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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 54 BC or search for 54 BC in all documents.

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and pride. It was commenced in the spring of B. C. 54 (ad Att. 4.14, comp. 16), and occupied much oit could scarcely have been before the end of B. C. 54, for the work was still in an unfinished stat[GALLUS, CANINIUS.] Pro C. Rabirio Postumo, B. C. 54. [POSTUMUS, C. RABIRIUS.] ** Pro Vatinio, BB. C. 54. [VATINIUS.] * Pro M. Aemilio Scauro, B. C. 54. [SCAURUS.] Pro Crasso in Senatu, B. C. B. C. 54. [SCAURUS.] Pro Crasso in Senatu, B. C. 54. (Ad Fam. 1.9.7.) Pro Druso, B. C. 54. (Ad Alt. 4.15.) [DRUSUS.] Pro C. Messio, B. C. 54. (AdB. C. 54. (Ad Fam. 1.9.7.) Pro Druso, B. C. 54. (Ad Alt. 4.15.) [DRUSUS.] Pro C. Messio, B. C. 54. (Ad Att. 4.15.) [MESSIUS.] De Reatinorum Causa contra Interamnates. (Ad Att. 4.15.) * * De Aere aliB. C. 54. (Ad Alt. 4.15.) [DRUSUS.] Pro C. Messio, B. C. 54. (Ad Att. 4.15.) [MESSIUS.] De Reatinorum Causa contra Interamnates. (Ad Att. 4.15.) * * De Aere alieno Milonis Interrogatio, B. C. 53. [MILO.] Pro T. Annio Milone, B. C. 52 [MILO.] Pro Saufeio. TB. C. 54. (Ad Att. 4.15.) [MESSIUS.] De Reatinorum Causa contra Interamnates. (Ad Att. 4.15.) * * De Aere alieno Milonis Interrogatio, B. C. 53. [MILO.] Pro T. Annio Milone, B. C. 52 [MILO.] Pro Saufeio. Two orations. B. C. 52. [SAUFEIUS.] Contra T. Munatium Plancum. In Dec. B. C. 52. (See Ad Fam. 8.2,vincial governor; the last towards the end of B. C. 54. 4. Epistolarum ad Brutum Liber We find ine informed by Cicero in a letter belonging to B. C. 54 (ad Fam. 1.9), that he had written three book
promoting all the schemes devised for procuring the recall of the exile, in consequence of which he was threatened with a criminal prosecution by App. Claudius, son of C. Clodius (ad Att. 3.17), and on one occasion nearly fell a victim to the violence of one of the mercenary mobs led on by the demagogues. (Pro Sext. 35.) In B. C. 55 he was appointed legatus to Caesar, whom he attended on the expedition to Britain, and on their return was despatched with a legion to winter among the Nervii. (B. C. 54.) Here, immediately after the disasters of Titurius Sabinus and Aurunculeius Cotta, his camp was suddenly attacked by a vast multitude of the Eburones and other tribes which had been roused to insurrection by Ambiorix. The assault was closely pressed for several days in succession, but so energetic were the measures adopted by Cicero, although at that very time suffering from great bodily weakness, and so bravely was he supported by his soldiers, that they were enabled to hold out until rel
ceedings of his brother Publius. He placed at his disposal the gladiators whom he had hired, and alone of the praetors did nothing on behalf of Cicero; and, after the return of the latter, shewed more decidedly which side he took. (Cic. pro Sext. 36, 39-41, in Pison. 15, pro Mil. 15, post. Red. in Sen. 9, ad Att. 4.1-3; Schol. Bob. p. 307, Orell.; D. C. 39.6, 7.) Next year he was propraetor in Sardinia, and in April paid a visit to Caesar at Luca. (Plut. Caes. 21; Cic. ad Q. F. 2.6, 15.) In B. C. 54 he was chosen consul with L. Domitius Ahenobarbus. (Caes. Gal. 5.1; D. C. 39.60, 40.1.) Through the intervention of Pompey, a reconciliation was brought about between him and Cicero, though his attentions to the latter appear, in part at least, to have been prompted by avarice. (Cic. ad Q. F. 2.12, ad Fam. 1.9, 3.10.) When Gabinius returned from his province, Appius appeared as his accuser, in hopes that his silence might be bought, though previously he had said he would do all that lay in
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), P. Clodius Pulcher (search)
to which they were elected in the beginning of B. C. 55, and nearly lost his life in doing so. He appears to have been in a great measure led by the hope of being appointed on an embassy to Asia, which would give him the opportunity of recruiting his almost exhausted pecuniary resources, and getting from Brogitarus and some others whom he had assisted, the rewards they had promised him for his services. It appears, however, that he remained in Rome. We hear nothing more of him this year. In B. C. 54 we find him prosecuting the ex-tribune Procilius, who, among other acts of violence, was charged with murder; and soon after we find Clodius and Cicero, with four others, appearing to defend M. Aemilius Scaurus. Yet it appears that Cicero still regarded him with the greatest apprehension. (Cic. Att. 4.15, ad Q. Fr. 2.15, b., 3.1. 4.) In B. C. 53 Clodius was a candidate for the praetorship, and Milo for the consulship. Each strove to hinder the election of the other. They collected armed b
Clau'dius 2. L. Clodius, praefectus fabrum to App. Claudius Pulcher, consul B. C. 54. [CLAUDIUS, No. 38.] (Cic. Fam. 3.4-6, 8.) He was tribune of the plebs, B. C. 43. (Pseudo-Cic. ad Brut. 1.1 ; comp. Cic. Att. 15.13.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Cotta, L. Auruncule'ius served as legate in the army of C. Julius Caesar in Gaul, and distinguished himself no less by his valour than by his foresight and prudence. In B. C. 54, when Caesar, on account of the scarcity of provisions in Gaul, distributed his troops over a great part of the country for their winter-quarters, Cotta and Q. Titurius Sabinus obtained the command of one legion and five cohorts, with which they took up their position in the territory of the Eburones, between the Meuse and the Rhine. Soon after, Ambiorix and Cativolcus, the chiefs of the Eburones, caused a revolt against the Romans, and attacked the camp of Cotta and Sabinus only fifteen days after they had been stationed in the country. Cotta, who apprehended more from the cunning than from the open attacks of the Gauls, strongly recommended his colleague not to abandon the camp and trust to the faith of the Gauls; but Sabinus, who feared that they should be overpowered in their winter-quarters, was anxious t
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ook part in the Parthian war. Notwithstanding the mutual dislike of Cicero and Crassus the triumvir, Publius was much attached to the great orator, and derived much pleasure and benefit from his society. In B. C. 58, he strove to prevent the banishment of Cicero, and with other young Romans appeared in public clad in mourning; and, on his return to Rome, in B. C. 55, he exerted himself to procure a reconciliation between Cicero and his father. (Cic. ad Qu. Fr. 2.9.2.) At the end of the year B. C. 54, he followed the triumvir to Syria, and, in the fatal battle near Carrhae, behaved with the utmost gallantry. (Plut. Crass. 25.) Seeing that he could not rescue his troops, he refused to provide for his own safety, and, as his hand was disabled by being transfixed with an arrow, he ordered his sword-bearer to run him through the body. Though he was more ambitious of military renown than of the fame of eloquence, he was fond of literature. He was a proficient in the art of dancing (Macrob. 2
Cu'rtius 6. Q. Curtius, a good and well-educated young man, brought in B. C. 54 the charge of ambitus against C. Memmius, who was then a candidate for the consulship. (Cic. ad Qu. Fr. 3.2.) We possess several coins on which the name of Q. Curtius appears, together with that of M. Silanus and Cn. Domitius. The types of these coins differ from those which we usually meet with on Roman coins; and Eckhel (Doctr. Num. v. p. 200) conjectures, that those three men were perhaps triumvirs for the establishment of some colony, and that their coins were struck at a distance from Rome.
Deio'tarus (*Dhi+o/taros). 1. Tetrarch of Galatia. He is said by Plutarch to have been a very old man in B. C. 54, when Crassus, passing through Galatia on his Parthian expedition, rallied him on his building a new city at his time of life. He must therefore have attained to mature manhood in B. C. 95, the year of the birth of Cato of Utica, whose father's friend he was, and who, we know, was left an orphan at a very early age. (Plut. Crass. 17, Cat. Min. 12, 15; Pseudo-Appian, Parth. p. 136; comp, CATO, p. 647a.) Deiotarus adhered firmly to the Romans in their wars in Asia, and in B. C. 74 defeated in Phrygia the generals of Mithridates. For his services he was honoured by the senate with the title of king, and, probably in B. C. 63, the year of the death of Mithridates, had Gadelonitis and Armenia Minor added to his dominions. Appian, apparently by an oversight, says that Pompey made him tetrarch of Galatia. He succeeded, indeed, doubtless by Roman favour, in encroaching on the ri
n and the legion of Mars, which had fought under Caesar, would go over to the side of his murderers. (Cic. ad Fanm. 11.19.2.) In other parts of the correspondence of Cicero, the name Drusus occurs several times, and the person intended may be, as Manutius conjectured, identical with the father of Livia. In B. C. 59, it seems that a lucrative legation was intended for a Drusus, who is called, perhaps in allusion to some discreditable occurrence, the Pisaurian. (Ad Att. 2.7.3.) A Drusus, in B. C. 54, was accused by Lucretius of praevaricatio, or corrupt collusion in betraying a cause which he had undertaken to prosecute. Cicero defended Drusus, and he was acquitted by a majority of four. The tribuni aerarii saved him, though the greater part of the senators and equites were against him; for though by the lex Fufia each of the three orders of judices voted separately, it was the majority of single votes, not the majority of majorities, that decided the judgment. (Ad Att. 4.16. §§ 5, 8,