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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 78 BC or search for 78 BC in all documents.

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Regillus 3. M. AEMILIUS (REGILLUS), a brother of No. 2, whom he accompanied in the war against Antiochus : he died at Samos in the course of the year, B. C. 190. (Liv. 37.22.) It would appear that this family became extinct soon afterwards. We learn from a letter of Cicero (Cic. Att. 12.24.2) that Lepidus, probably M. Aemilius Lepidus, consul B. C. 78, had a son named Regillus, who was dead at the time that Cicero wrote. It is probable that Lepidus wished to revive the cognomen of Regillus in the Aemilia gens, just as he did that of Paulus, which he gave as a surname to his eldest son. [See Vol. II. p. 765b.]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Re'stio, A'ntius 1. The author of a sumptuary law, which, besides limiting the expence of entertainments, enacted that no magistrate or magistrate elect should dine abroad anywhere except at the houses of certain persons. This law, however, was little observed; and we are told that Antius never dined out afterwards, that he might not see his own law violated. We do not know in what year this law was passed; but it was subsequent to the sumptuary law of the consul Aemilius Lepidus, B. C. 78, and before the one of Caesar (Gel. 2.24; Macr. 2.13).
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
o have comprised the period from the consulship of M. Aemilius Lepidus and Q. Lutatius Catulus, B. C. 78, the year of Sulla's death, to the consulship of L. Vulcatius Tullus and M. Aemilius Lepidus, B Kreysig, Misen. 1830, 8vo.) The ground for stating that the history of Sallustius began with B. C. 78, is the authority of the fragment in Donatus. (Res Populi Romani, &c). But Ausonius (Id. iv. adk which, as Le Clerc supposes, comprised a period of twelve years before the Tumultus Lepidi in B. C. 78. The commencement of such a work would coincide with B. C. 90, or the outbreak of the Social War, but the twelve years may be referred with equal probability to the period from B. C. 78 to B. C. 66. However, Sallust seems to have treated of the period of Sulla (Plutarch, Comparison of Sulla andJugurtha ; the period from the commencement of the Marsic war, B. C. 90, to the death of Sulla, B. C. 78; the tumults caused by the consul M. Aemilius Lepidus upon the death of Sulla; the war of Serto
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
(juvenis) at the period of the Numantine war, the contemporary of Rutilius' Rufus, Claudius Quadrigarius, and Valerius Antias. The date thus indicated will by no means agree with the statements contained in Cicero's Brutus (64, 68), that he was intermediate between Hortensius and Sulpicius, of whom the former was born in B. C. 114, the latter in B. C. 124. The account here given is confirmed by the fact, which seems to be clearly established, that he was praetor in the year when Sulla died (B. C. 78), for supposing him to have obtained the office " suo anno," his birth would thus be fixed to B. C. 118 or 119. He probably obtained Sicily for his province, in B. C. 77, and from the local knowledge thus acquired was enabled to render good service to Verres, whose cause he espoused (Cic. Ver. 2.45, 4.20). During the piratical war (B. C. 67) he acted as the legatus of Pompeius, and having been despatched to Crete in command of an army, died in that island at the age of about fifty-two. Wo
ents in which he had always taken so much pleasure. His dissolute mode of life hastened his death. A dream warned him of his approaching end. Thereupon he made his testament, in which he left L. Lucullus the guardian of his son. Only two days before his death, he finished the twenty-second book of his memoirs, in which, foreseeing his end, he was able to boast of the prediction of the Chaldaeans, that it was his fate to die after a happy life in the very height of his prosperity. He died in B. C. 78, in the sixtieth year of his age. The immediate cause of his death was the rupture of a blood-vessel, but some time before he had been suffering from the disgusting disease, which is known in modern times by the name of Morbus Pediculosus or Phthiriasis. Appian (App. BC 1.105) simply relates that he died of a ever. Zachariae. in his life of Sulla, considers the story of his suffering from phthiriasis as a fabrication of his enemies, and probably of the Athenians whom he had handled so sever
Sulla 7. FAUSTUS CORNELIUS SULLA, a son of the dictator by his fourth wife Caecilia Metella, and a twin brother of Fausta, was born not long before B. C. 88, the year in which his father obtained his first consulship. He and his sister received the names of Faustus and Fausta respectively on account of the good fortune of their father. (Plut. Sull. 22, 34, 37.) At the death of his father in B. C. 78, Faustus and his sister were left under the guardianship of L. Lucullus. The enemies of Sulla's constitution constantly threatened Faustus with a prosecution to compel him to restore the public money which his father had received or taken out of the treasury; but the senate always offered a strong opposition to such an investigation. When the attempt was renewed in B. C. 66 by one of the tribunes, Cicero, who was then praetor, spoke against the proposal. (Ascon. in Cornel. p. 72, ed Orelli; Cic. pro Cluent. 34, de Leg. Agr. 1.4.) Soon after this Faustus accompanied Pompey into Asia, and wa
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ser. Sulpi'cius Lemo'nia Rufus the son of Quintus, was a contemporary and friend of Cicero, and of about the same age ( Cic. Brut. 40) : Cicero was born B. C. 106. The name Lemonia is the ablative case, and indicates the tribe to which Servius belonged. (Cic. Philipp. 9.7.) According to Cicero, the father of Servius was of the equestrian order. (Cic. pro Mur. 7.) Servius first devoted himself to oratory, and he studied his art with Cicero in his youth, and also at Rhodus B. C. 78, for he accompanied Cicero there (Brut. 41). It is said that he was induced to study law by a reproof of Q. Mucius Scaevola, the pontifex, whose opinion Servius had asked on a legal question, and as the pontifex saw that Servius did not understand his answer, he said that " it was disgraceful for a patrician and a noble, and one who pleaded causes, to be ignorant of the law with which he had to be engaged." (Dig. 1. tit. 2. s. 2.43.) Henceforth jurisprudence became his study, in which he surpassed his teacher
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Va'tia or Va'tia Isauricus (search)
Va'tia or Va'tia Isauricus 1. P. Servilius Vatia, C. F. M. N., surnamed ISAURICUS, was the grandson of Q. Metcllus Macedonicus. (Cic. pro Dom. 47.) He is first mentioned in B. C. 100, where he took up arms with the other Roman nobles against Saturninus. (Cic. pro C. Rabir. perd. 7.) He was raised to the consulship by Sulla in B. C. 79, along with Ap. Claudius Pulcher, and in the following year (B. C. 78) was sent as proconsul to Cilicia, with a powerful fleet and army, in order to clear the seas of the pirates, whose ravages now spread far and wide. He was a man of integrity, resolution, and energy, and carried on the war with great ability and success. At first he sailed against the pirates, and defeated them in a naval engagement off the coast of Cilicia. The pirates then abandoned the sea and took refuge in their strongholds among the mountains which skirt the southern coast of Asia Minor. Servilius proceeded to attack their fortresses, which were defended with the greatest obstina
elius Dolabella (No. 6), praetor of Cilicia in B. C. 80-79, and one of the most rapacious and oppressive of the provincial governors. On the death of the regular quaestor C. Malleolus, Verres, who had been Dolabella's legatus, became his pro-quaestor. In Verres Dolabella found an active and unscrupulous agent, and, in return, connived at his excesses. But the proquaestor proved as faithless to Dolabella as he had been to Carbo; turned evidence against him on his prosecution by M. Scaurus in B. C. 78, and by shifting his own crimes to the praetor's account, and stipulating for a pardon for himself, mainly contributed to the verdict against Dolabella. During this pro-quaestorship Verres first acquired or affected a taste for the fine arts. It is not clear, indeed, whether Cicero believed him to possess a genuine relish for the beautiful, or whether he considered the legate's appropriations as a mere brutal lust of pillage, and a means of purchasing the support of the oligarchy at Rome. T