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Your search returned 71 results in 60 document sections:
(*)Artw/khs), king of the Iberians, against whom Pompey marched in B. C. 65. Pompey crossed the Cyrnus and defeated Artoces; and when he also crossed the Pelorus, Artoces sent to him his sons as hostages, and concluded a peace with him. (D. C. 37.1, 2; Appian, App. Mith. 103, 117; Flor. 3.5, who calls him Arthoces; Plut. Pomp. 36
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Herodes Atticus or Atticus Herodes (search)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Autro'nia Gens
of which the only familyname mentioned is PAETUS. Persons of this gens first came into notice in the last century of the republic: the first member of it who obtained the consulship was P. Autronius Paetus, in B. C. 65.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
15. C. Julius Caesar, the son of No. 14, and the father of the dictator, was praetor, though in what year is uncertain, and died suddenly at Pisae in B. C. 84, while dressing himself, when his son was sixteen years of age.
The latter, in his curule aedileship, B. C. 65, exhibited games in his father's honour. (Suet. Jul. 1; Plin. Nat. 7.53. s. 54, 33.3. s. 16.) His wife was Aurelia. [AURELIA.]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
4. CARRINAS SECUNDUS, a rhetorician of the time of Caligula, by whom he was expelled from Rome for having, by way of exercise, declaimed against tyrants on one occasion. (D. C. 59.20; Juv. 7.204.)
He is probably the same as the Secundus Carinas whom Nero, in B. C. 65, sent to Asia and Achaia to plunder those countries, and carry the statues of the gods from thence to Rome. (Tac. Ann. 15.45.) [L.S]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)