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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing land forces at Charleston, S. C. (search)
ght; 51st N. C., Col. Hector McKethan; Charleston (S. C.) Battalion, Lieut.-Col. P. C. Gaillard (w); 7th S. C. Battalion, Maj. J. H. Rion. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. J. C. Simkins (k): 63d Ga. (2 co's), Capts. J. T. Buckner and W. J. Dixon; 1st S. C. (2 co's), Capts. W. T. Tatom (k) and Warren Adams; S. C. Battery, Capt. W. L. De Pass. Total Confederate loss: killed and wounded, 174. Total force guarding fortifications around Charleston, about 8500. Total engaged at Battery Wagner, about 1000. Siege operations, August-September, 1863. Union.--Morris Island, Brig.-Gen. Alfred H. Terry. First Brigade, Col. Henry R. Guss: 9th Me., Lieut.-Col. Z. H. Robinson; 3d N. H., Capt. James F. Randlett; 4th N. H., Lieut.-Col. Louis Bell; 97th Pa., Maj. Galusha Pennypacker. Second Brigade, Col. Joshua B. Howell: 39th Ill., Col. Thomas O. Osborn; 62d Ohio, Col. F. B. Pond; 67th Ohio, Maj. Lewis Butler; 85th Pa., Maj. Edward Campbell. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Thomas G. Stevenson: 7th C
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sheridan's Trevilian raid. (search)
ttempt to retire via Double Bridges on the Nottoway River was obliged to abandon all his artillery, and a general stampede ensued. Kautz returned with a fragment of the command by one route; Wilson, with the remnant that could be rallied, by another, and after meeting with many difficulties rejoined the Cavalry Corps at Lighthouse Point, July 2d. Wilson had been absent 10 days, had marched 300 miles, and had destroyed 60 miles of railroad and much valuable rolling-stock. He had lost nearly 1000 men and 16 guns. It is stated that General Grant declared, however, the damage inflicted on the enemy more than compensated for any that had been received. At an inspection of Wilson's command, soon after its return, the Corps Inspector was struck by the variety of costume worn. Some of the men were literally in rags from too intimate acquaintance with bush and brier. But they were in good spirits. One fine-looking specimen of the American volunteer, whose arms and brasses were very br
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Opposing Sherman's advance to Atlanta. (search)
ion soldiers (known, 158; unknown, 67),--total, 225; citizens, etc., 21;--total interments, 10,126. The bodies were removed from the National Cemetery at Montgomery, Ala. (which was discontinued), and from Rome, Dalton, Atlanta, and from many other places in Georgia. Several burials have been made, since my last inspection, from the garrison at Atlanta. editors. Moreover, the Federal dead nearest to Hardee's line lay there two days, during which they were frequently counted — at least 1000; and as there were seven lines within some 300 yards, exposed two hours and a half to the musketry of two divisions and the canister-shot of 32 fieldpieces, there must have been many uncounted dead; the counted would alone indicate a loss of at least 6000. As to the assaulting columns holding their ground within a few yards of the rebel trenches and there covering themselves with parapet, it was utterly impossible. There would have been much more exposure in that than in mounting and cros
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 5.43 (search)
that this combined movement would compel Sherman to retreat for want of supplies, and thus allow me an opportunity to fall upon his rear with our main body. In accordance with my determination to attempt, with cavalry, the destruction of Sherman's road, I ordered General Wheeler, with 4500 men, to begin operations at once. He succeeded in burning the bridge over the Etowah; recaptured Dalton and Resaca; destroyed about 35 miles of railroad in the vicinity, and captured about 300 mules and 1000 horses; he destroyed in addition about 50 miles of railroad in Tennessee. General Forrest, with his usual energy, struck shortly afterward the Federal line of supplies in this State, and inflicted great damage upon the enemy. Forrest and Wheeler accomplished all but the impossible with their restricted numbers, and the former, finally, was driven out of Tennessee by superior forces. So vast were the facilities of the Federal commander to reinforce his line of skirmishers, extending from N
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Resume of military operations in Missouri and Arkansas, 1864-65. (search)
and take off a single piece of cannon on his raid. Large numbers of the men he conscripted and pressed into service during the raid left him at the first opportunity and returned to their homes, or were picked up by the Federal cavalry and paroled. [In General Price's report occurs the following summary of the campaign: I marched 1434 miles, fought 43 battles and skirmishes, captured and paroled over 3000 Federal officers and men, captured 18 pieces of artillery, 3000 stand of small-arms, 16 stand of colors, . . . a great many wagons and teams, large numbers of horses, great quantities of subsistence and ordnance stores, . . . and destroyed property to the cost of $10,000,000. . . . I lost 10 pieces of artillery. 2 stand of colors, 1000 small-arms, while I do not think I lost 1000 prisoners. . . . I brought with me at least 5000 recruits.--editors.] Surrender of the Tennessee, battle of Mobile Bay. The Brooklyn after the battle of Mobile. From a sketch made at the time.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Union cavalry in the Hood campaign. (search)
ediate direction of Hatch, who showed great coolness and steadiness, slowly fell back through Lexington, Lawreneeburg, Pulaski, and Lynnville to Columbia, where all its detachments then in that theater of operations were for the first time collected under my command. Having as far as possible completed my arrangements at Nashville, I had taken the field in person a few days before. At this juncture Hatch's division had been reduced to 2500 men and horses for duty, Croxton's brigade to about 1000, and Capron's to 800--in all only 4300 men. After the concentration of the National forces in the strongly fortified camp at Columbia, where Schofield had paused to give the army a breathing-spell and to insure the safety of its materiel, the cavalry withdrew to the north side of Duck River, and was so disposed as to watch the enemy's movements either to the right or the left. It was here strengthened by the arrival of several regiments from the remount camp at Louisville, and notwithstan
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Operations in east Tennessee and south-west Virginia. (search)
a force estimated at 5000 men, advanced upon King's salt-works, through eastern Kentucky, and up the Big Sandy River. He was met at Liberty Hill, Virginia, by Colonel H. L. Giltner, in command of a small brigade of cavalry. At that time not over 1000 men interposed between General Burbridge and the salt-works, only about 23 miles distant. But by dint of strategy and stubborn resistance Giltner detained the Federal army two days on the road, so that when Burbridge arrived there about an equal frginia through east Tennessee, and proceeded to take possession of the country. The department had been drained of most of its troops by increasing demands from the armies east and west, so that Breckinridge found himself in command of only about 1000 or 1500 men in a department large enough to require an army corps to defend it. This handful was concentrated at the salt-works in hopes of defending a position naturally very strong, even against so large an opposing force. Stone-man, doubtless
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The battle of New Market, Va., May 15th, 1864. (search)
were. I was ordered, as soon as the artillery and infantry came up, to concentrate all my cavalry and with McClanahan's battery take position on our extreme right next to Smith's Creek, to cover that flank. Within little more than an hour these dispositions were all made and McLaughlin opened the ball. The left flank of our infantry line was well up on the hillside south-west of the town, and probably about 2500 men, infantry and artillery, formed the line on that side of the turnpike, and 1000 on the lower side, McLaughlin's eight guns being on the hillside, or on its summit. With something under one thousand cavalry and McClanahan's battery, I was still nearer Smith's Creek, forming the extreme right, and concealed from the enemy by the woods in our front, which I took care to fill pretty well with mounted skirmishers several hundred yards in advance of our main line. The battle began in earnest. McLaughlin was working his guns for all they were worth under a tremendous fire
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sigel in the Shenandoah Valley in 1864. (search)
r front, and that if I would send two batteries they would be of excellent use. Believing that a retreat would have a bad effect on our troops, and well aware of the strategical value of New Market, commanding, as it did, the road to Luray, Culpeper, and Charlottesville, as well as the road to Brock's Gap and Moorefield, I resolved to hold the enemy in check until the arrival of our main forces from Mount Jackson and then accept battle. We had 5500 infantry and artillery, with 28 guns and 1000 cavalry. Breckinridge's and Imboden's force I estimated, from what we could know, at 5000 infantry and 2000 cavalry. [See p. 491.] We were about equal, and from what had happened the day before I thought that the advantage was on our side. I therefore hastened forward to New Market, with Captain Alexander and Major T. A. Meysenburg (of my staff), where I arrived about noon, and before the enemy began his attack. It now became clear to me that all the troops could not reach the position cl
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at New Market, Va., May 15, 1864. (search)
. first cavalry division, Maj.-Gen. Julius Stahel. First Brigade, Col. William B. Tibbits: 1st N. Y. (Veteran), Col. R. F. Taylor; 1st N. Y. (Lincoln), Lieut-Col. Alonzo W. Adams; 1st Md., P. H. B. (detachment), Maj. J. T. Daniel; 21st N. Y., Maj. C. G. Otis; 14th Pa. (detachment), Capt. Ashbel F. Duncan, Lieut.-Col. William Blakely. Second Brigade, Col. John E. Wynkoop: Small detachments of the 15th N. Y.,----; 20th Pa.,----; 22d Pa.,----. Total strength of the two cavalry brigades about 1000 men. artillery: B, Md., Capt. Alonzo Snow; 30th N. Y., Capt. Albert von Kleiser; D, 1st W. Va., Capt. John Carlin; G, 1st W. Va., Capt. C. T. Ewing; B, 5th U. S., Capt. Henry A. Du Pont. The effective strength of Sigel's command was about 6500, about 5150 men and 22 guns being available in the battle. (The 28th and 16th Ohio were not engaged.) The losses were 93 killed, 552 wounded, and 186 captured or missing == 831. The Confederate Army.--Major-General John C. Breckinridge. Ech