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Your search returned 52 results in 44 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: December 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Difficulty on board the Mail Boat . (search)
Baltimore, Dec. 5.
--Arrived, schr. Mignonette, Richmond.
Cleared, brig Virginia, Richmond.
Newark, Dec. 1.--Arrived, schr. Magellan, Norfolk.
Fall River, Dec. 3.--Arrived, schr. Susan and Mary, Norfolk.
New York, Dec. 4.--Arrived, schr. Wythe, Richmond, Dec. 5.--Arrived, schr, Jamestown, Latourette, Richmond.
Baltimore, Dec. 5.
--Arrived, schr. Mignonette, Richmond.
Cleared, brig Virginia, Richmond.
Newark, Dec. 1.--Arrived, schr. Magellan, Norfolk.
Fall River, Dec. 3.--Arrived, schr. Susan and Mary, Norfolk.
New York, Dec. 4.--Arrived, schr. Wythe, Richmond, Dec. 5.--Arrived, schr, Jamestown, Latourette, Richmond.
The Daily Dispatch: December 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Turning around. (search)
Further by the Canadian.
Portland, Dec. 5.
--The following are the chief items of interest embraced in the advices per steamer Canadian:
The report at London of the Emperor Napoleon having arrived privately, proved a hoax.
The railroad station was besieged by an anxious crowd to view the distinguished sovereign, but he did not appear.
The London Times hopes for an early reduction of the Bank rates of discount,
Count Morney is going to Rome on a special mission, with an autograph letter from the Emperor.
It is stated that Count Walewski will succeed Count Persigny in the London Embassy.
There is no new movements of interest.
The clergy in the Neapolitan provinces were engaged in paying their homage to Victor Emmanuel.
The Archbishop of Naples was about to return to his See.
The rumors of a new Sardinian loan were contradicted.
The Dowager Queen of Naples, with the young Princess, had arrived at Rome.
The French w
The Daily Dispatch: December 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], First Convention of Laymen of the Methodist Episcopal Church . (search)
Northern Canal Navigation.
Aleany, Dec. 5. --The weather has moderated, and there is but little ice in the Canal basins.
St. Cathabines, C. W., Dec. 4.--The Wel land Canal is almost impassable, from the snow which fell yesterday, and the ice which made last night.
Navigation will probably be stopped to- night.
The Daily Dispatch: December 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], A New Circus Attraction. (search)
Herace Greeley Sued for Libel.
Oswego, N. Y., Dec. 5.--Hon, D. C. Little-john has commenced a prosecution against Horace Greeley, of the New York Tribune, for alleged libels uttered pending the late election.
The Daily Dispatch: December 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Capture of a Slaver. (search)
Official vote of Missouri.
St. Louis, Dec. 5. --The official vote of Missouri has been announced.
It stands as follows.
For Douglas, 58,801; Rell, 58,372; Breckinridge, 31,317; Lincoln, 17,028.
The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], Tortures of the French prisoners in China . (search)
The whaler Massachusetts. New York Feb. 11.
--The whaler Massachusetts, on the night of Dec. 5th,lost sight of the captain and boat's crew of eighteen men, who had started in pursuit of a sperm whale.
The ship cruised about for several days, but concluding that the boat had been lost, she put into Rio, on Dec. 14th.The boat arrived safely at Santos on the 10th, having been five days without provisions.
The Electoral College of Virginia.
--A meeting of the Electors of the State of Virginia was held in the Senate Chamber of the Capitol, on Wednesday, the 5th December, pursuant to the proclamation of the Governor.
Present--Messrs. Francis T. Anderson, A. B. Caldwell, Thos.. Bruce, John J. Jackson, B. H. Shackleford, Lemuel J. Bowden, L. H. Chandler, Marmaduke Johnson and Joseph Christian.
At half-past 10 o'clock the College was called to order by Mr. John J. Jackson, on whose motion Francis T. Anderson, Esq., was elected Chairman.
Mr. Anderson accepted the position tendered him, and after returning thanks for the honor thus conferred, announced his readiness to proceed to business.
Mr. Jackson then nominated for Secretary, Col. J. L. Eubank, and the question being put, Col. E. was elected.
Mr. Jackson presented from the Secretary of the Commonwealth certain communications, which were handed to the Chairman, to be disposed of.
The Chairman announced the re
City Point, Dec. 5.arrived,
Below, British ship Avou, 35 days from Liverpool, with 9,000 sacks salt, consigned to Charles Palmer.