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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK III., CHAPTER I. (search)
is fertile, especially what is beyond the Pillars [of Hercules]. This however will be shown more in detail, but we must first describe the figure and extent [of the country]. In shape it resembles a hide stretched out in length from west to east, the forepartThe neck, &c. towards the east, its breadth being from north to south. Its length is about 6000 stadia; the greatest breadth is 5000; while there are parts considerably less CAS. 137.Note. The pages of Casaubon's edition of 1620 are given to facilitate reference to various editions and translations of Strabo. than 3000, particularly in the vicinity of the Pyrenees, which form the eastern side. This chain of mountains stretches without interruption from north to south,The Pyrenees, on the contrary, range from east to west, with a slight inclination towards the north. This error gives occasion to several of the mistakes made by Strabo respecting the course of certain of the rivers in France. and divides KelticaF
William A. Smith, DD. President of Randolph-Macon College , and Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy., Lectures on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery as exhibited in the Institution of Domestic Slavery in the United States: withe Duties of Masters to Slaves., Lecture VII: the institution of domestic slavery. (search)
come a mere corporation of land-pirates and freebooters! If our ignorance of the history of those times should disqualify us to account for the existence of this state of public opinion on any strictly rational grounds, common sense would forbid that we assign for it so unreasonable a cause as this; whilst the least that charity could suggest would be, that we place it among those things for which we were unable to account. From the time they were first introduced into the colonies, about 1620, to the time the system may be considered as permanently established, makes a period of some hundred and fifty years. Among the eminent personages who appeared in Great Britain during this period, and did not fail to impress their genius and moral character upon the age in which they lived, we may mention, James I., Cromwell, and William III., Burnet, Tillotson, Barrow, South, with Bunyan and Milton; and also Newton and Locke. In the colonies, during this time, there lived Cotton Mather, B
at such a colony, in such an age, should have existed thirteen years prior to the introduction of Negro Slavery, indicates rather its weakness and poverty than its virtue. The probability is that its planters bought the first slaves that were offered them; at any rate, the first that they were able to pay for. When the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the rock of Plymouth, December 22, 1(20. The first slaves brought to Virginia were sold from a Dutch vessel, which landed twenty at Jamestown, in 1620. Virginia had already received and distributed her first cargo of slaves. In the first recorded case (Butts v. Penny, 2 Lev., 201; 3 Kib., 785), in 1677, in which the question of property in negroes appears to have come before the English courts, it was held, that, being usually bought and sold among merchants as merchandise, and also being infidels, there might be a property in them sufficient to maintain trover. --Hildreth's Hist. U. S., vol II., p. 214. What precisely the English
e of the Fathers, and the dictates of piety and gratitude, summon the people of Massachusetts, at this, the harvest season, crowning the year with the rich proofs of the Wisdom and Love of God, to join in a solemn and joyful act of united Praise and Thanksgiving to the Bountiful Giver of every good and perfect gift. I do, therefore, with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint Thursday, the 21st day of November next, the same being the anniversary of that day, in the year of our Lord sixteen hundred and twenty, on which the Pilgrims of Massachusetts, on board the Mayflower, united themselves in a solemn and written compact of government, to be observed by the people of Massachusetts as a day of Public Thanksgiving and Praise. And I invoke its observance by all people with devout and religious joy. Sing aloud unto God, our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob. Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery. Blow up the trump
hildren. Thus they lived in that state of mental and physical excitement which I have claimed causes the transmission of the best faculties of the parents in the fullest development of their offspring. They dwelt in an atmosphere of continual warfare for almost two hundred years, no generation escaping either an incursion of savages at their doors, or a general war. Does not history show that such conditions have in all times made braver, stronger, and more capable founders of states? In 1620 King James had established a council of forty noblemen, knights, and gentlemen for the planting and governing of New England, in America. Their territory extended from the fortieth to the forty-eighth degree of north latitude. This was the origin of all the grants of the country of New England. The charters issued in those times show no knowledge of the country, for even its geographical boundaries by lakes and seas continually interlaced each other. Mason, a sea officer and prominent m
granted premises. In this manner, forty-four towns were constituted and established within the Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies before the year 1655, without any more formal act of incorporation. Among the oldest are the following: Plymouth, 1620; Salem, 1629 ; Charlestown, 1629; Boston, 1630; Medford or Mystic, 1630; Watertown, 1630; Roxbury, 1630; Dorchester, 1630 ; Cambridge or Newton, 1633; Ipswich, 1634; Concord, 1635; Hingham, 1635; Newbury, 1635; Scituate, 1636; Springfield, 1636; D policy suggested this change of affairs in England; and a consequence was, that emigration to New England ceased, and was not renewed with any spirit till 1773. New England, therefore, was peopled by the descendants of those who emigrated between 1620 and 1640; and this fact we would mention as the first cause of prosperity. God sifted, the kingdoms of the Old World that he might find wheat sufficiently good to plant in the virgin soil of the New; and, when planted, he kept it to himself, a ch
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Newport's News. Nomen non Locus. (search)
is properly, and then to go back to Ireland and get up an expedition of that kind, could not have been well performed in less time, at the very least, than one year. He probably arrived in the Colony on his visit of exploration in the Summer of 1620, if not earlier, and as, when late in November, 1621, he arrived with his fifty settlers, and then desired, as the Colonial Authorities state, to be seated at Newport's News, where he had, without doubt, decided to settle in 1620, I think we may, 1620, I think we may, with the utmost safety, assume that the Point was, in the Summer of that year, universally known by the name Newport's News. Quite possibly it may be asked if the Point was known by that name for some years prior to 1621, why is it that we do not find it mentioned by that name prior to that year. Premising the significant fact that we do not find it mentioned in the ancient records by any name prior to 1621, the obvious answer to that question springs up of itself. So important a headland
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Allouez, Claude Jean, 1620- (search)
Allouez, Claude Jean, 1620- One of the earliest French missionaries and explorers of the country near the Great Lakes; born in 1620. After laboring among the Indians on the St. Lawrence several years, he penetrated the Western wilds and established a mission on the western shores of Lake Michigan, where he heard much about the Mississippi River, and made notes of what he learned concerning it. He explored Green Bay, and founded a mission among the Foxes, Miamis, and other tribes there. A 1620. After laboring among the Indians on the St. Lawrence several years, he penetrated the Western wilds and established a mission on the western shores of Lake Michigan, where he heard much about the Mississippi River, and made notes of what he learned concerning it. He explored Green Bay, and founded a mission among the Foxes, Miamis, and other tribes there. A mission begun by Marquette at Kaskaskia, Ill., Allouez sought to make his permanent field of labor; but when La Salle, the bitter opponent of the Jesuits, approached in 1679, he retired. Returning to the Miamis on the St. Joseph's River, he labored for a while, and died, Aug. 27, 1689. The contributions of Father Allouez to the Jesuit relations are most valuable records of the ideas and manners of the Indians.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, Lords. (search)
ipling, Yorkshire, Eng.; was graduated at Oxford; travelled on the Continent; became secretary of Robert Cecil; married Anne Minne in 1604; was a clerk of the privy council; was knighted in 1617; became a secretary of state soon afterwards, and in 1620 was granted a pension of $5,000 a year. When, in 1624, he publicly avowed himself a Roman Catholic, he resigned his office, but King James retained him in the privy council; and a few days before that monarch's death he was created Baron of Baltimore in the Irish peerage. Calvert had already entered upon a colonizing scheme. In 1620 he purchased a part of Newfoundland, and was invested with the privileges and honors of a count-palatine. He called his new domain Avalon, and, after spending about $100,000 in building warehouses there, and a mansion for himself, he went thither in 1627. He returned to England the following spring. In the spring of 1629 he went again to Avalon, taking with him his wife and unmarried children. The foll
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barlow, Arthur, (search)
Barlow, Arthur, Navigator; born about 1550; died about 1620. See Amidas.
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