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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 59 BC or search for 59 BC in all documents.

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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
sea. In the first conspiracy of Catiline an attempt was made to obtain possession of his fleet, and, though the mutiny was put down, Gellius had a narrow escape of his life. In consequence of the personal danger he had previously incurred, he was one of the warmest supporters of Cicero in his suppression of the second conspiracy, and accordingly proposed that Cicero should be rewarded with a civic crown. From this time he appears as a steady friend of Cicero and the aristocratical party. In B. C. 59 he opposed the agrarian law of Caesar, and in B. C. 57 he spoke in favour of Cicero's recall from exile. He was alive in B. C. 55, when Cicero delivered his speech against Piso, but probably died soon afterwards. He was married twice. (Appian, App. BC 1.117; Plut. Crass. 9; Oros. 5.24; Flor. 3.20.10; Eutrop. 6.7; Liv. Epit. 96, 98; Plut. Pomp. 22; Cic. Clu. 42; Ascon. in Tog. Cand. p. 84, ed. Orelli; Appian, App. Mith. 95; Flor. 3.6.8; Cic. post Red. ad Quir. 7; Gel. 5.6 ; Cic. Att. 12.21;
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
f money; but he decided for Aristobulus, probably because he bid the highest, B. C. 64. After driving Hyrcanus out of Judaea, Scaurus returned to Damascus. Upon Pompey's arrival at this city in the following year, an accusation was brought against Scaurus of having been bribed by Aristobulus; but though Pompey reversed his decision, and placed Hyrcanus upon the throne, he took no notice of the charges, and left Scaurus in the command of Syria with two legions. Scaurus remained in Syria till B. C. 59, when he was succeeded by L. Marcius Philippus. During his government of Syria he made a predatory incursion into Arabia Petraea, but withdrew on the payment of 300 talents by Aretas, the king of the country. On his return to Rome he became a candidate for the curule aedileship, which he held in B. C. 58, the year in which P. Clodius was tribune. The extraordinary splendour with which he celebrated the public games surpassed every thing of the kind that had been previously witnessed in Ro
Scrofa 3. Cn. Tremellius Scrofa, the grandson of No. ], was a friend of M. Varro, and a writer on agriculture. He is probably the same as the Cn. Tremellius, who was one of the judices at the trial of Verres in B. C. 70, and had been appointed military tribune for the following year (Cic. Verr. Act. 1.10). Scrofa was one of the twenty commissioners for dividing the Campanian land under the agrarian law of Julius Caesar, B. C. 59, and he must afterwards have served under Julius Caesar in Gaul, as he is said to have commanded an army near the Rhine. He is introduced as one of the speakers in Varro's treatise De Re Rustica, where his knowledge of agriculture is praised in the highest terms. He there speaks of himself as practorius, but in what year he was praetor is unknown (Varr. R. R. 1.2.10, 1.7.8, 2.4 ; Plin. Nat. 17.21. s. 35.22). He is mentioned in Cicero's correspondence as one of the friends of Atticus. (Cic. Att. 5.4.2, 6.1.13, 7.1.8.)
Septi'mius 4. C. Septimius, a scriba of the consul Bibulus, B. C. 59. (Cic. Att. 2.24.)
Septi'mius 5. P. Septimius, one of the witnesses against L. Valerius Flaccus in B. C. 59 [FLACCUS, VALERIUS, No. 15]. (Cic. pro Flacc. 4, 35.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Thermus, Minu'cius 5. A. Minucius Thermus, was twice defended by Cicero in B. C. 59, and on each occasion acquitted. It is not stated of what crime he was accused. (Cic. pro Flacc. 39 ; comp. Drumann, Geschichte Roms, vol. v. p. 619.) As Cicero says that the acquittal of Thermus caused great joy among the Roman people, we may conclude that he had previously filled some public office, and thus he may be the same as the Thermus who, when curator viae Flaminiae, sued for the consulship in B. C. 65. (Cic. Att. 1.1.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Tibullus, A'lbius (his praenomen is unknown), was of equestrian family. The date of his birth is uncertain : it is assigned by Voss, Passow, and Dissen to B. C. 59, by Lachman and Paldamus to B. C. 54; but he died young (according to the old life by Hieronymus Alexandrinus, in flore juventutis) soon after Virgil (Domitius Marsus in Epigrammate) "Te quoque Virgilii comitem non aequa, Tibulle, Mors juvenem campos misit ad Elysios." But as Virgil died B. C. 19, if Tibullus died the year after, B. C. 18, he would even then have been 36. The later date therefore is more probable. Of the youth and education of Tibullus, absolutely nothing is known. His late editor and biographer, Dissen, has endeavoured to make out from his writings, that according to the law, which compelled the son of an eques to perform a certain period of military service (formerly ten years), Tibullus was forced, strongly against his will, to become a soldier. This notion is founded on the tenth elegy of the first
n simply to the influence of one of the consuls of the preceding year. and was returned last on the list. Cicero, who was consul, sent him to Puteoli to prevent the gold and silver from being carried away from that place; but his extortions were so oppressive that the inhabitants were obliged to complain of his conduct to the consul. After his quaestorship he went to Spain as legatus of C. Cosconius, the proconsul, where, according to Cicero, he was again guilty of robbery and extortion. In B. C. 59 he was tribune of the plebs and sold his services to Caesar, who was then consul along with Bibulus. He took an active part in all the measures which were brought forward in this year, many of which he proposed himself. [CAESAR, p. 543.] Cicero accuses him of setting the auspices at defiance, of offering violence to the consul Bibulus, of filling the forum with soldiers, and of crushing the veto of his colleagues in the tribunate by force of arms ; all of which accusations we can readily be
Ve'ttius 2. T. Vettius, praetor B. C. 59, presided at the trial of L. Flaccus, whom Cicero defended. (Cic. pro Flacc. 34.)
Ve'ttius 6. L. Vettius, a Roman eques, was in the pay of Cicero in B. C. 63, to whom he gave some valuable information respecting the Catilinarian conspiracy. Hence he is called by Cicero noster index. Among others he accused Caesar of being privy to the conspiracy. (Comp. Suet. Jul. 17, where we ought to read a L. Vettio indice instead of a L. Vettio judice.) He was an unprincipled fellow, who was ready to sell his services to any one who would pay him well. He again appears in B. C. 59 as an informer. In that year he accused Curio, Cicero, L. Lucullus, and many other distinguished men, of having formed a conspiracy to assassinate Pompey. Dio Cassius, who always thinks the worst about every man, asserts (38.9) as a positive fact that Vettius had been purchased by Cicero and L. Lucullus to murder Caesar and Pompey; but this statement is in opposition to all other authorities, and deserves no credence. It seems almost certain that the conspiracy was a sheer invention for the purpose of
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