Browsing named entities in Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler. You can also browse the collection for 1020 AD or search for 1020 AD in all documents.

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ife in prison, 609, 610; lack of water at, 611. Andover, Mass., President Pierce's son killed, 1020. Andre, tried by military commission, 843, 916. Andrew, Gov. John A., interview on war, 161Rufus, quoted 33, tribute to, 64; partner of Major Bell, 526; in the Storm King Scurvy case, 1018-1020. Cilley, Abigail, grandmother of Benj. F. Butler, 41; adopted by, 48-49. Cilley, Gen., Josens in Department of Gulf, 577. Conant, Captain, 480. Concord, N. H., President Pierce's home, 1020. Craig, Captain, Grant in office of, 868. Crimea, medal presented soldiers of, 742; Butler cretary of War, 140; persuades law partner not to enlist, 303-304: reference to, 982; son killed, 1020; asks Butler to defend railroad, 1021; the suit, 1021-1026. Pierce, Mrs., the piety of, 1021. his command on the James River, 750. Somerby, G. A., Esq., on the Storm King scurvy case, 1018-1020. Somers, Recorder, taken through mob at New Orleans, 374-375. Soule, Pierre, spokesman in N