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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ARCUS TIBERII (search)
ARCUS TIBERII erected in 16 A.D. to commemorate the recovery of the standards which had been captured by the Germans at the defeat of Varus in 9 A.D. (Tac. Ann. ii.41). It stood at the north-west corner of the basilica Julia, on the north side of the Sacra via, which was made narrower at this point by having its curb bent toward the south. The arch was single, as represented on a relief on the arch of Constantine (HC 74, fig. 28), and was approached by steps from the level of the forum. Various architectural fragments were discovered in 1835 and 1848, with parts of the inscription The fragments of inscriptions supposed to have belonged to the arch have as a fact (as is pointed out in CIL cit., following RGDA 2, 127) no connection with it-despite the statement in HC cit. But the arch, which, as Tacitus tells us, was propter aedem Saturni, has certainly been correctly identified (AJA 1912, 398). (CIL vi. 906, 31422, 31575), and its concrete foundations, 9 metres long and 6.3 wide
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CONCORDIA, AEDES, TEMPLUM (search)
, paintings of Marsyas by Zeuxis (xxxv. 66), Liber by Nicias (131), Cassandra by Theodorus (144) ; four elephants of obsidian dedicated by Augustus (196) ; and a famous sardonyx that had belonged to Polycrates of Samos (xxxvii. 4; see also Jacobi, Grundzuge einer Museographie d. Stadt Rom zur Zeit d. Kaisers Augustus, 1884). A few other incidental references to the temple occur (Val. Max. ix. 7.4; Cass. Dio xlvii. 2 ; xlix. 18; 1. 8), and gifts were deposited here by order of the senate in 16 A.D. after the alleged conspiracy of Libo (Tac. Ann. ii. 32). Several dedicatory inscriptions have been found among its ruins (CIL vi. 90-94, 30856, 30857), and three others mention an aedituus of the temple (2204, 2205, 8703). It is represented on a coin of Orbiana, the wife of Alexander Severus (Froehner, Med. 177-178 Cohen, Alex. Sev. et Orbiana, 3. ), and on a fragment (22) of the Marble Plan; and is mentioned in the Regionary Catalogue (Reg. VIII). The structure was threatening to collapse
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, M. TULLIUS CICERO, DOMUS (search)
n conspectu totius urbis (de domo 10 ; ef. 103, 114; pro Planeio 66; ad Att. ii. 24. 3; Plut. Cie. 8). Cieero bought this house in 62 B.C. for HS. 3,500,000 (ad Fam. v. 6. 2 ; Gell. xii. 12) from Marcus Crassus (not P. Crassus as stated in Ps. Sall. in Cic. 2; Ps. Cie. in Sail. 14, 20). It adjoined the PORTICUS CATULI (q.v.), and was built on the site previously occupied by the house of the tribune M. Livius Drusus (Vell. ii. 14). When Cicero was banished, Clodius burned his house, enlarged the porticus of Catulus, and erected a shrine of Libertas (de domo 62, 16; App. BC ii. 15; Vell. ii. 45; Plut. Cie. 33; Cass. Dio xxxviii. 17. 6). After Cicero's recall legal proceedings were instituted, and he recovered the site, and damages sufficient to partially rebuild the house (Cass. Dio xxxix. II and 20 ; adAtt. iv. I. 7, 2.5, 3.2). The house afterwards belonged to L. Marcius Censorinus, consul in 39 B.C., and to Statilius Sisenna, consul in 16 A.D. (Vell. ii. 14; HJ 58; Gilb. iii. 418-9)
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SATURNUS, AEDES (search)
vii. 316, 354-356; Peter, Hist. Rom. Reliq. is. 155), and this form of the tradition is probably valueless. It is, however, preferred by Beloch, Rem. Gesch. 12, 13. The dedication of the temple may safely be assigned to the beginning of the republic. In 174 B.C. a porticus was built along the clivus Capitolinus from the temple to the Capitolium (Liv. xli. 27. 7). In 42 B.C. the temple was rebuilt by L. Munatius Plancus (Suet. Aug. 29; CIL vi. 1316; x. 6087). It is mentioned incidentally in 16 A.D. (Tac. Ann. ii. 41), and at some time in the fourth century it was injured by fire and restored by vote of the senate, as recorded in the inscription on the architrave (CIL vi. 937). It is represented on three fragments of the Marble Plan (22, 23, 30), and is mentioned in Reg. (Not. Reg. VIII). Throughout the republic this temple contained the state treasury, the aerarium populi Romani or Saturni, in charge of the quaestors (Fest. 2; Solin. i. 12; Macrob. i. 8. 3; Plut. Tib. Gracchus 10; Ap
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
03. 7Altar of Ceres Mater and Ops Augusta, 110. Temple of Isis destroyed (?), 284. 10(before). Livia restores Temple of Bona Dea Subsaxana, 85. Arch of Dolabella and Silanus, 38. Temple of Concord completed, 139. 12Basilica Julia rebuilt after a fire, 79. 14Augustus restores Aqua Julia, 24. 14-37Reign of Tiberius: Tiberius builds Temple of Augustus, 62; and its library, 63, 84; Domus Tiberiana, 199. 14-16Schola Xanthi, 468. 15Cura riparum Tiberis instituted after inundation, 537. 16Arch of Tiberius in Forum, 45. 17Temple of Fors Fortuna dedicated, 213. of Flora dedicated, 209. of Ceres, Liber and Libera dedicated, 110. of Janus in Forum Holitorium dedicated, 277. of Spes dedicated by Germanicus, 493. 19Arch of Germanicus (?), 40. Arches of Drusus and Germanicus in Forum of Augustus, 39, 220. 21Theatre of Pompey burnt and restored, 516. 22-23Castra Praetoria built, 106. 22Basilica Aernilia again restored, 73. Ara Pietatis Augustae vowed, 390. (?) Facad
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Agrippa, Fonteius 1. One of the accusers of Libo, A. D. 16, is again mentioned in A. D. 19, as offering his daughter for a vestal virgin. (Tac. Ann. 2.30, 86.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
on the exploits of Theseus, and calls him sidereus Pedo, on account of the sublimity of his style. (Ex. Pont. 4.16. 6.) Epic on Germanicus He is supposed to have written an epic poem on the exploits of Germanicus, the son of Drusus, of which twenty-three lines are preserved in the Suasoria of Seneca. (lib. i.) This fragment is usually entitled " De Navigatione Germanici per Oceanum Septentrionalem," and describes the voyage of Germanicus through the Amisia (Ems) into the northern ocean, A. D. 16. (Comp. Tac. Ann. 2.23.) Epigrams It would seem from Martial (5.5), that Albinovanus was also a writer of epigrams. L. Seneca was acquainted with him, and calls him fabulator elegantissimus. (Ep. 122.) Elegies attributed to Albinovanus Three Latin elegies are attributed to Albinovanus, but without any sufficient authority : namely,-- 1. Ad Liviam Aug. de Morte Drusi, which is ascribed to Ovid by many, and has been published separately by Bremer, Helmst. 1775. 2. In Obitum Maecenatis.
d to the military staff of Drusus (cohors Drusi), when the latter was sent to quell the revolt of the army in Germany, A. D. 14. Apronius was sent to Rome with two others to carry the demands of the mutineers; and on his return to Germany he served under Germanicus, and is mentioned as one of the Roman generals in the campaign of A. D. 15. On account of his services in this war he obtained the honour of the triumphal ornaments. (Tac. Ann. 1.29, 56, 72.) He was in Rome in the following year, A. D. 16 (2.32); and four years afterwards (A. D. 20), he succeeded Camillus, as proconsul, in the government of Africa. He carried on the war against Tacfarinas, and enforced military discipline with great severity. (3.21.) Hewas subsequently the propraetor of lower Germany, when the Frisii revolted, and seems to have lost his life in the war against them. (4.73, compared with 11.19.) Apronius had two daughters: one of whom was married to Plautius Silvanus, and was murdered by her husband (4.22); t
be allowed to leave their lines before they were attacked But he was overruled by Inguiomer, who led the impatient Germans to the assault. The result was what Arminius expected. As they were mounting the ramparts, they were suddenly met by a vigorous and steady charge along the whole line. They were routed and pursued with great slaughter, and the Romans made good their retreat to the Rhine. (Tac. Ann. 1.68.) The next year the Romans made no attempt on Germany; but on the following year, A. D. 16; they appeared on the left bank of the Weser. Arminius collected his own and the neighbouring tribes on the plain of Idistavisus, and there resolved to await Germanicus. (Tac. Ann. 2.16.) It was a winding plain between the river and the neighbouring hills. A forest clear of underwood was in the rear of the main body of the Germans. Arminius with his tribe occupied some rising ground on the flank; and he seems to have chosen his ground and disposed his men with ability. But the generalship o
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Vonones I. (search)
habits and manners produced general dislike among his subjects. They therefore invited Artabanus, king of Media, who also belonged to the family of the Arsacidae, to take possession of the kingdom. Artabanus was at first defeated, but afterwards drove Vonones out of Parthia, who then took refuge in Armenia, of which he was chosen king. But, threatened by Artabanus, he soon fled into Syria, in which province the Roman governor, Creticus Silanus, allowed him to reside with the title of king. (A. D. 16.) Two years afterwards he was removed by Germanicus to Pompeiopolis in Cilicia, partly at the request of Artabanus, who begged that he might not be allowed to reside in Syria, and partly because Germanicus wished to put an affront upon Piso, with whom Vonones was very intimate. In the following year (A. D. 19) Vonones attempted to escape from Pompeiopolis, intending to fly into Scythia; but he was overtaken on the banks of the river Pyramus, and shortly after put to death. According to Suet