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Connecticut Municipal elections. Bridgeport, Dec. 3. --At the town election to-day the Democrats carried the Board of Selectmen and a majority of the other town officers. The average Democratic majority is thirty. Norwalk, Dec. 3.--At our town election to-day the people's ticket, composed of Democrats and Republicans, was successful by a large majority. Connecticut Municipal elections. Bridgeport, Dec. 3. --At the town election to-day the Democrats carried the Board of Selectmen and a majority of the other town officers. The average Democratic majority is thirty. Norwalk, Dec. 3.--At our town election to-day the people's ticket, composed of Democrats and Republicans, was successful by a large majority.
Fatal accidents at Newark. Newark, Dec. 3. --Elizabeth Burns, the woman injured by the gun explosion on Saturday night which killed Murray, died of her injuries this morning. A man named Miller was frozen to death on the meadows east of Newark on Saturday night.
Meeting of bankers. New Orleans, Monday, Dec. 3. --A meeting of the bankers and merchants has been held to adopt means for the relief of the money market. The omission of special bills of credit was proposed.
Naval intelligence. --The Department has accepted the resignation of Lieutenant Wm. G. Dozier, of South Carolina, Lieut. Dozier was attached to the Richmond in the Mediterranean, but received permission to return to the United States in anticipation of the acceptance of his resignation by the Department. The Richmond was at Genoa, Dec. 4. The Iroquois was at Spezia, and would proceed thence to Naples. The store-ship Release arrived at Spezia Dec. 3, from Boston. On the 15th of November, she spoke the steamer Susquehanna, in latitude 33.55 north, longitude 28.54 west, en route to Spezia via Madeira. All well. The brig Dolphin, Commander Charles Steedman, is daily expected at Norfolk, from the coast of Brazil. The Dolphin has been absent from the United States since October, 1858, and formed a part of the Paraguay expedition, under Flag-Officer Shubrick.
House of Delegates. Tuesday, Dec. 3. The House met at 12 o'clock, M. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Reed, of the Presbyterian Church. The Speaker appointed the following select committee, on motion of Mr. Barbour, relative to certain vacant seats in the House: Messrs. Forbes, McCamant, Hunter, Burks, Steger, Baskerville, Sanders, of Franklin, and Richardson. Petitions presented. By Mr. Robertson--Memorial of the City Council of Richmond, asking that their issue of small notes may be legalized. By Mr. Steger--Of Retry R. Jones, Clerk of the Penitentiary, asking an increase of salary. Several other petitions of a private character were presented. The Danville railroad connexion. On motion of Mr. Buford, it was Resolved, That a select committee of five be appointed to confer with the proper authorities of the Confederate Government in relation to the construction of a railroad between the town of Danville, Virginia, and the town of Greensboro',
Latest from Kentucky. Nashville, Dec. 2. --(via Mobile, Dec. 3.)--The Bowling Green correspondent of the Union and American, of the 2d inst., states that the Federals are still north of Green river. It is reported that they are preparing to go into winter quarters at Camp Levin, near Nolin Bridge. Memphis, Dec. 2.--It is stated here, on good authority, that Gen. A. S. Johnston believes that the Federal move against Columbus is a feint, and that the fight will come off at Bowling Green shortly. The reported landing of troops from Cairo to St. Louis is confirmed. The Federals are evidently alarmed at St. Louis.
The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Federal reports from Southeastern Kentucky. (search)
movements of Gen. Floyd--withdrawal of Federal troops from Western Virginia--Yankee reports about the condition of Affairs in Richmond, &c. Nashville, Dec. 3. --A gentleman who has just arrived here from the army in Western Virginia says that the campaign in that region is virtually ended for the winter. The nature of the country, the want of forage and subsistence, and the condition of the roads, make any aggressive movement for the present, in his opinion, by either party, impracticable. Gen. Floyd has fallen back to a point within thirty miles of the Va. and East Tennessee Railroad. Gen. Loring still holds his position near Cheat Mountain. It has already been announced that the enemy has withdrawal six regiments from Western Virginia, and sent them to Kentucky. A special dispatch to the Chicago Tribune, dated at Washington on the 25th of November, says, that according to trustworthy private letters from Europe, the Red Republicans of Au
Federal gun-boats chased — capture of a lumber vessel, &c. Memphis, Dec. 3. --On Sunday last several Federal gun-boats came in sight of Columbus, Ky., and five of the Confederate gun-boats chased them several miles. No capture was effected. The Confederate steamer Grampus captured on Friday a lumber boat near Bird's Point, which had on board 175,000 feet of lumber. The Federals have sent twelve boats loads with troops from Paducah and Cairo to St. Louis.
ntucky. He is represented as a desperate man, and in making the arrest he was shot by one of the Confederate party, but, we learn, not severely wounded. Considerable curiosity was manifested by the citizens on his arrival, everybody wanting to get a peep at the "mide." He was lodged in the city jail. The Tories of Bast Tennessee. From the Lynch burg Republican, of the 5th inst. we take the following: A letter from one of our subscribers, a colonel in the Confederate service, dated Russellville, Tenn., December 3, says the tories and bridge-burners have not all left East Tennessee yet. Since we drove them from the "Chimney Top Mountains," they have collected in Cocke and Hancock counties, where our citizen soldiers have made two unsuccessful attempts upon them. I hope, however, to get them to-day with my command, and will avail myself of the earliest moment to advise you as to the results. We hung two of the leading bridge-burners in Greenville Saturday evening.
Donnell have been deposed for allowing Kelly to whip them at Romney. Reports of deserters from the rebel Camp. The New York Herald, of the 4th inst., publishes the following from its special Washington telegraphic correspondent, dated December 3d: This morning General McCall sent to the headquarters of General Porter, Provost Marshal, two deserters from the rebel army, named Wm. McDonald and John Worsdall. The first is an English boy, twenty years old; the second is a Scotch lad,ey state that General Johnston commands down the Potomac, towards Fredericksburg. Senators Powell and Bright. The New York Herald publishes the following paragraph from its special telegraphic correspondent, under date of Washington, December 3d: Considerable feeling is manifested here at the fact that Powell, of Kentucky, and Bright, of Indiana, have taken their seats in the Senate. Their loyalty is doubted, hence their position is a dangerous one for the Union cause, since the
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