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The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Perils of the Southern Overland Mail route. (search)
News from Havana. New Orleans, Jan. 11. --The steamship Bienville is below, with Havana dates of the 7th inst. Sugar was dull at 7¾ a 8 reals; stock, 29,000 boxes, against 12,500 boxes last year. Clayed Molasses was selling at 4 reals, and Muscovadoes at 4¾ reals. Freights dull. Sterling Exchange 12¾ a 13¾ per ct. prem.; Sight Exchange on New York 4 a 9½ per ct. pr
The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Murder of two policemen in Cincinnati. (search)
The Freemen Cadets in Troy. Troy, N. Y., Jan. 11. --The new volunteer company, the Freemen Cadets, Captain J. W. Armitage, this evening had a large and enthusiastic meeting at the Mansion House. The hotel was crowded to the utmost capacity.--This company are subject to the orders of the administration, and expect to see active service, for which they are preparing.
Secession meeting at Waverly, Mo. Waverly, Mo., Jan. 11. --An ultra secession meeting was held here last night, and passed a resolution strongly denouncing the St. Louis Democrat and forbidding its circulation. Lincoln was burned in effigy, amid the firing of cannon, display of torchlights, etc.
The Massachusetts Legislature. Boston, Jan. 11. --A resolution was introduced into the Legislature to-day, tendering the entire military means and forces of the State to aid the General Government.
ely maintained Flour is heavy — sales of 12,500 barrels. State, $5 30@$5.35; Ohio, $5.75@$5.90; Southern, $5.75@$6.05. Wheat is buoyant sales of 59,000 bushels; white $1.65, red, $1.37½, Corn is higher sales of 42,000 bushels; mixed 71@72½ cts. Beet steady. Pork buoyant — mess, $17@$17.50. Bacon firm. Lard firm at 10¾ cts. Whiskey dull at 19¾ cents. Sugar steady at ¾ cents for Muscovado. Coffee steady at 11½@13 cents. Rosin heavy at $1.35@$1.37½. Baltimore Cattle Market. Baltimore, Jan. 11. --The offerings at the scales yesterday footed up 875 head, of which 175 held were driven to Philadelphia, and the balance (700 head) were taken by Baltimore butchers and packers at prices ranging from $2.50 to $4.50, and averaging $3.50 per 100 lbs. This average shows an advance of 12½ cts. per 100 lbs. over last Thursday's rate. There was a fair supply of live hogs in the pens to-day, hut the market for them is rather dull. Sales were made to the butchers of good to prime lot
Alexander and others, to release John Ray from the payment of a fine; by the same, the petition of W. H. Cecil and others, for releasing Henry Snider from the penalties of a conviction for permitting unlawful gaming at his ordinary, in Marshall county; by Mr. Lucas, the petition of citizens of Giles and Monroe counties for a turnpike road; by Mr. Friend, the petition of Jas. Wallace, a free negro, to remain in the Commonwealth; by Mr. Graham, the resolves of a meeting of Wythe co., held January 11th, in which they say "that it is the duty of the Governor of Virginia to protect the soil of Virginia from the tread of a foreign enemy, and that they regard the occupancy of Harper's Ferry by the Federal Government as an act of aggression upon Southern rights and a standing menace to the people of Virginia." Appointment of Commissioners for Consultation.--Mr. Patterson offered the following resolutions, which, after being read, were, on motion, referred to the Committee on Federal Rel
The Daily Dispatch: October 31, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Skirmish in Barron county, Ky.--a Bold Deed. (search)
Trial of Bernard. --The trial of Joseph Bernard, for the murder of John O. Taylor, was resumed in the Circuit Court of Henrico yesterday morning. The homicide took place on the 11th of January last, at a farm purchased from Bernard by Taylor, a few miles from Richmond. The latter was superintending some work at the barn, when Bernard came up, and a conversation took place in regard to a negro girl, in which harsh language was used, and the two started for the house in company. Mr. Taylor was shot soon afterwards, and though there was no actual witness to the occurrence, the report of the pistol was heard by persons on the place who ran to his assistance. In his dying statement, made in the presence of John B. Young, Esq., he declared that Bernard shot him while standing in the door of the house, about six or eight feet from him. Mr. Taylor lingered for a period of seventeen days, and died on the night of the 27th of January, retaining his consciousness to the last. The
The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1862., [Electronic resource], The Sinking cause of Jeff. Davis and his Southern Confederacy. (search)
From New Orleans. New Orleans, Jan. 11 --Captain Clone, of the French dispatch steamer Millar, arrived yesterday from off Ship Island, the bearer of dispatches to the French Consul here. New Orleans, Jan. 12.--At a meeting of the Frenchmen, held on yesterday, it was resolved, by the consent of the French Consul, and the approval of Secretary Seward, to send delegates to Havana, by the French steamer Millar, and charter there a vessel which will come to New Orleans and carry to France such subjects of that Government as desire to go, owing to the disturbed state of the country. Col. Lubbock's remains reached here yesterday. They were escorted to the depot en route to Texas.
The Burnside expedition.arrival of Gen. Burnside.Illumination of the vessels and their appearance.Excitement at Fortress Monroe.&c. &c. &c. From the New York Herald's Fortress Monroe correspondence we gather the following very interesting particulars relative to the Burnside expedition: Fortress Monroe, Va., Jan. 11. The great lion of the day is Gen. Ambrose B. Burnside and his gigantic expedition, which has collected there entire since this morning. During the entire afternoon of yesterday the fleet came into the Roads, continuing to arrive until this morning, when the Picket, having Gen. Burnside and immediate staff on board, brought up the rear.--Hampton Roads has only witnessed one such spectacle as the one presented at present, and that was during the latter period of October, when Gen. Sherman's Port Royal armada congregated here. The scene presented by the numerous vessels composing this expedition is very animating. During the evening of yesterday all the
y of State, wherein these differences consist; I hope to do so in a few days. In the meantime, it will be desirable that the commanders of the United States cruisers should be instructed not to repeat acts for which the British Government will have to ask for redress, and which the U. S. Government cannot undertake to justify. You will read and give a copy of this dispatch to the Secretary of State. I am, &c., (Signed) Russell. Earl Russell to Lord Lyons. Foreign Office, Jan. 11. My Lord --Your conduct in the important matter of the Trent is entirely approved by her Majesty. The discretion and good temper you have shown have contributed greatly to the success of our operations. In order to give your Lordship, by a public document, a proof that you have acted strictly according to the instructions you have received, I enclose an extract, annexed to this dispatch, of a private letter addressed to you on the 1st of December last. I am, &c. (Signed) Russe
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