Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 06, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for May, 12 AD or search for May, 12 AD in all documents.

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The Electoral College of Virginia. --A meeting of the Electors of the State of Virginia was held in the Senate Chamber of the Capitol, on Wednesday, the 5th December, pursuant to the proclamation of the Governor. Present--Messrs. Francis T. Anderson, A. B. Caldwell, Thos.. Bruce, John J. Jackson, B. H. Shackleford, Lemuel J. Bowden, L. H. Chandler, Marmaduke Johnson and Joseph Christian. At half-past 10 o'clock the College was called to order by Mr. John J. Jackson, on whose motion Francis T. Anderson, Esq., was elected Chairman. Mr. Anderson accepted the position tendered him, and after returning thanks for the honor thus conferred, announced his readiness to proceed to business. Mr. Jackson then nominated for Secretary, Col. J. L. Eubank, and the question being put, Col. E. was elected. Mr. Jackson presented from the Secretary of the Commonwealth certain communications, which were handed to the Chairman, to be disposed of. The Chairman announced the re
City Point, Dec. 5.arrived, Below, British ship Avou, 35 days from Liverpool, with 9,000 sacks salt, consigned to Charles Palmer.
[special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.]Senator Hale's speech — Determination of the Republicans — Hon, Roger A. Pryor — prospects gloomy, &c. Washington, Dec. 5. --Mr. Hale's speech in the Senate, this morning, is fatal to all movements for conciliation. Disunion stock is rising. Mr. Reagan reports nine-tenths of the people of Texas for secession. The revolution in Houston does not call for a Convention. The Hon. Mr. Sandrum says Louisiana is ripe for secession. Mr. Bocock thinks the prospects for the Union are no brighter, and he will explain by letter, to-morrow, the secret growth of the Homestead bill, forced through the House this morning. Also, Curtis' sixty millions Pacific Railroad bill, to be forced through next Monday. Mr. Pryor is preparing a strong Southern speech. The N. Y. Herald, of this morning, denies that Seward approves of Weed's course; but it is certainly known here that he was in favor of conciliation. The N. Y. Trib<
Later from Europe.Arrival of the Canadian. Portland, Dec. 5. --The Canadian, from Liverpool on the 21st ult., has arrived. The Asia, Borussia, Fulton, and Vigo, had arrived out. The political news is unimportant. The Prince of Wales had resumed his studies at Oxford. There was considerable excitement in London on the 21st, by a report that the Emperor Napoleon had arrived quietly in England, and would reach the city that afternoon. Commercial. Liverpool, Nov. 22.--Cotton market opened very dull and declined , and even more on interior qualities. On Thursday it improved in tone but did not advance-closed firm. Breadstuffs quiet — buyers demand a reduction. Inferior wheat slightly declined. Provisions dull and steady. Consols 93½@93. Money sightly easier. The Bank of England has agreed to exchange £2,000,000 of gold, for the same amount in silver, with the Bank of France. A better feeling prevails everywher
From the South. Augusta, Ga., Dec. 5. --The Georgia Methodist Conference, in session here, to-day appointed a committee to issue an address condemning the custom of the U. S. Navy requiring the use of the Episcopalian form of service on ships-of-war. Charleston, S. C., Dec. 5. --The Courier and Mercury published the President's Message this morning, from advance copies. Columbia, S. C., Dec. 5. --During a debate in the Legislature yesterday, on establishing an Ordnance BureDec. 5. --During a debate in the Legislature yesterday, on establishing an Ordnance Bureau, Mr. Rhett said he had bad for several years, in Charleston, eight of the largest sized Paixhan guns, which may be used in taking the forts at Charleston. Mr. Marshall said the State had 382 companies of infantry, 50 companies of cavalry, 188 of artillery, and 2 companies of riflemen — making over 121 battalions, 56 regiments, 14 brigades, and 5 divisions. Mr. McGowan said the total military force was about 65,000. Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 5. --There is nothing of interest.
Congressional. Washington, Dec. 5. --Senate.--Mr. Slidell, of La., took his seat. The Department reports were presented by the Vice President. Mr. Powell, of Ky., gave notice that he should introduce a resolution referring the President's Message to a special committee. Mr. Green, of Mo., offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Judiciary, to enquire into the expediency of establishing an armed police, between the free and slave States, for the better protection of property and more efficient execution of the fugitive slave law. Mr. Lane, of Oregon, addressed the Senate. He did not intend to make a speech, but desired to consider some of the questions now threatening the Union. It was not merely who had been elected President, but that he had been elected on a platform upheld in direct conflict with the Constitution, and which denied the equality of the States. If elected according to the letter of the Constitution, it was in opposition to the
From Washington. Washington, Dec. 5. --In the Committee of Ways and Means, to-day, Mr. Phelps, of Mr. moved to issue $10,000,000 of Treasury notes to relieve the embarrassment of the Government. Mr. Boteler's committee of one from each State, on the subject of the Secession part of the President's message, will not be appointed until Monday, as the Speaker wishes to consult the various delegations, with the view of obtaining the most conservative member of each. [second Dispatch.] Among the propositions under private discussion is one looking to the appointment of a delegation, by the conservative members in Congress from the slaveholding States, to proceed to the South Carolina Convention, with a view to a conference, and to appeal to that State to pause in her present movement. The suggestion is made in intelligent circles that when the special committee on Boteler's resolution shall have been announced, the influential and conservative men from each State
Later from Mexico. New Orleans, Dec. 5. --The steamer Austin, from Brazon on the 1st, brings intelligence that a proclamation for a new Presidential election in Mexico has been issued, and that the favorite candidate for the Presidency is M. Lerdo de Tajeda. In Northern Mexico the Liberals believed that the city of Mexico had been taken.
Political. Trenton, N. J., Dec. 5. --A call, signed by Com. Stockton, Ex-Senator Thompson, Ex-Gov. Pierce and others, is issued, for a State Convention of Union men.
The Electoral vote of New York. New York, Dec, 5. --The Electoral College of this State to-day cast its 35 electoral votes for Lincoln and Hamlin.