Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November, 1 AD or search for November, 1 AD in all documents.

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ound Petersburg, Va., has been presented with a horse and equipments by the citizens of that place. Two hundred and sixty-five Yankees, captured by Gen. Longstreet in East Tennessee, passed through Lynchburg Thursday night en route for Richmond. The young ladies of the Southern Female College, at Petersburg, Va., recently sent two barrels of sorghum molasses to the 12th Virginia regiment. There are the right sort of girls. Dr. T. T. Gregory, of Mo., a surgeon in General Price's command, was found dead in his room at Lynchburg, Va., on the 25th inst. The whole of Cheatham's old division, in the Army of Tennessee, has re-enlisted for the war. The Huntsville Confederate is now published at Dalton, Whitcher it has removed from Marietta. Gen. Morgan passed through Petersburg on Thursday on his way to join his command. The judgment in the Alexandra case was to be given on the 11th of January. Dr. Turton, Bishop of Ely, England, died on the 7th inst.
Interesting from Texas. Houston, Texas, Jan. 11th, via Jackson, Jan. 29th.--We have accounts of another serious Indian raid in Cook county in which twelve or fifteen people were killed. The Indians were armed and equipped by the Yankees. Fifteen millions of dollars of Confederate money that had run the blockade from some Eastern port to Havana, and had safety reached Monterey, Mexico, en route to the Trans-Mississippi Department, has been attached by the English house of Milmo & Co., of Matamoras, for the alleged failure on the part of Major Hart, A. Q. M., an agent of the Confederate States Government, in meeting his contracts with that house for cotton.--The same house also attached a large amount of cotton in transitu in Mexico, belonging to the Government, on the same account. Gen. A. J. Hamilton, the Abolition appointee as Military Governor of Texas, had a public reception in Matamoras by Gov. Serna and Cortinas. In a speech at the banquet he announced that in