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Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK VII. We here enter upon the third division of Pliny's Natural History, which treats of Zoology, from the 7th to the 11th inclusive. Cuvier has illustrated this part by many valuable notes, which originally appeared in Lemaire's Bibliotheque Classique, 1827, and were afterwards incorporated, with some additions, by Ajasson, in his translation of Pliny, published in 1829; Ajasson is the editor of this portion of Pliny's Natural History, in Lemaire's Edition.—B. MAN, HIS BIRTH, HIS ORGANIZATION, AND THE INVENTION OF THE ARTS., CHAP. 46.—THE MISFORTUNES OF AUGUSTUS. (search)
the son of Livia. Her profligacy was universally known, and Augustus did not scruple to enlarge upon it before the senate; but Pliny is the only writer who states that she contemplated an attempt on the life of his father; though Suetonius says that she became, at a late period of her reign, an object of interest to those who were disaffected. Julia was first banished to Pandataria, off the coast of Campania, and then to Rhegium, which she was never allowed to leave. Her death took place A.D. 14. of his daughter, and the discovery of her parricidal designs; the insulting retreat of his son-in-law, Nero;Tiberius Nero, afterwards emperor. Pliny here alludes to his retirement to Rhodes, where he remained seven years. Tacitus represents that his chief reason for leaving Rome was to escape the society of his wife Julia, who treated him with the utmost contempt, and whose licentious life was not unknown to him. During this retreat he devoted himself to the study of astrology. He left Rome w
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AQUA IULIA (search)
und near the springs and 281 not far below the abbey; while others (157, 156, 154, 153) have come to light at Capannelle near the seventh mile of the via Latina, before the channel begins to run above ground upon the arches of the Marcia (CIL vi. 31563 b=xiv. 4278; NS 1887, 73, 82, 558, 559; 1914, 68; 1925, 51; BC 1886, 313; 1887, 131). The whole of this group belongs to the restoration of 11-4 B.C. But another cippus has been found, also above the abbey, bearing the number 2. It dates from 14 A.D., and must belong to another restoration by Augustus, of which we have no other record (NS 1893, 240; CIL vi. 31563 c; EE ix 970). From the point of its emergence the aqua Iulia runs, above the aqua Tepula, upon the arches of the AQUA MARCIA (q.v.), and the main channel goes to its terminal castellum. But a branch ran to the NYMPHAEUM ALEXANDRI (q.v.) of which some arches still remain in the Piazza Guglielmo Pepe (called Forma Claudiana in Eins. 5. 3; 6. 2; cf. Mon. L. i. 479; DAP 2. ix. 403
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, MAUSOLEUM AUGUSTI (search)
, and HJ 615, n. 37. Whether the fragment of an elogium of Lucius (CIL vi. 895 =31r 95) belonged to the mausoleum is not certain), though perhaps in a separate monument, or perhaps only in a separate chamber (Cass. Dio lxxviii. 24: to/ te sw=ma au)th=s(Julia Domna) e)s th\n (*rwmhn a)naxqe\n e)n tw=| tou= *gai/ou tou= tw *louki/ou mnh/mati katete/qh. U(/steron me/ntoi kai\ e)nei=ka ... pro\s th=s *mai/shs ... e)s to\ tou= )*antwni/nou teme/nisma metekomi/sqh). See SEP. C. ET L. CAESARIS. In 14 A.D. Augustus' own ashes were placed here (Cass. Dio Ivi. 42; Tac. Ann. i. 8). He had in his will excluded his daughter Julia and her daughter from burial in his mausoleum (Suet. Aug. 110; Cass. Dio lvi. 32). Hirschfeld seems to lay too much stress on the statement in the Mirabilia (ยง 22, ap. Jord. ii. 629) that there was an apse in the centre of the mausoleum, in which there had been a seated statue of Augustus. Next followed (soon after 19) Germanicus (Tac. Ann. iii. 4: reliquiae tumulo Augus
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
ns, 74. A.D. 2Tiberius resides in Gardens of Maecenas, 269. Arch of Lentulus and Crispinus, 40. 3Temple of the Magna Mater restored, 324. Horti Lamiani, 267. House of Augustus burnt, 157. 6Tiberius rebuilds Temple of Castor, 103. 7Altar of Ceres Mater and Ops Augusta, 110. Temple of Isis destroyed (?), 284. 10(before). Livia restores Temple of Bona Dea Subsaxana, 85. Arch of Dolabella and Silanus, 38. Temple of Concord completed, 139. 12Basilica Julia rebuilt after a fire, 79. 14Augustus restores Aqua Julia, 24. 14-37Reign of Tiberius: Tiberius builds Temple of Augustus, 62; and its library, 63, 84; Domus Tiberiana, 199. 14-16Schola Xanthi, 468. 15Cura riparum Tiberis instituted after inundation, 537. 16Arch of Tiberius in Forum, 45. 17Temple of Fors Fortuna dedicated, 213. of Flora dedicated, 209. of Ceres, Liber and Libera dedicated, 110. of Janus in Forum Holitorium dedicated, 277. of Spes dedicated by Germanicus, 493. 19Arch of Germanicus (?), 40.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ime of his life. The property of Agrippa was assigned by Augustus to the treasury of the army. It is said that during his captivity he received the visit of Augustus, who secretly went to Planasia, accompanied by Fabius Maximus. Augustus and Agrippa, both deeply affected, shed tears when they met, and it was believed that Agrippa would be restored to liberty. But the news of this visit reached Livia, the mother of Tiberius, and Agrippa remained a captive. After the accession of Tiberius, in A. D. 14, Agrippa was murdered by a centurion, who entered his prison and killed him after a long struggle, for Agrippa was a man of great bodily strength. When the centurion afterwards went to Tiberius to give him an account of the execution, the emperor denied having given any order for it, and it is very probable that Livia was the secret author of the crime. There was a rumour that Augustus had left an order for the execution of Agrippa, but this is positively contradicted by Tacitus. (Tac. Ann.
with great powers of mind, a noble character, and all the moral and physical qualities that constituted the model of a Roman matron : her love for her husband was sincere and lasting, her chastity was spotless, her fertility was a virtue in the eyes of the Romans, and her attachment to her children was an eminent feature of her character. She yielded to one dangerous passion, ambition. Augustus shewed her particular attention and attachment. (Sueton. Calig. 8.) At the death of Augustus in A. D. 14, she was on the Lower Rhine with Germanicus, who com manded the legions there. Her husband was the idol of the army, and the legions on the Rhine, dissatisfied with the accession of Tiberius, manifested their intention of proclaiming Germanicus master of the state. Tiberius hated and dreaded Germanicus, and he shewed as much antipathy to Agrippina, as he had love to her elder sister, his first wife. In this perilous situation, Germanicus and Agrippina saved themselves by their prompt energy
Appuleius 9. SEX. APPULEIUS SEX. F. SEX. N., probably a son of No. 7, consul in A. D. 14, the year in which Augustus died. (D. C. 56.29; Suet. Aug. 100; Tac. Ann. 1.7; Vell. 2.123.) He is called in two passages of Dio Cassius (l.c. and 54.30) a relation of Augustus. Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 2.50) speaks of Appuleia Varilia, who was accused of adultery and treason in A. D. 17, as a granddaughter of a sister of Augustus. It is, therefore, not impossible that Sex. Appuleius may have married one of the Marcellae, the two daughters of Octavia, by her first husband Marcellus; but there is no authority for this marriage.
Apro'nius 3. L. Apronius, consul suffectus in A. D. 8 (Fast. Capit.), belonged to the military staff of Drusus (cohors Drusi), when the latter was sent to quell the revolt of the army in Germany, A. D. 14. Apronius was sent to Rome with two others to carry the demands of the mutineers; and on his return to Germany he served under Germanicus, and is mentioned as one of the Roman generals in the campaign of A. D. 15. On account of his services in this war he obtained the honour of the triumphal ornaments. (Tac. Ann. 1.29, 56, 72.) He was in Rome in the following year, A. D. 16 (2.32); and four years afterwards (A. D. 20), he succeeded Camillus, as proconsul, in the government of Africa. He carried on the war against Tacfarinas, and enforced military discipline with great severity. (3.21.) Hewas subsequently the propraetor of lower Germany, when the Frisii revolted, and seems to have lost his life in the war against them. (4.73, compared with 11.19.) Apronius had two daughters: one of wh
c. Ann. 1.61.) Those who were taken alive were sacrificed at altars in the forest to the gods of the country, and the legions were cut to pieces, with the exception of a very small body, who broke through the Germans, and made their way to the Rhine. The consternation felt at Rome is well known. (Suet. Aug. 23.) Tiberius was despatched (A. D. 10) with a veteran army to the Rhine. But Arminius had manifestly succeeded in making that river again the barrier of the Roman power. In the year A. D. 14, Germanicus took the command of the legions, and collected his forces on the Ems to penetrate along that river into Germany. But the party of Arminius had rapidly gathered strength. He had been joined by his uncle, Inguiomer, a powerful chief who had hitherto fought for the invaders; and the popular feeling was so strong against his father-in-law, Segcstes, still a partizan of the Romans, that he had been rescued only by the legions of Germanicus from a place in which he had been beset by h
Aspre'nas 2. L. Asprenas, a legate under his maternal uncle, Varus, A. D. 10, preserved the Roman army from total destruction after the death of Varus. (D. C. 56.22; Vell. 2.120.) He is probably the same as the L. Nonius Asprenas who was consul A. D. 6, and as the L. Asprenas mentioned by Tacitus, who was proconsul of Africa at the death of Augustus, A. D. 14, and who, according to some accounts, sent soldiers, at the command of Tiberius, to kill Sempronius Gracchus. (Tac. Ann. 1.53.) He is mentioned again by Tacitus, under A. D. 20. (Ann. 3.18.)