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Plato, Republic, Book 1, section 339d (search)
“Then on your theory it is just not only to do what is the advantage of the stronger but also the opposite, what is not to his advantage.” “What's that you're saying?”*TI/ LE/GEIS SU/; is rude. See Blaydes on Aristophanes Clouds 1174. The supspicion that he is being refuted makes Thrasymachus rude again. But Cf. Euthydemus 290 E. he replied. “What you yourself are saying,Cf. Berkeley, Divine Visual Language, 13: “The conclusions are yours as much as mine, for you were led to them by your own concessions.” See on 334 D, Alc. I. 112-113. On a misunderstanding of this passage and 344 E, Herbert Spencer (Data of Ethics, 19) bases the statement that Plato (and Aristotle
Plato, Republic, Book 6, section 497e (search)
plain.” “It will be no lack of will,” I said, “but if anything,For the idiomatic A)LL' EI)/PER Cf. Parmen. 150 B, Euthydem. 296 B, Thompson on Meno,Excursus 2, pp. 258-264, Aristot.An. Post. 91 b 33, Eth. Nic. 1101 a 12, 1136 b 25, 1155 b 30, 1168 a 12, 1174 a 27, 1180 b 27, Met. 1028 a 24, 1044 a 11, Rhet. 1371 a 16. a lack of ability, that would prevent that. But you shall observe for yourself my zeal. And note again how zealously and recklessly I am prepared to say that the state ought to take up this pursuit in just the reverse of our present fashion.What Plato here deprecates Callicles i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 7.48 (search)
m consider his death not only as a public loss, but as individually, the greatest private misfortune, for such was the integrity and moderation of his mind, at an age when the effervescence of youth is apt to become licentious, that the rarest and most admirable fruit, was universally expected from so ingenious a disposition, when ripened by experience. Prince Henry left by his wife Adama, three sons and three daughters. His youngest son, V.--David, Earl of Huntingdon, was born 1144. In 1174 we find him in France serving in the English army under King Henry II, during which time his brother, King William, of Scotland, was taken prisoner by the English. Earl David thereupon, having received a passport, returned to Scotland, and sent ambassadors to England to treat about his brother's release. In 1189 David was present at the coronation of Richard I, and the following year he accompanied this Prince to Syria, where he distinguished himself at the siege of Acre, and in other milit
of a contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it? One party to a contract may violate it — break it, so to speak; but does it not require all to lawfully rescind it? Descending from these general principles we find the proposition that in legal contemplation the Union is perpetual, confirmed by the history of the Union itself. The Union is much older than the Constitution. It was formed, in fact, by the Articles of Association in 1174. It was matured and continued in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It was further matured, and the faith of all the then thirteen States expressly plighted and engaged that it should be perpetual, by the Articles of Confederation, in 1778; and, finally, in 1787, one of the declared objects for ordaining and establishing the Constitution was to form a more perfect Union. But if the destruction of the Union by one or by a part only of the States be lawfully possible, the Union is less
used on grades, as at the Ghauts above Bombay; at Madison, Indiana, in climbing the river hill; at Mauch Chunk and other steep places in Pennsylvania; in the mines where a gradual slope forms the upcast shaft; on the Morris and Essex Canal, N. J.; and elsewhere. The Portage Railway of Pennsylvania had formerly ten inclined planes overcoming an elevation of about 1,400 feet, going west. The western terminus of the railway is about 1,173 feet below the summit level. See inclined plane, pages 1174– 1177. Truck and machinery of the Baxter steam-car. Rope railways are also used in overcoming special elevations, such as the passenger elevators at Niagara, Cincinnati, and Pittsburgh; a vertical elevator for cars is used at Hoboken, N. J. Knapp steam Street-car. Street-railways for passenger cars were first established in the United States about 1850, and in England about ten years afterward. The Boston and Cambridge Railway, commenced in the fall of 1858, was the first in New
. 95—(1273) Forney's brigade, Mahone's division, Appomattox campaign. No. 96—(1174, 1272) Same assignment, Col. J. L. Royston in command of regiment, January 31, 1e's army, February 28, 1865. Maj. James M. Crowe commanding regiment. No. 96—(1174, 1272) Assignment as above, January 31, 1865, Col. Horace King commanding regimeon, Appomattox campaign. Capt. Martin L. Stewart commanding regiment. No. 96—(1174, 1272) Same assignment to February 28, 1865. The Twelfth Alabama infantry. brigade, Mahone's division, same corps. Special order No. 8, January 9, 1865. (1174) Col. James Aiken in command of regiment. (1272) Forney's brigade, February 28th, mentioned by General Parke (Union). (610) Mentioned by General Meade (Union). (1174) January 31, 1865, Lieut.-Col. George W. Huguley, in Gracie's brigade, Lee's armof same fight. (1274) April 9th, Moody's brigade, Johnson's division. No. 96—(1174, 1183, 1273) In Gracie's brigade, Johnson's division, January and
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Medford Ship building Notes (search)
69ShipCashmere900 tons Built by Joshua T. Foster:— 1855ShipPleiades600 tons 1855ShipLuecothea950 tons 1856ShipAddie Snow1000 tons 1856ShipHesperus1020 tons 1858ShipTemplar800 tons 1859ShipMogule800 tons 1860ShipMatilda875 tons 1860ShipPunjaub760 tons 1860BarqueMogul500 tons 1861ShipQuisnell1012 tons 1862ShipAgra875 tons 1862ShipTangore916 tons 1863ShipNepaul935 tons 1863ShipCosamundal600 tons 1863ShipEastern Belle1030 tons 1867ShipMistic Belle755 tons 1868ShipDon Quixote1174 tons 1869ShipJ. T. Foster1207 tons 1873ShipPilgrim650 tons Built by Hayden & Cudworth:— 1855ZZBarqueZephyr40 tons 1855ShipRival 1855ShipElectric Spark1200 tons 1855ShipGoddess280 tons 18ZZZShipThatcher Magoun1200 tons 18ZZZShipGoodspeed280 tons 18ZZZBarqueCaptain Paine512 tons 1866ShipHenry Hastings Enumerated in the earlier list of five hundred and thirteen was one not named and not sold. Adding the fifty-five above listed gives a total of five hundred and sixty-eight, o
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., Old ships and Ship-building days of Medford. (search)
Chinese and Malays have no fear of death, and though half of them may perish, the rest will continue while there is a chance of success. The Boston Shipping List of September 20, 1862, has the following: Ship Phantom of Boston, Sargent, fm. San Francisco (May 30) for Hong Kong was lost July 13, on Pilot reef, Pratas shoal. The third mate and three seamen have arrived at Hong Kong. A British gunboat had gone to rescue the remainder of the crew. The Phantom was a good 1 1/2 ship of 1174 tons, built at Medford in 1852, and was owned by D. G. and W. B. Bacon of this city. Further accounts state that the Phantom had $500,000 on board. Captain Sargent took the specie in his boat but had not been heard from at last advices. In the shipping news of November 22, 1862, is the following: One of the boats containing the second mate and six men, part of the crew of the ship Phantom, before reported lost, was picked up by pirates about 30 miles S. of Swatow, and taken inland as