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flat stones and earth, leaving a small fire place inside the tent. The flue is made by placing a barrel over the farther end of the trench. When the wind is the right way these fire-places are very comfortable, but when it is not they smoke terribly. Another objection to them is that the trenches are apt to wash away during rains, Just fire enough to look at is better than none at all, and if is does smoke one can bear it passably well. Bohemian. Army of The Potomac, Manassas, Nov. 6th. The past twenty-four hours has been so quiet that I am in doubt whether an item can be extracted from them or not. I have heard nothing new, and, therefore, how can I be expected to tell any news? Unless the army furnishes facts, how am I to publish facts about the army? St. Cecilla herself could not have played the organ if there had been nobody to blow the bellows for her. As the are sight of a fire seems to give warmth, so, I am conceited enough to believe, a letter containing n
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], An interesting letter from a Baltimore lady. (search)
From Washington. Gen. McClellan's preparations for a Vigorous campaign — a forward movement determined on, &c. Nashville, Nov. 6. --A dispatch published in the New York Times, dated at Washington, Oct. 31st., states that the Federal army on the Potomac will not go into winter quarters within their present lines of entrenchments. No such purpose has been entertained by the Government, and no such suggestion been made by Gen McClellan, who continues actively employed, and his preparations are on a large scale. The World's dispatch states that President Lincoln had assured parties that a forward movement of the army had been determined on. The Tribune's dispatch states that the Navy Department has recently ordered 500 more reified cannon.