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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 54 BC or search for 54 BC in all documents.

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ouse on the Carinae the stained toga was seen by Julia, who, imagining that her husband was slain, fell into premature labour (V. Max. 4.6.4; Plut. Pomp. 53), and her constitution received an irreparable shock. In the September of the next year, B. C. 54, she died in childbed, and her infant--a son, according to some writers (Vell. 2.47; Suet. Jul. 26; comp. Lucan. 5.474, 9.1049), a daughter, according to others (Plut. Pomp. 53; D. C. 39.64),-- survived her only a few days (Id. 40.44). Pompey wi favourite Alban villa, but the Roman people, who loved Julia, determined they should rest in the field of Mars. For permission a special decree of the senate was necessary, and L. Domitius Ahenobarbus [AHENOBARBUS, No. 7], one of the consuls of B. C. 54, impelled by his hatred to Pompey and Caesar, procured an interdict from the tribunes. But the popular will prevailed, and, after listening to a funeral oration in the forum, the people placed her urn in the Campus Martius. (D. C. 39.64; comp. 4
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Q. Labe'rius Durus a tribune of the soldiers in Caesar's army, fell in battle in the second invasion of Britain, B. C. 54. He is by mistake called Labienus by Orosius. (Caes. Gal. 5.15; Oros. 6.9.)
on of Labienus in Gaul for the next three years, it is probable that he quitted the army when Caesar returned to it, after the winter of B. C. 58. His absence was supplied by P. Crassus, the son of the triumvir; but when the latter left Gaul, in B. C. 54, in order to join his father in the fatal expedition against the Parthians, Caesar may perhaps have sent for Labienus, or the prospect of honour and rewards may have again attracted him to the camp of his patron. However this may be, we find Labienus again in Gaul in B. C. 54, in the winter of which year he was stationed with a legion among the Remi, on the confines of the Treviri. Here he defeated the latter people, who had come under the command of Induciomarus, to attack his camp, and their leader fell in the battle. Still later in the winter Labienus gained another great battle over the Treviri, and reduced the people to submission. (Caes. Gal. 5.24, 53-58, 6.7, 8; D. C. 40.11, 31.) In the great campaign against Vercingetorix in
o his political sentiments that Laterensis became one of Cicero's personal friends; and it was doubtless his opposition to Caesar which led L. Vettius to denounce him as one of the conspirators in the pretended plot against Pompey's life in B. C. 58. In B. C. 55, in the second consulship of Pompey and Crassus, Laterensis became a candidate for the curule aedileship, with Cn. Plancius, A. Plotius, and Q. Pedius. The elections were put off this year; but in the summer of the following year (B. C. 54) Plancius and Plotius were elected; but before they could enter upon their office Laterensis, in conjunction with L. Cassius Longinus, accused Plancius of the crime of sodalitium, or the bribery of the tribes by means of illegal associations, in accordance with the lex Licinia, which had been proposed by the consul Licinius Crassus in the preceding year. (See Dict. of Ant. s. v. Ambitus.) This contest between Laterensis and Plancius placed Cicero in an awkward position, since both of them w
Lentulus 34. L. Cornelius Lentulus, L. F., son of the last, and also flamen of Mars (ad Att. 4.16, 9, 12.7, ad Q. Fr. 3.1, 15). He defended M. Scaurus, in B. C. 54, when accused of extortion (Ascon. ad Cic. Scaur. 100.1): he accused Gabinius of high treason, about the same time, but was suspected of collusion (ad Q. Fr. l.c., ad Att. 4.16, 9). In the Philippics he is mentioned as a friend of Antony's; and he was appointed by the latter to a province, but made no use of the appointment, in B. C. 44 (Philipp. 3.10). He struck coins as priest of Mars (Ultor), B. C. 20, to commemorate the recovery of the standards from the Parthians, by Augustus (D. C. 54.8; Vaill. Cornel. No. 38).
ne. The former must have been the same as the one originally built by the censors M. Aemilius Lepidus and M. Fulvius Nobilior, in B. C. 179. As M. Fulvius seems to have had the principal share in its construction (Liv. 40.51), it was generally called the Fulvia basilica (Plut. Caes. 29), sometimes the Aemilia et Fulvia (Varr L. L. 6.2), but after the restoration by Aemilius Paullus, it was always called the Basilica Paulli or Aemilia. The restoration of this basilica was almost completed in B. C. 54, the year in which Cicero (l.c.) was writing. But the question where the new one was built is a very difficult one to answer. Most modern writers have supposed that the two basilicae were built by the side of one another side the forum; but this seems hardly possible to have been the case, since we never find mention of more than one basilica Aemilia or Paulli in all the ancient writers. (Tac. Ann. 3.72; Plin. Nat. 36.15, 24; Stat. Silv. 1.1. 29; Plut. Caes. 29, Galb. 26; D. C. 49.42, 54.24
Li'via 2. Livia Drusilla, the wife of Augustus, was the daughterof Livius Drusus Claudianus [DRUSUS, No. 7], who had been adopted by one of the Livia gens, but was a descendant of App. Claudius Caecus. Livia was born on the 28th of September, B. C. 56-54. (Letronne, Recherches pour servir à l'Histoire de l'Egypte, p. 171.) She was married first to Tib. Claudius Nero; but her beauty having attracted the notice of Octavian at the beginning of B. C. 38, her husband was compelled to divorce her, and surrender her to the triumvir. She had already borne her husband one son, the future emperor Tiberius, and at the time of her marriage with Augustus was six months pregnant with another, who subsequently received the name of Drusus. It was only two years previously that she had been obliged to fly before Octavian, in consequence of her husband having fought against him in the Perusinian war. (Suet. Tib. 3, 4; Vell. 2.75, 79; Suet. Aug. 62; D. C. 48.15, 34, 44.) Livia never bore Augustus any
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Longi'nus, Ca'ssius 12. L. Cassius Longinus, brother of No. 1, assisted M. Laterensis in accusing Cn. Plancius, in B. C. 54 [LATERENSIS], and the speech which he delivered on that occasion is replied to by Cicero at considerable length. (Cic. pro Planc. 24, &c.) He is again mentioned in B. C. 52 as the accuser of M. Saufeius. (Ascon. in Mil. p. 54, ed. Orelli.) On the breaking out of the civil war he joined the party of Caesar, while his brother espoused that of Pompey. He is mentioned as one of Caesar's legates in Greece in B. C. 48, and was sent by him into Thessaly, in order to keep a watch upon the movements of Metellus Scipio. Before the battle of Pharsalia he was despatched by Caesar with Fufius Calenus into Southern Greece [CALENUS.] Some ancient writers (Suet. Jul. 63; D. C. 42.6) confound him with his brother, and erroneously state that it was Lucius, and not Caius, who fell in with Caesar in the Hellespont after the battle of Pharsalia. [See above, p. 800b.] In B. C. 44 L
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Longi'nus, Ca'ssius 15. Q. Cassius Longinus, is called by Cicero (Cic. Att. 5.21) the frater of C. Cassius [No. 11], by which he probably means the first cousin rather than the brother of Caius, more especially as both Quintus and Caius were tribunes of the plebs in the same year. The public life of Quintus commenced and ended in Spain. In B. C. 54 he went as the quaestor of Pompey into that country, and availed himself of the absence of the triumvir to accumulate vast treasures in Further Spain. His conduct was so rapacious and cruel, that a plot was formed to take away his life. In B. C. 49 he was tribune of the plebs, and, in conjunction with his colleague M. Antony, warmly opposed the measures of the aristocracy. They put their veto upon the decrees of the senate, and when they were driven out of the senate-house by the consuls on the 6th of January, they left Rome, and fled to Caesar's camp. Caesar's victorious advance through Italy soon restored them to the city, and it was they
Lucre'tius 8. Q. Lucretius, accused Livius Drusus of praevaricatio, B. C. 54. He is mentioned by Cicero as an intimate friend of C. Cassius Longinus, and a supporter of the aristocratical party. On the breaking out of the civil war he was stationed at Sulmo with five cohorts, but his colleague C. Attius, according to Cicero, or his town troops according tc Caesar, opened the gates of the town to M. Antony, and Lucretius was obliged to save himself by flight. (Cic. Att. 4.16.5, 7.24, 25 ; Caes. Civ. 1.18.)