Browsing named entities in Charles A. Nelson , A. M., Waltham, past, present and its industries, with an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1739.. You can also browse the collection for 1020 AD or search for 1020 AD in all documents.

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parish of the County of Essex, twelve miles N. by E. from London, on the left bank of the river Lea, to which place belongs Nasing, the birthplace or home of the Rev. John Eliot, and other early settlers of New England. It is a large, irregular town, situated near the Lea, which is here separated into divers streams, and skirted by low meadows, which have been long celebrated for the succulent and nourishing qualities of the grass. The Convent of Waltham was originally founded about A. D. 1020, by Tovi, (Stallere or Standard-bearer to Canute the Dane, King of England), who built a hunting-seat in the forest, The original great forest which extended, in a desultory manner, over the largest part of the County of Essex, and of which what now remains of Epping or Waltham Forest is but a remnant. Epping Forest lies to the north and north-east of London, comprises a series of woodlands, beginning at Leytonstone, seven miles from London, and ending at Epping, eight miles further on; a
6th Reg, Mass. Vol., 110. Concord overlaps Watertown, 20; settlement of, 20; six myles of land square granted to, 20, 62. Confederation, articles of, endorsed, 103. Confederation of the four colonies, 57. Congregational order first adopted in New England by the Watertown church, 22. Connecticut; river, 34; a fine place for trade, 35: sixty settlers start for, 39, 40; 42, 57. Continental army, men in the, 102, 104. Convent of Waltham, Eng., founded by Tovi, the Dane, A. D. 1020, 66. Coolidge, Gen Jonathan, 94, 95. Copper wire for paper molds, machine for weaving, 125 n. 2. Corn, abundance of, 11; scarcity of, 33. Corn-mills at Beaver Brook, Mill Creek and Stony Brook, 124. Cost of weaving reduced by introduction of power looms, 126. Cotton, John, on honest men, 30. Cotton cloth, all processes for making, in one building, 131. Cotton Duck first made by Seth Bemis, 126. Cotton goods, first pieces made at Waltham, 131; woven by Seth Bemis befor