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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 16 16 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 5 5 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 3 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 3 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 3 3 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 2 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. 2 2 Browse Search
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 1 1 Browse Search
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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley), Book 3, chapter 60 (search)
I have written at such length of the Samians, because the three greatest works of all the Greeks were engineered by them. The first of these is the tunnel with a mouth at either end driven through the base of a hill nine hundred feet high; the whole tunnel is forty-two hundred feet long,Remains of this work show that the tunnel was only 1100 feet long. eight feet high and eight feet wide; and throughout the whole of its length there runs a channel thirty feet deep and three feet wide, through which the water coming from an abundant spring is carried by pipes to the city of Samos. The designer of this work was Eupalinus son of Naustrophus, a Megarian. This is one of the three works; the second is a breakwater in the sea enclosing the harbor, sunk one hundred and twenty feet, and more than twelve hundred feet in length. The third Samian work is the temple, which is the greatest of all the temples of which we know; its first builder was Rhoecus son of Philes, a Samian. It is for this ca
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK II., CHAPTER I. (search)
w known as Khor- Abdillah. and the city of Teredon, 3000Read 3300. more; from Thapsacus northward to the Gates of Armenia, having been measured, is stated to be 1100 stadia, but the distance through Gordyæa and Armenia, not having yet been measured, is not given. The eastern side, which stretches lengthwise through Persia frpsacus to Babylon there are 4800 stadia, and thence to the outlets of the river 3000 stadia more. Northward from Thapsacus [to the Gates of Armenia] is reckoned 1100 stadia; the rest has not been measured. Now since Eratosthenes says that the northern side of this Third Section is about 10,000 stadia, and that the right lineo this he adds the line drawn from Thapsacus northwards to the mountains of Armenia, one part of which, according to Eratosthenes, was measured, and found to be 1100 stadia; the other, or part unmeasured by Eratosthenes, Hipparchus estimates to be 1000 stadia at the least: so that the two together amount to 2100 stadia. Addin
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XIII., CHAPTER II. (search)
sailing from Lectum to Assos the Lesbian district begins opposite to Sigrium,Sigri. its northern promontory. Somewhere there is Methymna,Molyvo. a city of the Lesbians, 60 stadia from the coast, between Polymedium and Assos. The whole island is 1100 stadia in circumference. The particulars are these. From Methymna to Malia,Cape Sta. Maria. the most southern promontory to those who have the island on their right hand, and to which CanæAdshane. lies directly opposite, are 340 stadia. Thence ich is the length of the island, 560 stadia, thence to Methymna 210 stadia.This is the number given in Agathermus, and there is no difference in manuscripts in this part of the text. Falconer thinks we ought to read xili/wn e(kato\n kai\ de/ka (1100), for xili/wn e(kata\n to make the sum-total given agree with the sum-total of the particular distances. I am more inclined to deduct 10 stadia from the 210, which is the distance given between Sigrium and Methymne.—Coraÿ. Mitylene, the largest
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 1 (search)
Thrice he drew out his troops, his eagles thrice, Demanding battle; to the ruin of Rome Thus prompt as ever: but his kinsman foe, Proof against every art, refused to leave The rampart of his camp. Then marching swift By hidden path between the wooded fields He seeks, and hopes to seize, Dyrrhachium's Dyrrhachium (Durazzo) was a Corcyraean colony, but the founder was of Corinth, the metropolis of Corcyra. It stood some sixty miles north of the Ceraunian promotory (Book V., 751). About the year 1100 it was stormed and taken by Robert the Guiscard, after furious battles with the troops ofthe Emperor Alexius. It may be observed that, according to Caesar's account, he succeeded in getting between Pompey and Dyrrhachium, 'De Bello Celtico,' III., 41, 42. fort; But Magnus, swifter speeding by the sea, First camped on Petra's slopes, a rocky hill Thus by the natives named. From thence he keeps Watch o'er the fortress of Corinthian birth Which by its towers alone without a guard Was safe aga
Roman architecture. According to Aufidius, the circumference of the whole of Armenia is five thousand miles, while Claudius Cæsar makes the length, from DascusaA fortress in Lesser Armenia, upon the Euphrates, seventy-five miles from Zimara, as mentioned in B. v. c. 20. It has been identified with the modern ferry and lead mines of Kebban Ma'den, the points where the Kara Su is joined by the Murad Chaï, 270 miles from its source to the borders of the Caspian Sea, thirteenJustin makes it only 1100, and that estimate appears to be several hundreds too much. hundred miles, and the breadth, from Tigranocerta to Iberia,81 A country lying to the north of Armenia. half that distance. It is a well-known fact, that this country is divided into prefectures, called "Strategies," some of which singly formed a kingdom in former times; they are one hundred and twenty in number, with barbarous and uncouth names.We find in Strabo the names of some of them mentioned, such as Sophene, Acilisene, Gor
. 8.5-9.) The accounts of the performances of these engines are evidently exaggerated; and the story of the burning of the Roman ships by the reflected rays of the sun, though very current in later times, is probably a fiction, since neither Polybius, Livy, nor Plutarch gives the least hint of it. The earliest writers who speak of it are Galen (De Temper. 3.2) and his contemporary Lucian (Hippias, 100.2), who (in the second century) merely allude to it as a thing well known. Zonaras (about A. D. 1100) mentions it in relating the use of a similar apparatus, contrived by a certain Proclus, when Byzantium was besieged in the reign of Anastasius ; and gives Dion as his authority, without referring to the particular passage. The extant works of Dion contain no allusion to it. Tzetzes (about 1150) gives an account of the principal inventions of Archimedes (Chil. 2.103-156), and amongst them of this burning machine, which, he says, set the Roman ships on fire when they came within a bow-shot
Ferry were enormous. Besides this large number of prisoners, there fell into our hands 70 pieces of artillery, about 30,000 small-arms, and an immense quantity of ammunition, provisions, tents, waggons, ambulances, machinery in machineshops, horses, and mules. Colonel Miles, the commanding officer at Harper's Ferry, a short time before the surrender, had lost both his legs by a cannon-ball, and died soon after sustaining this severe injury. A strong regiment of cavalry, numbering about 1100 men, had made good its escape the previous night by a road along the river bank, very little known, which McLaws, against Stuart's urgent advice, had neglected to picket. General Jackson appeared quite satisfied with his success, but when I congratulated him upon it, he said, Ah, this is all very well, Major, but we have yet much hard work before us. And indeed we had. That same evening the troops were again on the march to Sharpsburg, where General Lee was rapidly concentrating his army, a
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 7: Manassas. (search)
equal to the strategy of the chieftain, this masterly plan would have given them a great victory. The Confederate generals anticipated a flank attack, but were unable to decide at first, whether it would be delivered against their extreme right or left. Their hesitation, and the friendly concealment of the forest, enabled the enemy to effect his initial plan, and throw 20,000 men across Bull Run, at and near Sudley Ford, without a show of opposition. Colonel Evans, with a weak brigade of 1100 men, held the Confederate left, and watched the Stone Bridge. A mile below, Brigadier-General Cocke, with three regiments, guarded the next ford. When Evans ascertained that the enemy were already threatening his rear, he left the bridge and turnpike to the guardianship of two small pieces of artillery, wheeled his gallant brigade towards the west, and advanced a mile to meet the coming foe. Here the battle began, and soon the roar of musketry, and the accelerated pounding of the great guns
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Farragut's capture of New Orleans. (search)
otes a dispatch from Porter himself which shows his recognition of the fact that the Confederates were strengthening their defenses during this period. Porter says, speaking of the siege, that the enemy was daily adding to his defense and strengthening his naval forces with iron-clad batteries. What was the situation of affairs in Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip about this time — the 22d of April--as shown by the testimony before the Confederate Court of Inquiry? In the two garrisons of 1100 men, 4 soldiers had been killed and 14 wounded--7 guns of the armament of 126 had been disabled. The barracks and citadel of Fort Jackson had been destroyed by fire. There was nothing more to burn. Whenever the gun-boats approached the defenses a vigorous fire was opened on them by both forts, but when they retired the soldiers withdrew to the casemates out of reach of the mortar-fire. And up to this time the mortar-flotilla had fired more than 13,500 shells. Porter had expected to r
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces in the operations at New Orleans, La. (search)
. On parade: 1 6-pounder; 12-pounder; 1 24-pounder field howitzer. Total, 52 guns. Chalmette and McGehee lines. Brig.-Gen. Martin L. Smith. Subordinate Commanders: Brig.-Gen. Benjamin Buisson, Lieut.-Col. William E. Pinkney, Capt. Patton, Lieut-Butler, et al. General Lovell reports that the city of New Orleans was only garrisoned by about 3000 ninety-day troops. The strength of the garrisons of the two forts is stated by Col. Higgins, in his testimony before the Court of Inquiry, as 1100 men. The loss at Forts Jackson and St. Philip was 11 killed and 39 wounded; and at the upper batteries 1 killed and 1 wounded. At Fort Jackson 121 officers and men were surrendered; number at other points not fully reported. Relative strength of the opposing forces. in a letter to the Editors, Professor J. R. Soley, U. S. N. says: In discussing the question of the relative force of the two sides (see p. 33), it should be borne in mind that of the Confederate total of 166 guns, 11
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