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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 109 109 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 8 8 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 3 3 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 3 3 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War 2 2 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 2 2 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
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Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter I: ad Atticum 1.1 (search)
of standing for the consulship, as the latter would be made on the day on which notice of the election was given, i.e. three nundinae, or 17 days, before the day of the election. Cf. Herzog, 1. p.656, 1092, n. 2. Antonius: Cicero's colleague in 63 B.C. Q. Cornificius: the father of the orator and politician Q. Cornificius, to whom Fam. 12.17-30 are addressed. risisse aut ingemuisse: on hearing that such nobodies aspire to the consulship. The situation, while humorous, is also one to excite theopposition. Curius, evidently a man held in light esteem, may have been the Quintus Curius who informed Cicero of Catiline's plans. Thermum fieri: sc. consulem. si in nostrum annum reciderit, if he goes over to my year, i.e. to the election for 63 B.C. viae Flaminiae: the great northern thoroughfare from Rome to the Adriatic. The completion (absoluta) of this road would, as Cicero thinks, give Thermus political prestige and influence, and therefore make him a dangerous opponent a year later,
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter II: ad Atticum 1.2 (search)
the Optima tes from the de Petitione Consulatus, 33, written by Quintus to his brother a few months later, noli putare eos, qui sunt eo honore usi, non videre, tu cum idem sis adeptus, quid dignitatis habiturus sis: eos vero, qui consularibus familiis nati locum maiorum consecuti non sunt, suspicor tibi, nisi si qui admodum te amant, invidere. Hortensius and Crassus may have been particulariy in Cicero's thoughts. Besides the feeling of distrust which certain members of the aristocracy cherished toward this novus homo, many of them were offended by his previous democratic tendencies as shown, for instance, in the prosecution of Verres, and by his willingness to rob the oligarchy of its power for the benefit of Pompey in the case of the Manilian law. Cf. de Pet. Cons. 4, 5; Sall. Cat. 23 end, and Intr. 4. Ianuario Romae sis: the next letter to Atticus (Att. 3.32) was written in 63 B.C. The break in the correspondence is explained by the presence of Atticus in Rome or its vicinity.
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter III: ad familiares 5.7 (search)
Letter III: ad familiares 5.7 Rome, Apr., 62 B.C. In Dec., 63 B.C. Cicero had sent to Pompey, who was in the East, a somewhat lengthy letter (now lost), in which he had given a resume of the achievements of his consulship. This letter, written probably in that egotistical vein which characterizes many of Cicero's utterances in regard to his consulship, apparently offended Pompey, who replied in a brief, unsympathetic letter. At the same time, Pompey sent a letter to the senate containing no word of commendation for Cicero. The letter before us was written upon the receipt of these two epistles. For the formula of greeting, see Intr. 62. S. t. e. q. v. b. e.: for si tu exercitusque valetis, bene est; a stereotyped form of salutation which Cicero uses only in official or formal letters, or in replying to some one who has employed it in writing to him. Intr. 62. publice, officially, to the magistrates and senate. Cf. Fam. 35.3. tantam spem oti: along with the carrying out of o
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter XVI: ad Quintum fratrem 2.3 (search)
ps, in this case for political purposes; cf. pro Sest. 34. que is explanatory; 'political clubs, i.e. definite organizations.' discederent, should disband. lex ferretur i.e. in the comitia. Cf. Ep. V.2n. Such organizations were not effectually controlled until under Julius Caesar's constitution the permission of the senate was required before permanent societies with fixed times of meeting and standing deposits could be organized. pro Bestia: L. Calpurnius Piso Bestia, the tribune who in 63 B.C. by a speech against Cicero was to give the signal to the Conspirators for active operations (Sall. Cat. 43.1). The oration for Bestia has not been preserved. Cn. Domitium (Calvinum): he supported in later years the cause of Caesar in the Civil War. The last reference to him is in connection with an unsuccessful campaign against Pharnaces in 47 B.C. (Bell. Alex. 65). cum Sestius, etc.: in Jan., 57 B.C. , after many delays a proposition to recall Cicero from exile was laid before the peopl
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter XXIX: ad familiares 3.2 (search)
tle proconsul (procos.), carrying along with it the imperium, indicates that Cicero wrote this letter at some point outside of Rome. Appius received the title of imperator (imp.) from his troops, because of a successful campaign against the mountaineers of his province. contra voluntatem et praeter opinionem: Cicero had declined a province both at the close of his praetorship and of his consulship. The words contra voluntatem indicate that in declining Macedonia in favor of C. Antonius in 63 B.C. he did not show so much self-abnegation as he would lead us elsewhere to infer. Cf. Ep. XXXIV. 13 si quisquam, etc. His assignment to a province in this case was one of the results of a law passed rather unexpectedly; cf. Intr. 22. amicior: cf. Appium, Ep. VIII.2n. summa coniunctione: both were augurs. See also amicior Above. quaeso: here (with peto) followed by an object clause, — a rare use. In classical prose quaeso is used parenthetically either alone or with a single word for an obje
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter XXX: ad Atticum 5.1 (search)
sic absurde: this use of sic to express intensity with verbs and adjectives is found chiefly in Cicero and the comic writers (Tyrrell). Similar cases, perhaps, are Hor. Sat. 1.5.69; 2.3.1. stomacho, annoyance; common in this sense only in the Letters. quid quaeris: cf. Ep. V.4n. tuas monendi: Atticus is requested to reprove his sister, just as he had apparently asked Cicero to reprove Quintus; cf. 3. Quintus and Pomponia were divorced about seven years later. Pomptinum: C. Pomptinus, who was praetor in 63 B.C. , was Cicero's able assistant in the suppression of the Catilinarian conspiracy; cf. in Cat. 3.5. He was a man of military experience, and Cicero, appreciating his own ignorance in military affairs, and the danger which threatened his province from the Parthians, had made him one of his four legati. sic habeas: cf. sic habeto, Ep. XXVI.1n. cui velim: I wish that you would tell him that I have written to you about him. The reference is to the complimentary remarks just made.
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter XXXIV: ad familiares 15.4 (search)
over these petty mountaineers, whose name, even, was not known to the average Roman; cf. Att. 5.20.1 Saturnalibus mane se mihi Pindenissitae dediderunt septimo et quinquagesimo die postquam oppugnare eos coepimus. 'Qui, malum ! isti Pindenissitae, qui sunt?' inquies, nomen audivi numquam.' Quid ego faciam? num potui Ciliciam Aetoliam aut Macedoniam reddere? a me: for mihi, to secure the contrast with te. ad caelum extulisti: it was Cato who bestowed upon Cicero the title pater patriae in 63 B.C. cuidam clarissimo: P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther, one of Cicero's predecessors in Cilicia. He had secured a triumph in 51 B.C. ; cf. Att. 5.21.4. decerneres: a shorter expression for decernendam censeres. ob eas res: his efforts to secure Cicero's recall from banishment in 57 B.C. non ut multis, etc.: cf. in Cat. 4.20. inimicum meum: with special reference to Clodius. Milonis causa, etc. : cf. Ascon. in Mil. p.53 fuerunt qui crederent M. Catonis sententia eam esse absolutum, nam et st