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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Acindy'nus, Grego'rius (*Grhgo/rios *)Aki/ndunos), a Greek Monk, A. D. 1341, distinguished in the controversy with the Hesychast or Quietist Monks of Mount Athos. He supported and succeeded Barlaam in his opposition to their notion that the light which appeared on the Mount of the Transfiguration was uncreated. The emperor, John Cantacuzenus, took part (A. D. 1347) with Palamas, the leader of the Quietists, and obtained the condemnation of Acindynus by several councils at Constantinople, at one especially in A. D. 1 351. Remains of Acindynus are, De Essentia et Operatione DEI adversus imperitiam Gregorii Palamae, &c. in " Variorum Pontificum ad Petrum Gnapheum Eutychianum Epistol." p. 77, Gretser. 4to. Ingolst. 1616, and Carmen Iambicum de Haeresibus Palamae, " Graeciae Orthodoxae Scriptores," by Leo. Allatius, p. 755, vol. 1.4to. Rom. 1652. [A.J.
who, under the appearance of a refusal, was exceedingly anxious to grant them the honours they solicited. Thus they were declared consuls elect and principes juventutis before they had laid aside the dress of childhood. Caius was nominated to the consulship in B. C. 5, but was not to enter upon it till five years afterwards. He assumed the toga virilis in the same year, and his brothel in B. C. 2. Caius was sent into Asia in B. C. 1, where he passed his consulship in the following year, A. D. 1. About this time Phraates IV., king of Parthia, seized upon Armenia, and Caius accordingly prepared to make war against him, but the Parthian king gave up Armenia, and settled the terms of peace at an interview with Caius on an island in the Euphrates. (A. D. 2.) After this Caius went to take possession of Armenia, but was treacherously wounded before the town of Artagera in this country. Of this wound he never recovered, and died some time afterwards at Limyra in Lycia, on the 21st of Febr
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Geo'rgius TRAPEZUNTIUS (search)
any rate, he was at Rome before the council of Florence, A. D. 1439. He had become eminent in Italy before 1437, when he wrote to the Byzantine emperor, .oannes or John II., exhorting him to disregard the promises of the council of Basel, and to attend the council which was to be summoned at Ferrara, in Italy; but it is not clear from what part of Italy the letter was written. He was secretary, according to Hody, to the two popes, Eugenius IV. and Nicholas V. (who acceded to the papal crown A. D. 1 447),but according to other statements he received the appointment from Nicholas V. apparently about A. D. 1450. He occupied for many years a position of unrivalled eminence at Rome, as a Greek scholar and teacher, and a translator of the Greek authors; but the arrival of many scholars whom Nicholas invited to that city, and the superior reputation of the version of Aristotle's Problemuta, made by Theodore Gaza subsequently to George's version of the same treatise, and the attacks of Lauren
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Le'pida, Aemi'lia 3. The great grand-daughter of Augustus, being the daughter of L. Aemilius Paullus, consul in A. D. 1 [LEPIDUS, No. 22], and Julia, the granddaughter of Augustus. She was married to the emperor Claudius long before his accession to the throne, when he was quite young, but was either divorced or died soon after the marriage. (Suet. Cl. 26.)
Le'pidus 22. L. Aemilius Paullus, the son of Paullus Aemilius Lepidus [No. 19] and Cornelia, married Julia, the grand-daughter of Augustus, being a daughter of M. Agrippa and Julia, who was the daughter of Augustus. Paullus is therefore called the progener of Augustus. As Julia, the daughter of Augustus, was the half-sister of Cornelia [see above, No. 19], Paullus married his first cousin. He was consul in A. D. 1 with C. Caesar, his wife's brother, and the grandson of Augustus; but, notwithstanding his close connection with the imperial family, he nevertheless entered into a conspiracy against Augustus, of the particulars of which we are not informed. (Propert. 4.11. 63; Suet. Oct. 19, 64; Dio Cass. lv. Ind.) Respecting Julia, the wife of Paullus, see JULIA, No. 7.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
apinianus Hostilis and Eugenia Gracilis, and that they survived their son Aemilius Paullus Papinianus, who died in his thirty-seventh year. Aemilins Papinianus succeeded Septimius Severus, afterwards emperor, as Advocatus Fisci (Spartian. Carucall. 8). Now Severus held this oftice under Marcus Antoninus, and he was employed in various high capacities by Marcus during his lifetime. Papinianus therefore was Advocatus Fisci during the reign of Marcus, who died A. D. 180. Severus became emperor A. D. 1.92, and died A. D. 211. There is therefore an interval of about thirty-two years between the death of Marcus and that of Severus, and consequently Papinianus, who held office under Marcus, and was put to death by Caracalla, the successor of Severus, must have been much more than thirty-six when he died. Papinian is said to have been related to Julia Domna, the second wife of Severus. (Spart. Caracall. 8.) He was highly esteemed by Severus, nnder whom he was Libellorum magister (Dig. 20. t
ts quantity during an ordinary stage. The rate of flow during inundation is 6 feet per second at Ea Sinout, about the middle of Egypt; during low water the rate of flow is from 1 1/3 to 2 knots per hour. The immediate banks of the river are seldom covered, and serve as highways. The general breadth of the river is about 1/3 of a mile. It receives no tributaries after leaving Abyssinia, and consequently does not increase in size. A low Nile causes famine. We read of such in Genesis; one A. D. 1200, cited in Abdollatiph's History of Egypt; two in 1784 – 85, mentioned by Volney. The latter was very destructive, and was caused by light rainfall in Ethiopia. Multitudes sought food in Palestine and Syria. Nine-pin block. (Nautical.) A block whose shell is spindle-shaped, resembling one of a set of nine-pins. Its ends are swiveled in an upper and lower bar, so that the plane of the sheave may be presented in any direction. It acts as a fair-leader under the crosspieces of
Taking the veil. --Fifty-five young ladies took the white veil on the 1st ult., at the Convent of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and eighteen the black veil on the 8th, in the same establishment.
Snow Storm at Fayetteville, Ark. --A snow storm visited Fayetteville, Ark., on the 1st inst., covering the ground with snow. It commenced about noon and was still falling at night, with every prospect of its continuance.
Recaptured. --The three negroes sentenced to death for: poisoning, who escaped from Lunenburg county (Va.) jail a few days since, were recaptured on the 1st inst., in Nottoway. The pursuers used a pack of hounds, and soon ran down the murderers. They were returned to jail.