Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 1020 AD or search for 1020 AD in all documents.

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h on $150 0003750 00 Wear and tear 2 ¾ per of per month4250 00 Incidental expenses1000 00 interest575 00 for crew405 00 rations for passengers3000 00 19136 00 Farnings out and homes freight out end home, four trips14890 00 passengers33000 00 52800 00 Profits made per month, previous to the war, by a first class steamer on a specie currency$33664 00 Disbursements of a blockade steamer. one captain per month$5000 00 First officer, $600; second do, $250; third do, $161020 00 one boats wals160 00 one carpenter160 00 one purser1000 00 one steward $150; three assistants, $180330 00 one cook, $150; two assistants, $120270 00 one engineer and three assistants3500 00 twelve dremen and coal heavers2400 00 24 of coal at $20400 00 rations for crow2700 00 tallow and packing1000 00 Sleevedores5000 00 Pilotage out and in3000 00 Sea Insurance3500 00 Wear and tear4250 00 Incidental expenses1200 00 interest875 00 Risks, 25 per cent37500 00 provisions for