Browsing named entities in Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.. You can also browse the collection for 1638 AD or search for 1638 AD in all documents.

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dge-see Paige, 21-22— mention is made of the new lots next Menotomy, as early as 1638. Instance William Cutter, who had one house and garden in the town, of Mr. Sante-cooper and made freeman April 18, 1637, and member of the Artillery Company in 1638. He had estates in Cambridge and Charlestown, and resided at different periods Cambridge) by order of the General Court in 1637 (Paige, 43). He was. Selectman, 1638, 42, 43; Deputy or Representative, 1636, 42-45, and Speaker of the House in 1645as one of the earliest members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1638-9, and its captain in 1643; and when a similar company was incorporated in Middlp. 26. The laying out of this road from Woburn, and that also from Watertown, in 1638, show the importance of Cooke's mill to the early settlers of this region. is ve portion of the road laid out from Watertown line to Cooke's Mill at Menotomy in 1638. The mill-lane is now Water street in Arlington. 1691. Sarah Hill, relict a
funeral expenses paid by Precinct, 103; his remarks fourth year after battle of 1775, 93; autobiography of, 89-92 Cooke's mills at Menotomy (established before 1638) and estate, 6-9, 11-13, 16, 16, 147 Cooke's mill lane, 11 Cotting Academy, 168, 209 Cotting High School, 209 Courtship, an old time description of, 16ng Battle of April 19, 1776, 64 Negroes, 36, 68, 160 New Almshouse, 1861, 162; Burying Ground, 143, 228; East District Schoolhouse, 162; lots next Menotomy, 1638, 6; School District, 142 Night march of the British troops through Menotomy on April 18, 1776, 68, 69 Northwest Parish of Cambridge Singing Society, 111, 113 1864, 158, 169; relative to the alarming crisis in public affairs in 1809, 128 Revolutionary tea, 48, 49 Road from Watertown line to Cooke's mills (laid out 1638), 6, 8, 11, 12 Roll of Capt. Benjamin Locke's company, 1776, 57, 68; of Capt. William Adams's company, 1776, 83 Russell Park, 76, 169; School, 166, 163 Ru