k them, for they despise them for trusting
them and think they will not be found out. And contempt is in a manner the
motive of those who attack monarchs thinking that they are able to seize the
government; for they make the attempt with a light heart, feeling that they have
the power and because of their power despising the danger, as generals
commanding the armies attack their monarchs; for instance Cyrus attacked
AstyagesThe last king of Media, reigned
594-559 B.C. when he
despised both his mode of life and his power, because his power had waned and he
himself was living luxuriously, and the Thracian Seuthes attacked AmadocusBoth these Thracian kings became allies of
390 B.C., but the event referred to may be
later. when his general. Others again attack monarchs for more than
one of these motives, for instance both because they despise them and for the
sake of gain, as MithridatesPerhaps