTUS, son of No. 3, was consul B. C. 463, with L. Aebutius Elva, and was carried off in his consulship by the great plague which raged at Rome in this year. (Liv. 3.6, 7; Dionys. A. R. 9.67, 68 ; Oros. 2.12.)