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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 58 BC or search for 58 BC in all documents.

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ame time that his brother Auletes obtained possession of the throne of Egypt, B. C. 80. But he unfortunately neglected the precaution of making interest at Rome to obtain the confirmation of his sovereignty, and had the farther imprudence to give personal offence to P. Clodius, by neglecting to ransom him when he had fallen into the hands of the Cilician pirates (Strab. xiv. p.684; Appian, App. BC 2.23). He paid dearly for his niggardliness on this occasion, for when Clodius became tribune (B. C. 58), he brought forward a law to deprive Ptolemy of his kingdom, and reduce Cyprus to a Roman province. Cato, who was entrusted with the charge of carrying into execution this nefarious decree, sent to Ptolemy, advising him to submit, and offering him his personal safety, with the office of high-priest at Paphos, and a liberal maintenance. But the unhappy king, though he was wholly unprepared for resistance to the Roman power, had the spirit to refuse these offers, and put an end to his own li
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
reason or other, it was long before he could obtain their ratification of his title to the crown, and it was not till the consulship of Caesar that he was able to purchase by vast bribes the desired privileges (Suet. Cases. 54). But he had expended immense sums in the pursuit of this object, which he was compelled to raise by the imposition of fresh taxes, and the discontent thus excited combining with the contempt entertained for his character, led to his expulsion by the Alexandrians, in B. C. 58. On this he determined to proceed in person to Rome to procure from the senate his restoration. On his way thither he had an interview at Rhodes with Cato, who endeavoured, but in vain, to dissuade him from his purpose (Plut. Cat. Mi. 35). His first reception was promising, and by a lavish distribution of bribes, combined with the influential support of Cicero, who pronounced an oration in his favour (Pro Rege Alexandrino), he procured a decree from the senate, commanding his restoration, a
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Quadra'tus, L. Ni'nnius tribune of the plebs B. C. 58, distinguished himself by his opposition to the measures of his colleague P. Clodius against Cicero. After Cicero had withdrawn from the city, he proposed that the senate and the people should put on mourning for the orator, and as early as the first of June he brought forward a notion in the senate for his recall from banishment. In the course of the same year he dedicated the property of Clodius to Ceres (D. C. 38.14, 16, 30 ; Cic. pro Sest. 31, post Red. in Sen. 2, pro Dom. 48). Two years afterwards Quadratus is mentioned along with Favonius, as one of the opponents of the Lex Trebonia, which prolonged the government of the provinces to Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus (D. C. 39.35). The last time that his name occurs is in . B. C. 49, when he was in Cicero's neighbourhood in Campania (Cic. Att. 10.16.4). In many editions of Cicero, as also in the Annales of Pighius, he is erroneously called Mummius. Glandorp, in his Onomasticon, cal
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Re'gulus, Livineius 1. 2. M. Livineius Regulus and L. LIVINEICS REGULUS, two brothers, who were friends of Cicero, and displayed their zeal in his cause when he was banished, B. C. 58. Cicero does not mention their gentile name; but as he speaks of Livineius as a freedman of M. Regulus, and L. Livineius Trypho as a freedman of L. Regulus, there can be no doubt that their gentile name was Livineius (Cic. Att. 3.17, ad Fam. 13.60). One of these brothers, probably Lucius, fought under Caesar in the African war, B. C. 46 (Hirt. B. Afr. 89), and he is apparently the same as the L. LIVINEIUS REGULUS, whose name occurs on a great number of coins struck in the time of Julius Caesar and Augustus. Specimens of the most important of these are given below. The head on the obverse of the first four is the same, and is probably intended to represent some ancestor of the Reguli. On the obverse of the first we have the legend L. REGVLVS PR., and on the reverse REGVLVS F. PRAEF. (VR.) The PR. on the o
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Rufus, Muna'tius one of the most intimate friends of the younger Cato, wrote a work on his friend, which is referred to by Plutarch. In B. C. 58 Rufus accompanied Cato to Cyprus, who was charged with the task of uniting the island to the Roman dominion; but he quarrelled with his friend, and returned to Italy in disgust, because Cato would not allow him any opportunity of enriching himself. Rufus, however, in his work on Cato, gave a different account of their quarrel. They were afterwards reconciled by the intervention of Marcia, Cato's wife. (Plut. Cat. Mi. 9, 30, 36, 37; V. Max. 4.3.2.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Sanga, Q. Fa'bius the patronus of the Allobroges, was the person to whom the ambassadors of the Allobroges disclosed the treasonable designs of the Catilinarian conspirators. Sanga communicated the intelligence to Cicero, who was thus enabled to obtain the evidence which led to the apprehension and execution of Lentulus and his associates, B. C. 63. Q. Sanga is mentioned as one of the friends of Cicero who besought the con sul L. Piso, in B. C. 58, not to support Clodius in his measures against Cicero. (Sall. Cat. 41 ; Appian, App. BC 2.4; Cic. in Pis. 31.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Saturni'nus, Appuleius 4. L. Appuleius Saturninus, was propraetor of Macedonia in B. C. 58, when Cicero visited the province after his banishment front Rome. Although a friend of Cicero, he did not venture to show him any marks of attention for fear of displeasing the ruling party at Rome. It was only his quaestor Plancius who openly espoused the cause of the exile. This Saturninus was a native of Atina, and was the first native of that praefectura who had obtained a curule office. (Cic. pro Planc. 8, 11, 41.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
pey reversed his decision, and placed Hyrcanus upon the throne, he took no notice of the charges, and left Scaurus in the command of Syria with two legions. Scaurus remained in Syria till B. C. 59, when he was succeeded by L. Marcius Philippus. During his government of Syria he made a predatory incursion into Arabia Petraea, but withdrew on the payment of 300 talents by Aretas, the king of the country. On his return to Rome he became a candidate for the curule aedileship, which he held in B. C. 58, the year in which P. Clodius was tribune. The extraordinary splendour with which he celebrated the public games surpassed every thing of the kind that had been previously witnessed in Rome, and it is by them that his name has been chiefly handed down to posterity. The temporary theatre which he built accommodated 80,000 spectators, and was adorned in the most magnificent manner. Three hundred and sixty pillars decorated the stage, arranged in three stories, of which the lowest was made of
Seleucus 4. Surnamed CYBIOSACTES (*Kubiosa/kths, the packer of salt fish), a name given him in derision by the Alexandrians, was in reality a man of ignoble birth and a low condition, but who pretended to he descended from the royal race of the Seleucidae. On this account he was chosen by the Alexandrians in B. C. 58, when they had expelled their king Ptolemy Auletes, and established his daughter Berenice on the throne, to be the husband of their young queen. He was accordingly sent for from Syria, and the marriage actually solemnized; but Berenice was so disgusted with his mean and sordid character, that she caused him to be strangled only a few days after their nuptials (D. C. 39.57; Strab. xvii. p.796; Suet. Vesp. 19). Vaillant (Hist. Reg. Syr. p. 397) and Froelich suppose him to have been a younger brother of Antiochus Asiaticus, and the same who accompanied him to Rome about B. C. 73 (see Cic. Ver. 4.27); but both Dio Cassius and Strabo clearly imply that he was a mere pretender.
Sicca a friend of Cicero, who took refuge at his estate at Vibo, in the country of the Bruttii, when he left Rome in B. C. 58. Here he received intelligence of his banishment, and forthwith set out for Brundisium, where he expected to meet Sicca, but was disappointed, as Sicca had left Brundisium before he arrived there. (Cic. Att. 3.2, 4, ad Fam. 14.4.6). Plutarch (Cic. 32) appears to refer to the same person, but calls him *Ou)i/rios *Sikelo\s a)nh/r, "Vibius, a Sicilian," as if he had mistaken the name Sicca ; but he relates that this Vibius refused Cicero hospitality at Vibo. Sicca is next mentioned at the breaking out of the civil war in B. C. 49, when L. Domitius sent him with a letter and orders to Pompey. In B. C. 44 Cicero again took refuge in Sicca's house at Vibo. (Cic. Att. 8.12, c. 12.23, 14.19, 16.6, 11.)