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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 16 16 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 11 11 Browse Search
James Russell Lowell, Among my books 10 10 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 5 5 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 3 3 Browse Search
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 3 3 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 2 2 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 2 2 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
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Appian, Wars in Spain (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XI (search)
s of the town by the quæstor who accompanied Vetilius, badly demoralized. Having asked and obtained 5000 allies from the Belli and Titthi, he sent them against Viriathus who slew them all, so that there was not one left to tell the tale. After that the quæstor remained quietly in the town waiting for help from Rome. Y.R. 608 Viriathus overran the fruitful country of Carpetania B.C. 146 without hinderance, and ravaged it until Caius Plautius came from Rome bringing 10,000 foot and 1300 horse. Then Viriathus again feigned flight and Plautius sent 4000 men to pursue him but he turned upon them and killed all except a few. Then he crossed the river Tagus and encamped on a mountain covered with olive-trees, called Venus' mountain. There Plautius overtook him, and eager to retrieve his misfortune, joined battle with him, but was defeated with great slaughter, and fled in disorder to the towns, and went into winter quarters in midsummer not daring to show himself anywhere. Accord
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White), BOOK II, CHAPTER V (search)
t he should retain two legions and Illyria with Cisalpine Gaul until he should be chosen consul. This was satisfactory to Pompey, but the consuls refused. Cæsar then wrote a letter to the Senate, which Curio carried a distance of 1300 stadesAbout 150 English miles. The Vatican codex says 1300 stades; all the others say 3300 (378 miles), which is quite incredible. in three days and delivered to the newly elected consuls as they entered the senate-house on the first 1300 stades; all the others say 3300 (378 miles), which is quite incredible. in three days and delivered to the newly elected consuls as they entered the senate-house on the first Y.R. 705 of the calends of January.Literally: " On the day of the new moon of the year." The letter embraced a calm B.C. 49 recital of all that Cæsar had done from the beginning of his career and a proposal that he would lay down his command at the same time with Pompey, but that if Pompey should retain his command he would not lay down his own, but would come quickly and avenge his country's wrongs and his own. When this letter was read, as it w
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK I., CHAPTER IV. (search)
rin is the farthest point on the eastern coast. Strabo probably uses the plural to indicate the capes generally, not confining himself to those which project a few leagues farther than the rest. Thence to the Caspian Gates, 14,000. From the Caspian Gates to the Euphrates,The Euphrates at Thapsacus, the most frequented passage; hod. El-Der. 10,000. From the Euphrates to the Nile, 5000.The Pelusiac mouth of the Nile, now Thineh or Farameh. Thence to the CanopicClose by Aboukir. mouth, 1300. From the Canopic mouth to Carthage, 13,500. From thence to the Pillars at least 8000. Which make in all 70,800 stadia. To these [he says] should be added the curvature of Europe beyond the Pillars of Hercules, fronting the Iberians, and inclining west, not less than 3000 stadia, and the headlands, including that of the Ostimii, named Cabæum,Cape S. Mahé. and the adjoining islands, the last of which, named Uxisama,Ushant. is distant, according to Pytheas, a three days' sail. But he add
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK II., CHAPTER V. (search)
e south the land is well irrigated and fertile. In the countries situated about 400 stadia south of the parallel of Alexandria and Cyrene, where the longest day consists of fourteen equinoctial hours, Arcturus passes the zenith, slightly declining towards the south. At Alexandria at the time of the equinox the proportion which the gnomon bears to the shadow is as five to seven.Kramer follows Gosselin in proposing to substitute to|i/a in place of e(pta/. Thus they are south of Carthage 1300 stadia, that is, admitting that in Carthage at the time of the equinox the proportion which the gnomon bears to the shadow is as eleven to seven. This parallel on the one sideThe west side. passes by Cyrene and the regions 900 stadia south of Carthage as far as the midst of Maurusia;Algiers and Fez. and on the other sideThe eastern side. through Egypt,Lower Egypt is intended. Cœlosyria, Upper Syria, Babylonia, Susiana,Khosistan. Persia,The modern province of Fars. Carmania,Kerman. Upper
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK V., CHAPTER I. (search)
c resembles that portion of Italy bounded by the Apennines and the two seas, and extending as far as Iapygia and the isthmus which separates the Gulf of Taranto from that of Posidonium.The Gulf of Salerno. The greatest breadth of both is about 1300 stadia, and the length not much less than 6000. The remainder of the country is possessed by the Bruttii, and certain of the Leucani. Polybius tells us, that traversing the sea-coast on foot from IapygiaCapo di Leuca. to the Strait [of Sicily] tt to Ariminum. Ariminum, like Ravenna, is an ancient colony of the Ombri. but both of them have received also Roman colonies. An- minum has a port and a riverThe Marecchia. of the same name as itself. From Placentia to Ariminum there are 1300 stadia. About 36 miles above Placentia, towards the boundaries of the kingdom of Cottius, is the city of Ticinum,Pavia. by which flows a riverThe Ticino. bearing the same name, which falls into the Po, while a little out of the route are Clasti
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER I. (search)
Siculus, some ascribe its origin to Hercules. (Diod. Sic. iv. 24.) Its ruins are in the early Doric style, with fluted pillars broader at the base than at the capital. It measured about 132 yards in length, and 66 in breadth. Its principal entrance opened to the west. sacred to Juno, formerly rich and filled with many offerings. But the distances have not been accurately stated. We can only say that in a general way Polybius reckons 2300Gosselin follows the opinion that Polybius wrote 1300 stadia. stadia from the straitThe Strait of Sicily. to Lacinium,The modern names of Cape Lacinium, viz. Capo delle Colonne and Capo Nao, are derived from the remains of the temple, which is still visible on its summit. and 700 stadia from Lacinium to the Iapygian promontory. They call this the entrance of the Gulf of Taranto. The extent of the gulf is considerable, being 240 miles along the shore. As the chorographer says .. of 380 .. . to a light person, Artemidorus: wanting also by
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VII., CHAPTER V. (search)
the Istri were the first nation on the Illyrian coast, contiguous to Italy and to the Carni, and that the present government had advanced the limits of Italy to Pola,Now celebrated for the remains of a Roman amphitheatre. a city of Istria. These limits are distant about 800 stadia from the recess of the bay. It is the same distance from the promontory in front of Pola to Ancon,Ancona. keeping HeneticaThe Venetian territory. on the right hand. The whole voyage along the coast of Istria is 1300 stadia. Next is the voyage along the coast of the Iapodes, 1000 stadia in extent. The Iapodes are situated on Mount Albius, which is the termination of the Alps, and is of very great height. They reach in one direction to the Pannonii and the Danube, and in another to the Adriatic. They are a warlike people, but were completely subdued by Augustus. Their cities are Metulum, Arupinum, Monetium, Vendum.I am not acquainted with the sites of these places. G. The country is poor, and the
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VII., CHAPTER VI. (search)
er kind of limit, the mouth of the Pontus, which will be useful both for our present and our future descriptions. If we set out from the Sacred mouth of the Danube, having on the right hand the continuous line of coast, we find at the distance of 500 stadia, Ister,Istropolis or Kara-Herman. a small town founded by Mile- sians; then Tomis,Tomesvar. another small town, at the distance of 250 stadia; then Callatis,Mangalia. a city, a colony of the Heracleotæ, at 280 stadia; then, at 1300 stadia, Apollonia,Sizepoli. a colony of Milesians, having the greater part of the buildings upon a small island, where is a temple of Apollo, whence Marcus Lucullus took the Colossus of Apollo, the work of Calamides, and dedicated it as a sacred offering in the Capitol. In the intermediate distance between Callatis and Apollonia, is Bizone, a great part of which was swallowed up by an earthquake; Cruni;Baltchik, near Kavarna. Odessus,Varna. a colony of Milesians; and Naulochus, a small t
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VII., CHAPTER VII. (search)
their kings being descended from the Æacidæ, and because the ancient and famous oracle of DodonaThe site of Dodona is unknown. was in their country. Chaones, Thesproti, and next after these Cassopæi, (who are Thes- proti,) occupy the coast, a fertile tract reaching from the Ceraunian mountains to the Ambracian Gulf. The voyage commencing from the Chaones eastward towards the Gulfs of Ambracia and Corinth, and having the Ausonian Sea on the right, and Epirus on the left, comprises 1300 stadia to the mouth of the Ambracian Gulf. In this interval is Panormus,Panormo. a large port in the middle of the Ceraunian mountains. Next to this is Onchesmus,Santi Quaranta. another harbour, opposite to which are the western extremities of Corcyra,Corfu. and then again another port, Cassiope,Cassiopo. (Cassope?) whence to BrundusiumBrindisi. are 1700 stadia. It is the same distance to Tarentum from another promontory more to the south than Cassiope, which is called Phalacrum. Next af
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK X., CHAPTER II. (search)
le island came such a number of suitors, and from a single city of the four came half the number within two? If any one should admit this, we shall inquire what the Samé could be, which is mentioned in this line, Dulichium and Samé, and the woody Zacynthus.Od. i. 246.Od. i. 246. Cephallenia is situated opposite to Acarnania, at the distance from Leucatas of about 50, or according to others, of 40 stadia, and from ChelonatasC. Tornese. of about 80 stadia. It is about 300 stadia (1300?) in circumference. It extends in length towards the south-east (Eurus). It is mountainous; the largest mountain in it is the Ænus,Monte Nero. on which is the temple of Jupiter Ænesius. Here is the narrowest part of the island, which forms a low isthmus, that is frequently overflowed from sea to sea.We may hence conjecture that Cephallenia in the time of Homer was divided into two parts, Dulichium and Samé. It may explain at least the uncertainty of the ancients respecting the position o